What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
My modpack Intro2Mods is published and working! Yay! :D
This modpack is a fairly simple concept. It is meant to allow experienced players to show people who have never played with mods how cool they are (since said new users also often don’t have very good computers, I kept the mod count as low as possible as well). It does this by including standard, well-loved mods from the tech, magic, and exploration “branches” of modded Minecraft, including Thermal Expansion, Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, Twilight Forest, and several other mods to help balance out the experience. No configs have been changed (except for Headcrumbs), so this pack is as “authentic” as possible.

Try it out with the noob of your choice! :)
(server download available on launcher, free/locally hosted server instructions in forum post)
Oh boy, it's our favorite mod GregTech with some updates finally now that the heat levels have subsided a bit in Germany.
GregoriusT said:
[IMPROVED] The way Number NBTs are set inside GT Tools. There is no reason to use Long whenever the Numbers happen to be too small for it anyways, and since getLong() also returns values of Byte, Short and Integer NBTs, I save a few Bytes on that for the low durability Tools and similar.
[IMPROVED] The way Material Data is saved in NBTs being now by ID instead of by Name (unless the ID is -1, or it is an old Tag, in which cases it will still use the Names).
[FIXED] Worldgenerator sometimes ending up generating wrong Ores, because of a "break;" being at the wrong location. This was only really visible when the Worldgen Config has been used with a lot of Custom Veins.
[NERFED] GT Metal Crops and similar Rare Drop Crops growth speed to be about ten times slower than before.
[CHANGED] The Mini Nether Portal now uses Obsidian Sticks rather than Obsidian Blocks to be crafted.
[CHANGED] Sensors to now store the displayed and the set Value in two different Variables in order to make Mode switching better.
[ADDED] Dust Funnel to autocraft Dusts into the desired Size in a primitive way.
[ADDED] A way to override OreDictItemData from inside the Item itself. This can also fake OreDict Entries to some of my Systems. (now you can recycle "disabled" PrefixItems, which are not registered to the OreDict, like those now unobtainable Toolheads, when I nerfed some Materials)
[ADDED] Nether Brick Tools.

[IMPROVED] The NBT Key Names inside the MetaTool Class to be much shorter in order to save on sync. Old Names are ofcourse still supported, since there is a bunch of pre-existing Tools out there.
[FIXED] Exorbitant Durability on Angmallen and Hepatizon.
[FIXED] A rather huge Error in the Base TileEntity.
[FIXED] Steam Engines not being able to face upwards when placed without using a Wrench afterwards.
[ADDED] Grindstone for sharpening Tools. Needs 1 Sandstone Block for 4 sharpening processes. Also ofcourse has NEI Support.
[ADDED] Chisel Rightclick now turns Smooth Rocks (the double smelted ones) into Chiseled ones.
[ADDED] File Rightclick now turns regular Rocks into the Smooth ones.
[ADDED] Slabs for the GT Rocks. Placeable in all 6 Directions and with all MetaData Types. Crafted with Block + Saw (horizontal). Piston Pushable.
[ADDED] Reinforced Brick Versions of GT Rocks (crafted with a Brick Block and a Steel Rod). They are just more Blast Resistant and harder to mine.
[ADDED] Recycling for damaged vanilly Tools and Armors. You won't get all the Material out of it ofcourse, and pre-repairing the stuff gives you a vanilla bonus on durability and therefore Materials, so you should still try to fully repair stuff before melting it down.
BuildCraft 7.0.22. Was bored today, so fixed some of the issues on the tracker as nobody else was doing it.

Bugs fixed:
  • [#3000] Robots only charge to 20% when "go to home" is true (hea3ven, asie)
  • [#2996] DockingStationPipe crash (asie)
  • [#2994] Dupe with just about anything that mines (asie)
  • [#2991] Carrier robots ignoring Provide Items filters (asie)
  • [#2984] List sorting crash with flowers (asie)
  • [#2978] Programming Table refusing to work after item removal (asie)
  • [#2977, #2526] Assembly Table voiding excess energy (just made it not void it after all) (asie)
  • [#2976] Builder dupes (asie)
  • [#2974] Single Energy Pulse fix makes things worse - revert to previous code (asie)
  • [#2971] Stamping Table overflow on multiple-output items (asie)
  • [#2969] Crash when Silicon present without Transport (asie)
  • [#2964] Fluid/laser textures breaking on texture pack change (asie)
New SeedCopy version- 1.1.0

Also the first mod updated using my new developer tool, ModUpdater
  • NEW: New config option to prevent non-ops from using the command (#1).
  • NEW: When using the command with syntax /seedcopy twitch, and streaming to Twitch with the native Minecraft feature, it should output the seed to the chat, along with the main feature (Untested due to computer and internet problems) (#2).
  • FIX: Very, very minor build annoyance involving an extra -.
Dinnerbones with The End, Command Blocks, and Combat Update
  • Rebalanced armour.
  • Changed damage & protection enchantments to match new armour system.
  • Fixed a few AI bugs across lots of mobs.
  • Made endermen creepy again.
  • Vwooop.
  • More optimisations! Many optimisations!
  • Added player collision again.
  • Fishing rods can now catch entities properly again.
  • Added team-based options for collision.
  • The world may corrupt slightly less times now! Or slightly more, we’re not sure!
  • I like hugs!
new day, new update, and today it's @MysteriousAges with Magic Bees
MysteriousAges said:
Magic Bees 2.3.5
  • Thaumcraft bees return! Make Azanor weep with their overpoweredness or whatever while you weep bitter tears trying to breed them.
  • Welcome back the Vis branch of Bees:
    • Rejuvinating - Causes nodes to regenerate faster
    • Empowering - Grow your nodes without hauling node-in-a-jars everywhere.
    • Nexus - Make sure your nodes are the best they can be
    • Tainting - You might want to run these a bit away from your house...
    • Purifying - Probably a good idea to have these on hand if you get the Tainting ones...
    • Ravening - Make sure everything near your nodes are bolted down and secured, and you wouldn't mind losing it.

and @CelesTekTeam with HEXCraft
CelesTekTeam said:
HEXCraft 0.6.1
  • New Features
    • Molecular Transposer
    • Used to swap colors of already placed decorative blocks.
    • Sneak-right click with it to open inventory and load it with Energized Hexorium.
    • Right click on decorative block to swap.
    • Old Energized Hexorium is received in inventory.
    • Supports Engineered, Framed, Plated, Concentric blocks and Lamps.
    • Can also be used to attack other entities and players for massive damage, but uses up Energized Hexorium.
    • More info on the wiki!
    • Achievements have been added. Look for them in the Achievements window.
    • Added Croatian translation.
  • Changes
    • Hexorium Ores and Monoliths now also spawn in dimensions created by other mods.
    • Changes to the Ore Dictionary, making the Overworld and Nether ores separate and removing monoliths.
    • Hexorium Furnace now requires less energy per smelt, making it faster and letting it smelt 16 items off one Coal.
    • Death messages now have custom text.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Hexorium Hatch recipe will now correctly craft 2 items.

and @minnymin3 with MineCalculator
Minnymin3 said:
Ever needed to calculate something, maybe how many pieces of rubber you need to make 142 solar panels at 13 rubber each? Now you can without even pausing the game. Just press the C key and your calculator will open.



and @hedgehogpie12 with PneumaticCompressing
hedgehogpie12 said:
An addon mod for the PneumaticCraft mod by MineMaarten. Adds many new items, blocks, tools and armour using resources and machines from PneumaticCraft. Requires PneumaticCraft. Adds materials such as compressed coal which can smelt 16 items and compressed diamonds that can be crafted into tools and armour, compressed iron can also be crafted into tools and armour. The mod is still very work in progress and many new items and cool tools and machines will be added soon. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them bellow.
The fact that the team behind Chisel has split and there are now two forks of Chisel is biting us again.

Glass Shards 1.4 and Ice Shards 1.2 (for Minecraft 1.7.10)
These versions should be compatible with both Cricket's and tterag's version of Chisel. The previous version would crash with the latter.
Unfortunately, fixing this made the code that much more ugly. If you use Cricket's version of Chisel, you shouldn't need to update, and in fact it's probably better if you don't.
Apart from that, there are only small internal changes.

I plan on changing the compatibility system in a way that makes it theoretically proof to changes on the other mods' side (unless they make world-breaking changes).
new day, new update, and today it's @StanH with MineTweaker3
StanH said:
MineTweaker3 3.0.10
  • Minecraft 1.8 is now supported!
  • Support for 1.6.4 and 1.7.2 has been dropped.
  • Retired GregTech support. This has been superseded by the GT5 addon by DreamMasterXXL.
  • You can now set block hardness and maximum stack size. (<item>.hardness = 123; <item>.maxStackSize=4;)
  • Fixed /mt help being broken in some cases
  • Fixed the tools.jar not being found automatically (credits to RX-14)
  • Fixed /mt hand crashing in some cases
  • Fixed usage of quotes when setting names
  • Fixed MFR Safari net integration
  • Fixed MFR Fertilizer integration
  • game.lock() can now be used to prevent reloading. Will show an error screen if reload was necessary
  • Reloading of scripts is now only performed if really necessary
new day, new update, and today it's @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.6.0
  • New 'packing tape' item to tape drawers shut.
  • Taped drawers will keep contents/upgrades when broken for easier relocation.
  • A taped drawer is cut off from all player and machine interaction, like a stricter form of locking. You can't even see what's inside. A taped drawer will lose its tape automatically when placed back on the ground. It can also be removed by shift+right-clicking with an empty hand.

and @Victor31415 with RF Guns
Victor31415 said:

This mod adds the RF Gun. Using various modules and tiers of modules, you can upgrade the gun as you progress through thermal expansion to do more damage and have some fun effects!

For more information, go here.

Requires minecraft 1.7.10 and Thermal Expansion 4.

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.7-220
  • Added more taters.
  • Added the Dandelifeon, a new generating flower for maniacs that utilizes Conway's Game of Life.
  • Fixed a flower dupe with the Flower Pouch.
  • Fixed BotaniaVars.dat not generating in the right directory when using symlinks. (shadowfacts)
  • Fixed removing a Master Corporea Spark not properly resetting the corporea network.
  • Fixed the Mana Blaster with a Lens Clip showing that you have infinite mana lenses instead of showing you the name of the lens.
  • Fixed the Pink Wither not being able to be named.
  • Holding a Wand of the Forest in bind mode while wearing a Manaseer Monocle shows you the range of the flower the wand is bound to, even if you're not looking at it.
  • Luminizers can now move items.
  • Manastorm Charge mana bursts have more mana.
  • Upgraded goldfish.
  • [API] Added acceptsRedstone() to SubTileGenerating.
  • [API] Bunch of work done on multiblocks to support a custom IBlockAccess for renders like stairs or redstone. (SoundLogic)
  • [API] Changed the IMultiblockRenderHook.renderBlockForMultiblock() signature and added nedsTranslate(). (SoundLogic)
  • [API] Increased version number to 62.

and @BlayTheNinth with EiraIRC
BlayTheNinth said:
EiraIRC 2.9.376
  • Using EiraMoticons? Make sure to update that one too or things might not work!
  • Added fancy overlay for join and leave messages, so they don't spam chat (configurable)
  • Added terminalStyleInput option (will show current channel in front of chat box)
  • Added /ignore and /unignore commands (prevents you from seeing messages from unwanted people)
  • Added modpack confirmation screen; option showModpackConfirmation (text can be customized by putting a modpack-confirmation.txt into the config/eirairc directory; do not ship local.cfg with modpacks!)
  • Added outputFilter option to commands.json to filter custom bot command output using RegEx (see example tps command)
  • Added a somewhat better color config GUI
  • Added automatic nick change once configured nick gets available
  • Added "type": "remote" to commands.json to define commands that can be run by server players/ops (requireAuth) and will be sent to IRC without any formatting (as in <EiraBot> .meow instead of <EiraBot> <Player123> .meow)
  • Added alwaysShowSubBadge option to EiraMoticons addon (for Twitch channels, will show sub badge regardless if subbed or not)
  • Added suggestion to switch to Classic format when joining more than one channel
  • Added tab key jumping to EiraIRC GUI textboxes
  • Added support for IRC server version strings (* is wildcard) in services.cfg
  • Added error message when trying to talk on a read-only channel
  • Added VERSION CTCP support
  • Fixed screenshot upload key not working when any GUI element is visible
  • Fixed membership capability on Twitch not being requested, breaking name completion there
  • Fixed config option name completion behaving incorrectly
  • Fixed autojoin of +r channels not working due to delayed NickServ response
  • Fixed {NICK} still appearing in the screenshot upload emote (in case of old configurations)
  • Fixed IRCv3 message tags not being escaped properly
  • Fixed bad error messages in /irc who command
  • Fixed read-only channels appearing in the chat toggle
  • Fixed client IRC chat not working when chatting from the bed
  • Fixed alpha blending of buttons in image preview
  • Fixed image preview showing white when going back from fullscreen preview
  • Fixed EiraIRC GUI textboxes not getting unfocused properly
  • Fixed EiraIRC GUI textboxes always putting the cursor at the end no matter what you do
  • Fixed EiraIRC GUI textboxes not having the cursor blink
  • Fixed EiraIRC Channels not going back to menu when leaving
  • Fixed /irc who not having a response if not connected to IRC
  • Moved server and channel passwords as well as nickserv credentials into a separate auth file (backwards compatible)
  • Moved "don't show again" of welcome screen over to local.cfg so it doesn't get overriden by modpack updates
  • Changed Twitch nicks to show as the Twitch display name instead (e.g. with capitalization)
  • Changed /irc mode commands to work for hostnames as well
  • Changed /irc ban command to use the hostmask by default
  • Cleaned up internal event handling
  • Cleaned up language file and added all GUI strings to get it ready for localization
  • Removed some of the default message formats, leaving only Classic, S-Light, Twitch, TabbyChat
  • Removed some unnecessary commands from the commands.json.example.txt
  • Removed clientBridge*Token (now simply checks for nicks equal to those on the server)
  • Require Java 7+
  • API Updates:
    • Added IChatHandler: EiraIRC related messages pass through here (used for TabbyChat2 compat)
    • Added IConfigManager: used to access any configurations or define addon options
    • Added IConfigProperty: see IConfigManager
    • Added StringList: for use as an IConfigProperty
    • Added InitConfigEvent.*: Posted for every IConfigManager to allow definition of addon options
    • Added TwitchUser: provides access to .isTwitchSubscriber and .isTwitchTurbo
    • Added FormatNick event: posted for the IRC nick in messages
    • Added IRCContext.getGeneralSettings, .getBotSettings, .getThemeSettings
    • Added IRCMessage.getPrefixNick, .getPrefixUsername, .getPrefixHostname
    • Added IRCUser.getAccountName, .getUsername, .getHostname, .getTwitchUser
    • Added EiraIRCAPI.setChatHandler, .getChatHandler
    • Added EiraIRCAPI.getSharedGlobalConfig
    • Added EiraIRCAPI.getClientGlobalConfig
    • Added IRCReplyCodes.isErrorCode
    • Implemented IRCConnection.getServerType
    • Renamed ApplyEmoticons to FormatMessage
    • Renamed IRCChannelChatOrCTCPEvent to IRCChannelMessageEvent
    • Renamed IRCPrivateChatOrCTCPEvent to IRCPrivateMessageEvent
    • Renamed IRCMessageEvent to IRCRawMessageEvent
    • Renamed IRCChatOrCTCPEvent to IRCMessageEvent
    • Deprecated RelayChat event (use EiraIRCAPI.relayChat instead)
    • Removed ChatMessageEvent (was used for TabbyChat2 compat but was silly)

and @BlayTheNinth with EiraMoticons
BlayTheNinth said:
EiraMoticons 2.1.51
  • Using EiraIRC? Make sure to update that one too or things might not work!
  • Added TabbyChat 2 support (however, requires SNAPSHOT-69 or higher of TabbyChat 2; not officially released yet)
  • Added animated emoticons (.gif support)
  • Fixed BTTV emoticons not showing up
  • Fixed crash if cache or remote file is corrupt
  • Fixed crash with Fancy Sign formatting code at end of line
  • Fixed positioning of emoticons being too far to the right
  • Removed /emoticons config command (didn't work anyways and can just use the GUI)
  • API Updates:
    • Added ChatContainer to specify custom chat render transforms

and @Mineshopper with Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.7
  • Reorganized block drop code to address dupe bugs and other issues.
  • Resolved light cache crash experienced when using more recent Forge versions.
  • Overhauled cached lighting system; should resolve mob spawns and crop growth.
  • Added rail slope fill configuration option (for sloped rails above Carpenter's Blocks).
  • Added proper top face rendering to routable fluids.
  • Added permissions support for offline-mode servers.
  • Added inverted Collapsible block, and converted to 16-step increments (existing ones will break, sorry).
  • Fixed daylight sensor not updating neighbors properly. [mickelus]
  • Many garage door changes, including:
  • Fixed garage door not checking power state of connected doors.
  • Garage door can now be connected in any contiguous configuration and will act as a single entity.
  • Garage door open/close sound now only plays from piece closest to player.
  • Garage door now fills in voids introduced by destroying barriers beneath a door piece (configurable).
  • Garage door now better replicates adjacent door properties upon creation.
  • Garage doors in open state no longer susceptible to explosion damage.
  • Garage doors in closed state now destroy properly from explosions.
  • Reverted Presence sound fix -fixes only hearing default wooden block sounds.
  • Tweaked permissions to correct some false positives, such as safe breaking animations.
This weekend my son and I worked on the 1.0.0 version of the Not Enough Wands mod. Here is the changelog:

  • New building wand:
    • Undo the last two operations in any order
    • Single, 9 block, 25 block and 9-in-a-row modes
  • New Illumination wand to place down light sources
  • Mode key is now set to '=' by default.
  • A few tooltips have been fixed and updated.
  • When there is not enough room in the inventory to store the returned blocks (from swapping or building/want undo) they will be spawn in the world instead of being lost.
  • Various other small tweaks and fixes

As soon as it is approved you can download it here: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/235595-not-enough-wands#t1:other-downloads

A video that I made showcasing this mod can be found here:

I updated my modpack Intro2Mods to version 1.0.2
Added Simply Jetpacks by Tonius
Added WAILA by ProfMobius
Added Forestry by SirSengir
Added SirSengir, KingLemming, ProfMobius, and cpw11 to Headcrumbs
Configured Forestry to NOT generate it’s own copper or tin (so that there is only one type of copper/tin) and turned on retrogen in chunks generated in previous versions of this pack. Those are pretty much internal changes, so there’s nothing to worry about.
bad news everyone. my computer decided to die on me yesterday, so I had to take it to the shop.
currently it's still there and I've no idea what's broken, so I'm on my laptop right now.

this means that for the next few days I won't be able to do updates, as my laptop is not that good at handling alot of open tabs.
I don't know how long it'll take, but hopefully not very long.
bad news everyone. my computer decided to die on me yesterday, so I had to take it to the shop.
currently it's still there and I've no idea what's broken, so I'm on my laptop right now.

this means that for the next few days I won't be able to do updates, as my laptop is not that good at handling alot of open tabs.
I don't know how long it'll take, but hopefully not very long.
Oh that's unfortunate...let me help you out at least a bit...probably gonna fail...

@blay09 with Default Options 1.0.13:

blay09 said:
  • Added support for local options (allows declaring any option from any mod configuration file as local so it doesn't get overriden by modpack updates - more info in description)
  • Added support for OptiFine options (they are handled the same way as the Vanilla options, but saved in the defaultoptionsof.txt instead)

@huanghongxun with Water Power 0.3p:
huanghongxun said:
  • Fix: Cannot craft MK7 Circuit
  • Add: Supported Ender IO Alloy Smelter
  • Fix: itemOreDust hasSubtypes
  • Fix: Immersive Engineering compact.

@FatherToast with Special Mobs 3.2.0:
FatherToast said:
  • Added special blazes and slimes.
  • Added ninja skeleton and gravel creeper.
  • Implemented SMTex (NBT-defined textures) tag.
  • Added option to blacklist certain dimensions from spawning special mobs.
  • Reduced the move speed of hungry spiders to normal and number of items they can gain health from to 64 (up to 276 health).
  • Hungry spiders no longer eat items after reaching maximum health and have half speed health regen.
  • Hungry spiders can no longer spawn as spitting spiders.
  • Mobs with damage caps (vampire pigmen, unholy ghasts) now allow twice as much damage from critical hits compared to normal hits.
  • Spitfire skeletons now shoot volleys of blaze fireballs.
  • Fire creepers/zombies/skeletons now take damage from snowballs.
  • Charged fire creepers now dry up rain.
  • Drowning creepers now have a tiny explosion, most of the outer shell is no longer silverfish, and the shell is larger.
  • Zombies and zombie pigmen carrying bows now drop arrows in addition to their other drops.
  • Fixed zombie pigmen not using bows.
  • Fixed spider spitballs and fish hooks from fishing mobs being invisible.
  • Fixed spitting spider AI (will now play sound and stop moving when in range).
  • Adjusted for 1.7 features:
  • Baby skeletons are now half height.
  • Removed sketchy method to force drops from baby monsters.
  • Fixed giant zombies and pigzombie hitboxes being identical to normal sized versions.

@tterrag1098 with Ender IO beta:
tterag1098 said:
  • verybigbro: Update ru_RU.lang
  • Joccob: Update zh_CN.lang
  • tterrag1098: #2769 Crash in conduit pick block
  • mmelvin0: Fix for #2763 - sneak should prevent conduit upgrade
  • mmelvin0: Fix for #2740 - redstone conduits don't cause block updates
  • mmelvin0: Fix for #2751 - SAG mill producing sand with invalid metadata
  • tterrag1098: Fix conduit bundle getDescriptionPacket when IM is installed

There are more but I couldn't be bothered to list those that don't have a meaningful changelog, and some of the ones that are alpha or beta.
Woot! Helping :P
Glass Shards updated:
  • (@Adaptivity) Updated Russian localization
  • Changed all mods' compatibility in a way that doesn't rely on their internals anymore
  • As a result, removed unneeded compile-time dependencies
  • Removed grinding ball hack for EnderIO
  • Put all EnderIO recipes from the code into resource files
  • Added compatibility for EnderIO 2.3's Dark Clear Glass
  • Changed log message for addHandler to be more meaningful
  • Changes to config comments
  • Removed ReflectionHelper class
Enity Lag Fix got updated to 1.8:

The problem is too many items floating on the ground or too many invisible ones that stay in the server or too many generated effects or even a mystery area causing huge lag times every time a player goes near that place (lagging the whole server).

As an op you may go to the problem location, preferably the middle of it, and do an /entitycount to see the number of Entities and TileEntities and EntityItems in that area. If it seems excessive such as the 4100+ mysterious entities floating above a beehive farm, that only occasionally appear as flames in the sky, then try this: /nukeentities and it may almost instantly remove the lag, as it did for me. The command removed all entities in the area. The area of effect is a default distance of 32 blocks in all directions from you, so know what is around you before you use this. Also you may specify the radius as a parameter.

I needed this for my server several times under different curcumstances. I've seen cobble generators spew 1000s of blocks out causing lag time. Also server crashes leaving malfunctioning mods, and accidental(or not) explosions leaving 1000s of items floating about. Or even 700+ arrows still stuck in the walls and not despawning. The tool has been tested well. It works in single or multiplayer.

Be careful. If you use a large radius number you are probably affecting all active areas of the server. This means player's animal farms too. Farm animals, monsters, pets, and all other animals are entities. There are other types of entities in game as well. /nukeentities removes them all in an area. Note that TileEntities includemachines, chests, and many plants. Entities and TileEntities are different sets of things in game. Removing them means they are gone. You do not get them back. There is a reason this is an operator only set of commands. Be smart and responsible.

This is an op only tool and only needs to be installed on the server side. Clients do not need it, for it to be used. Installing it is just dropping the downloaded file into the /mods/ folder and restarting the game as usual for any forge mod.

In chat type...

/entitycount or /ecount to count all entities in range. It displays the number of: items, hostile monsters(mobs), animals, arrows, other entities, total entities, and tile entities.

/nukeitems to remove EntityItems such as those dropped on the ground. (a sub type of Entity)

/nukearrows Removes all arrows in range. Due to a bug in Minecraft, arrows sometimes do not despawn

/limitanimals range limit will remove all but the limit-number of animals of each type of animal in range. Farm animals are entity animals. If you have 300 chickens, 500 cows, and 26 pigs within the range, then if you do a /limitanimals 32 40 it will affect a radius of 32 and you should end up with 40 chickens, 40 cows, and 26 pigs. 40 is the default if you do not spefify the limit.

/nukenonanimals will remove all living entities but not remove any animals in range. Farm animals such as sheep and pigs are entity animals and would not be removed.

/listother Displays a list of other entity's short names and counts in range. This refers to the "other entities" counted by /entitycount. See example of this.

/nukeother Removes all other entities in range. This refers to the "other entities" counted by /entitycount.

/nukemobs to remove EntityMobs. (a sub type of Entity)

/nukeentities or /nukeents to remove all Entities in range

/listtiles Displays a list of tile entity types by their short names and counts.

/nuketileentities or /nuketiles to remove all TileEntities in range. Remember that TileEntities are different than Entities.

/nukeup to remove all blocks from your standing location to up all the way

/filldown to add fill from below your standing location to bedrock. Also it repairs any holes in the bedrock bottom layer.

/lagfix Displays a quick reference of all commands in this mod. Any command with "help" after it will do the same.

Specifically filldown fills all air and flowing water and flowing lava with layers as follows: grass(1 deep) dirt(2 deep) stone(3 deep) cobble(fill...) then bedrock(1 deep) at the very bottom layer. Do note that all caves below the area will be filled with cobble which should prevent monsters from spawning below the area. Its handy to make big flat grassy areas, or with a small radius (/filldown 0) make an instant location marker tower if you are flying. This command was just a quick fix for large gaping holes. It was added to crudely fill in holes from /nukeup. It is an operator only command.

One optional parameter specifies the radius of the area for any of the commands.

Its default is 32. So the block you are on then 32 blocks out.

Diameter is 65 = 32+1+32, covering a 65 by 65 square area.

CommandBlock Compatible. Command blocks using /nukeup will clear from the block directly above itself up. Since CommandBlocks are TileEntities, when they use /nuketileentities they will nuke every tile entity exceptcommand blocks within the radius.

Single and Multi player.

Only needed on server side for multiplayer servers.

Source code is included.

This is a Forge mod. No Bukkit is needed.

The commands are simple.

Link to official page on MinecraftForum.net

You may love these other related utility mods by others that are very useful: Opis(forge) and ClearLag(bukkit)
A new mod, Spawn Commands! Available from 1.6.-1.8

Spawn Commands Teleport allows players to teleport back to the main spawn, to their bed, to named locations, to shared named locations, to coordinates, and to other players.

In chat type...

/spawn Teleports you to the main world spawn point.
/spawn. Teleports you to your bed/home location if it is set. Note the point "." on the end of "/spawn."
/spawn! Set the location of your bed/home to your current location.
/spawn? Displays coordinates of you, the world spawn point, and your bed/home location if set.

/spawn+ mylavabase Creates your named location "mylavabase" at your current location.
/spawn mylavabase Takes you to your named location "mylavabase".
/spawns Displays a sorted list of your named locations. The ones in this dimension are highlighted. Any shared location names are listed first and begin with an at sign. Example: @maincastle.
/spawn- henrysplace Removes your named location "henrysplace" from the list.

/spawn+ enable Enables advanced commands on this server. By default this feature can only be enabled or disabled by an op (server operator).
/spawn+ disable Disables the use of advanced commands on this server. Some may consider these features too over powered and might want just the 4 simple commands at the top above (simple is the default configuration). You may set permissions for every command. You may fully disable any command. You may rename any command. These customizations and more are in the config files.
/spawn+ bobislost -123 65 42 Creates a named location at the coordinates you specify, then you are immediately teleported there. Imagine your friend Bob. He is very lost and needs your help so he tells you his coordinates...
/spawn+ @tradecenter Creates a shared location named "@tradecenter" where you are, if you are an op (server operator). All shared location names will be listed at the beginning of everyone's list of locations.

/back Takes you back to where you last teleported from or where you last died. Which ever event happened last.

And for those who are used to a /home and /sethome command here is:
/home Normally this takes you to your bed/home location. If the misc config option homewithnamedlocations is set to true then this dislays a list if your named spawn locations.
/sethome Normally and always sets your bed/home location to where you are now.
/home henrys-castle Takes you to your location named "henrys-castle" if the misc config option homewithnamedlocations is set to true.
/sethome niceview Creates a location named "niceview" if the misc config option homewithnamedlocations is set to true.

Using /spawn- niceview would remove the name from the list.

/ta has been added for mc1.7.10 and mc1.8 but not mc1.6.4 or mc1.7.2

TA means Teleport Ask. Similar to /tpa elsewhere. Currently available in Version 2.1.0 and up only.

/ta PlayerName Asks permission to teleport to a player. Once your request is accepted then try again with just /ta to teleport to that player.

/ta yes|accept|ok Accepts a request to teleport to you for 45 seconds.

/ta no|deny Denies a request to teleport to you.

/ta allow|deny all Allows or denies all requests for 45 seconds. Useful to allow a group of friends to teleport to you all at once within that time. example: /ta allow all

/ta help will always display the quick reference of /ta commands.

This is a polite way to teleport to other players.

/spawnblockdata Displays information about the block you are standing on and the block at your feet and the one at your head. This is intended for ops to find the name of blocks that it is ok to spawn into such as a new vine or tall grass etc. Then those block names may be added to a config file for use.

/spawn help Displays a quick reference of all spawn commands in game.

Link to the official Minecraft Forum page:



Both Single and Multi player
Only needed on server side for multiplayer servers.
Handles cross dimension teleports.
Has teleport safety checks for spawning inside blocks, falling down, and lava below your feet.
You can use the simple commands or get fancy and use it all.
Config files allow very advanced configuration including command disabling, renaming, permissions, and more.
Source code is included in the mod's jar file.

This is a Forge mod. No Bukkit is needed.
It keeps your angle of view so you always arrive looking the same way as when you created the named location.
EIRAIRC got updated:
Don't worry! Releases will slow down again once we get the major oopsies out of the way. Keep reporting issues you find!

Improved logging: debug mode also logs outgoing messages now (passwords are masked) and no more STDOUT

Fixed [Ljava.lang.String;@7a9dfe2c 1 appearing in many places instead of the actual message

Fixed auth file not being loaded (and thus passwords not being there anymore after a Minecraft restart)

Fixed fancy overlay killing the sky blending

Fixed typo in fancy overlay disconnected lang key

Fixed connection timeout on Slack IRC with null topics
Modular Powersuits got a few updates, I compiled a list of ones from today:
Plasma bolts will no longer hit the shooter. Ever. - MachineMuse
Added half-second cooldown to railgun and reduced the default heat generation - MachineMuse
add weight capacity to auto-populating of config - MachineMuse
Changed detailed summary frame to summarize all equipped items & fix overlapping text issues in detailed summary & module tweak frames - MachineMuse
add weight capacity to config - MachineMuse
fix enderIO capacitor recipes - MachineMuse
add mod-specific modules to localization - MachineMuse
ripped off omniwrench code for wrench functionality - MachineMuse
fix clickability of arrows on scrollable frame - MachineMuse
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/experimental' into experimental - MachineMuse
added sidedness & sound setting checking anywhere sounds are played - MachineMuse
Merge pull request #609 from AegisLesha/patch-1 - Claire
Update fr_FR.lang - Jean-Marie
And Warp Drive updated:
This is the WarpDrive mod itself.

This is an early alpha version by TheNumenorean & LemADEC for Minecraft 1.7.10.

There's no core mod, it's all integrated in a single jar now.

Alpha means "It will probably murder you". There's no compatibility with any past or future version. Your world will get corrupted.

This version requires either ComputerCraft or OpenComputer.

EU and RF power are supported (including but not limited to IC2, Gregtech, AdvancedSolarPanel, AtomicScience, BigReactors, EnderIO, Thermal Expansion).

ICBM, MFFS, Advanced Repulsion System and GraviSuite are supported.

Warning: once upgraded to version 1.3.3 or later, rolling back to a previous version will delete all your WarpDrive blocks and items! You might need to break and place back a few machines.

Notable changes:

  • fixed jumpblocks logging flag by LemADEC
  • fixed Galacticraft oxygen bubble during jump by LemADEC
  • added a patch for Galacticraft crashes when mekanism is not installed by LemADEC
  • added entity and item dictionaries by LemADEC
  • fixed breathing with IC2 compressed air by LemADEC
  • fixed OC holograms detected as logs by LemADEC
  • updated laser beams resolution so they continue pass the first entity by LemADEC
  • updated laser damages towards entities to be at level with block damages by LemADEC
  • fixed Transporter, ChunkLoader, EnergyBank, EnanReactorCore and LaserTreeFarm crashing OC computer when CC isn't loaded by LemADEC
  • added OpenComputers support for Enantiomorphic reactor by LemADEC
  • fixed StarMapRegistry crashing during updates by LemADEC
  • added guide message when right clicking a laser by LemADEC
  • fixed free laserTreeFarm leaf harvesting by LemADEC
  • fixed ShipController getEnergyRequired for OpenComputers by LemADEC
  • implemented block detection globally by LemADEC
  • fixed Enantiomorphic reactor explosion bypassing bedrock by LemADEC
  • updated frequency name to avoid player confusion between beam and camera by LemADEC
  • fixed free IC2 reactor laser cooling by LemADEC
  • updated LUA API and scripts (see wiki for the conversion table) by LemADEC
  • fixed player falling from camera by LemADEC
  • improved default laser cannon config by LemADEC
  • fixed boats, painting, and item frames targetted with laser cannon by LemADEC
  • updated air generation with growth bonus (5 times faster, almost twice the radius) by LemADEC
  • improved client CPU usage related to air generation by LemADEC
Known issues:

  • WorldGeneration is semi-functional
  • Laser tree farm is semi-stable
  • Scanner, Transporter, Beacon and Decorative blocks are 'work in progress', use at your own risk
  • Immersive Engineering wires are lost during jump
And a new 1.7 mod: Minefantasy 2!
MineFantasy is a large medieval based mod with goals to aim on improving many features (particularly crafting). There is a wide range of interactive crafting methods such as Forging, smelting and refining. Mod is still WIP but aims to make even simple things like making a tool or fighting a zombie more interesting.

For previous MineFantasy veterans: You may find that the second is simpler than the first, and a bit more self-explained (particularly due to the book).

The aim for MF2 is to be a bit easier to pick up and play, and not have to spend time learning the basics before even trying to play it. That's not to say that some things aren't going to be hard, it just means that some of the features of MF1 may either not be re-implemented or be altered. But it may not be popular among everyone.

MineFantasy 1 is under new development by someone else and will focus on the hardcore experience.
Thats all I have time for!