What's new in modded minecraft today?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have 2 new mods.

Additional Resources
Adds loose resources to the game without needing the user to install a texture pack. It is mainly designed for mods that have user-defined content that needs to be loaded as a resource. This content can then be distributed by mod-pack makers as part of the mod pack.

Download 0.0.3 for 1.7.10

Audio Death
Plays a user-defined sound on death.

Download 0.4.0 for 1.7.10

(Requires Additional Resources)
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
I have 2 new mods.

Additional Resources
Adds loose resources to the game without needing the user to install a texture pack. It is mainly designed for mods that have user-defined content that needs to be loaded as a resource. This content can then be distributed by mod-pack makers as part of the mod pack.
Audio Death

Plays a user-defined sound on death.
(Requires Additional Resources)
Hahaha awesome, might make it play Mario sound
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Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Just uploaded a new version of RFTools (1.23) with the following changes:

  • The layout of the RF Monitor, Storage Scanner and Dialing Device is slightly improved so that it is less likely that the coordinates in the lists are cut-off.
  • Implemented general wrench-rotate functionality for all blocks where relevant.
  • Implemented general sneak-wrench functionality to pick up all blocks in RFTools while remembering their settings, energy, contents and so on.
  • Implemented tooltips in the inventory for the blocks that have these remembered so that you can easily see which block will do what when you place it back down again.
  • Some small manual fixes.
  • Added a creative tab for RFTools.
  • Fixed redstone handling for the Power Relay, Crafter, Endergenic Block and Pearl Injector so they no longer react on redstone power that is put into an adjacent block.
  • Implemented logging in the Endergenic Generator (can be enabled in config) to make it easier to debug Endergenic Powergenerator setups.
  • Tweaked the Endergenic Generator settings to make it produce slightly less power with a minimal setup: ideal pearl-hit moment is now set to 10 instead of 8 and in addition age benefits are halved. That means that a pearl that has managed to survive for 20 throws will give maximum bonus (200%).

I also added a tutorial for the powergenerator here:


Let me know if you find issues.

Here is a picture of a simple powergenerator setup:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick question - If I were writing a new mod that added a dimension where would I go to find a list of allocated dim# so I don't for instance create a new dimension 9 that conflicts with witchery's spirit world. (I have searched this wiki with no luck)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick question - If I were writing a new mod that added a dimension where would I go to find a list of allocated dim# so I don't for instance create a new dimension 9 that conflicts with witchery's spirit world. (I have searched this wiki with no luck)

I don't think there's actually a list like that... it might be an idea to allow your mod to configurate which dimension ID to use through the configuration files.
so if it happens that your default dimension ID is already taken, the user can manually change it in the configuration file


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Please could someone breifly catch me up on the significant new mods and updates that have come to be since August?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Please could someone breifly catch me up on the significant new mods and updates that have come to be since August?

To your right you will see discussions on updates.
To your left you will see things that should be in the RED Thread.

Oh, see that itty-bitty thing coming ahead, that's a mod update.
Take pictures while you still can because it only comes once in a blue moon.

In all seriousness, that would be a lil' complicated.
However, there have been development in making a WNIMMT kinda section.
Mod updates should be easier to obtain once that gear starts grinding.
It kinda started around here: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...ed-minecraft-today.39595/page-327#post-804162
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think there's actually a list like that... it might be an idea to allow your mod to configurate which dimension ID to use through the configuration files.
so if it happens that your default dimension ID is already taken, the user can manually change it in the configuration file

You might be able to wright it so that it simply looks for a dem ID that hasn't bin taken. Though that depends on how and if other mods make dem IDs as claimed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
new day, spooky update, and today it's @Nuchaz with BiblioWoods
Nuchaz said:
BiblioWoods EBXL edition Updated
I just posted an updated download link to a fresh release of BiblioWoods for ExtraBiomsXL to fix some issues that came up. This version has been tested to work with EBXL v3.16 on Minecraft v1.7.10. Head on over to the Addons page to find a download link for BiblioWoods EBXL edition v1.3.

In other news, I’ve been making really good progress on the features I want in the next major feature release of BIblioCraft. I am getting quite close to wrapping up the feature set for this cycle and just focusing on bug fixing. If you follow my twitter, you may have seen some preview images of the main feature of this coming update, the Atlas. I think the Atlas is the most complicated thing (from a development point of view) I’ve integrated into BiblioCraft so far, but it has come along really nice. Check out my twitter feed for some preview pics. Custom painting support is also another of the big features of this update. In this next version you will be able to drop .png images into a special folder into the jar OR create a custom resource pack with .png images in the same folder structure and they will load onto a new 3rd tab on the painting press for custom paintings. There is no limit to the number of resource pack painting packs or custom paintings that can be installed. The 3rd custom tab is paged and can be an unlimited number of pages. Best of all, paintings are client side and do not need to be installed on the server or other clients to work, though other clients will get a special ‘painting not found’ painting if they don’t have a painting of the same name installed. Anyway, I’ll share more details closer to release time.

I will likely try to get translations up within the next few days for the next BiblioCraft feature feature as I wrap up the feature list and get everything localized, so watch my github for that if you would like to help out translating. I’ll try to get them to the translation spreadsheet shortly after so you can help out there too.