What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Getting there with this attainable drops idea, you can now "enrich" these drops into special dirt, more drops will be added.
What's this?
Future updates.... OooOoOoOooo ScArY!
"It's like it was never updated"

Y'know what? Since I posted a 5 day old piece of information,
Might as well post this almost a month old news too.

Bit of an update on the 1.7.10 version:

I've been completely re-working how potions work. If you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen (heh, or rather, not-seen) the Invisible Cow picture:

If you look closely, you'll notice that it's not standing in water...it's standing in liquid potion. Yup, that's right...you can dump potions into the world just like you would water:

Standing in the potion liquid will give you the associated effects...which is cool if it's something like invisibility, but standing in a potion of harming is...not good for your health:


Aside from the delightful mechanics made possible by potion rivers, the diffuser is coming along nicely. You can fill it with a potion, rinse it out with water, and watch the potion level decrease as it diffuses the potion into the air:

I still need to do some work on combination potion handling (right now, it only applies the "first" potion effect of a multiple effect potion), and given the possibilities of the potion mixing mechanic, I definitely want to get that working:
This is recent news said:
Added redstone control to the diffuser. It's a little less complete than I'd like (see below pic), but it'll do for now.


Note that certain redstone arrangements don't activate it properly...not sure what's up with that.
new day, new update, and today it's @NightKosh with Gravestone
NightKosh said:
Gravestone 2.10.0
  • Undertaker house and village cemetery can be generated by console commands.
  • Restore Tinker construct compatibility.
  • New Skull Crawlers models.
  • Horses gravestones are craftable.
  • Add fog on cemeteries in a night time (not compatible with optifine).
  • Own log file for all logs about creating graves at player death(and some another messages).
  • Add models for corpses.
  • Add corpses for all types of supported mobs in creative inventory(all villagers, all types of cats and horses(undead horses too))
  • Rework altar (new texture, change crafting recipe a little, add gui screen)
  • Fix loosing enchanted effect by memorials when it harvested.
  • Fix catacombs graveyard generation(no more fence on trees...) + configuration options to disable graveyard generation.
  • Default structures dimension can be changed in configs.
  • Catacombs generation chance can be changed in configs.
  • Fix zombie pets behaviour(it will not attack undead horses)
  • Pets saves its name when transformed to zombie pets(at death by zombie cats/dogs)
  • Fix killed mob name localization in graves death message.
  • Fix mob living time saved by graves.(it will work correctly now)
  • Fix undertake house generation in desert villages.
  • Add config option to disable mob spawn at graves destruction.
  • Fix editing graves death message by chisel.
  • Fixed compatibility bug with ArsMagica + add config options to disable any compatibility module(it will be helpfull if you'l catch some bugs in it)
  • Fixe geme crash with enchanted swords gravestones in creative inventory
  • Fix English localization

What's this?
Future updates.... OooOoOoOooo ScArY!
"It's like it was never updated"

I love Decocraft, I really do, I just wish it'd become more then just decorations :(
OK, I won't lie, I kind of have a part in this, my dad is fairly high up in a bank, which I don't like to tell people because they might think I'm spoilt, which I'm not. But I was complaining to myself onceabout Microsoft ruining minecraft and he asked what was bothering me, after being forced to explain, I couldn't be bothered, he actually got the message across to the Microsoft guy running minecraft, his reply was, he was going to try not to mess it up...
A wild Changelog.png appeared

The Halloween Update is available for download!

TFC 0.79.10 Changelog
  • Rewrote powder kegs. Explosions hitting raw stone now have a chance to create cobblestone instead of dropping loose rocks.
  • Mobs can no longer spawn inside of thatch blocks.
  • Made bell peppers a more tropical crop, less resistant to the cold. Should make them less common in the wild in colder climates.
  • Minor fish tweaks.
  • Moon phases are now based on the year length.
  • Added many TFC items to the forge fuel handler so that they can burn in other mods' devices.
  • Adjusted chiseling rules so that you can not chisel any raw stone block that has raw stone, or an ore block, within the 2 blocks directly above it.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed melee skeletons.
  • Fixed a few more cases of unknown dirt.
  • Fixed temperature discontinuity at certain heights.
  • Fixed fruit trees spawning in rainfall values higher than 500, instead of at least 500.
  • Fixed armor stands despawning.
  • Fixed crashes from placing incorrect blocks underneath grills.
  • Fixed propick messages not being translated in SMP.
  • Fixed gravel dropping flint with metadata.
  • Fixed familiarity indicator not working for all animals.
Apparently it isn't a super busy day soooo... Progress! almost there for the first method of growth/gathering.

The stalk uses the block underneath to determine what type of bulb sprouts, there is a chance that the dirt will "empty" itself everything a bulb sprouts.
Advice on textures is welcome of course.