1.7.10b - Compatibility Update
- Trees and gardens now should ONLY spawn in the Overworld: will add spawning to Twilight Forest and MystCraft once I figure it out
- Trees and gardens now spawn using the new MCF biome categories (see list below)
- Salt Ore now spawns using the isOreGenReplaceable function
- Listed my salt under dustSalt, itemSalt Ore Dict labels; added those labels to my recipes as well
- Bees now SPAWN! They now replace the leaves or log block of a tree replicating the fact that bees inhabit any part of a tree they can
- Deleted test recipes for my guide books that were causing issues: I will be replacing these guide books later
- MineFactory Reloaded and Thaumcraft compatibility added on my end!
- MineFactory Reloaded harvester, planter, fertilizer, and fruit picker now work on everything they should
- Thuamcraft Aspects, Golems now plant/harvest
- Contacted Magical Crops, Mariculture, and MegaPlantPack mod authors to have them change their Ore Dict labels to mine
- Seaweed should now lay flat on the surface of the water
Oak Fruit Trees
- Forests that aren't Cold, Spooky, or Mountainous
Jungle Fruit Trees - Wet, Hot, or Swamp biomes
Coconut Trees - Oceans
All Palm Trees - Wet, Sparse biomes that aren't Plains and Hot, Sparse biomes that aren't Plains
Cinnamon Tree - Wet, Dense biomes that aren't Plains and Hot, Dense biomes that aren't Plains
Paperbark Tree -Wet, Dense biomes that aren't Plains and Hot, Dense biomes that aren't Plains
Maple Trees - Coniferous biomes
Berry Garden - Forest, Hills, Cold, or Swamps
Desert Garden - Sandy Grass Garden - Plains that aren't Cold
Gourd Garden - Plains or Forest
Ground Garden - Mountain, Hills, or Mesa
Herb Garden - Forests that aren't Cold or Swamps
Leafy Garden - Forests that aren't Cold or Swamps
Mushroom Gardens - Forests that aren't Cold, Mountain or Swamps
Stalk Gardens - Forests that aren't Cold, Plains that aren't Cold, Swamps
Textile Gardens - Cold, Hills, or Swamp
Tropical Gardens - Wet, Hot, or Swamp
Water Gardens - Oceans that aren't Cold, Rivers that aren't Cold