Ah, well at least I was able to post something new!I already mentioned that, but at the time there wasn't a changelog![]()
Ah, well at least I was able to post something new!I already mentioned that, but at the time there wasn't a changelog![]()
Compact Machines
Adds one simple game mechanic: Small rooms inside of blocks. It basically gives you the ability to build your contraptions inside of a single block.
1.kind of.Very interesting. Can I nest them? Can I live inside one? Can I have an animal farm there?
0.1.0 is out! Downloads have been moved to the Curse Forge website.No, I don't care if Curse is evil.
[DOUBLEPOST=1410739876][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, documentation is further along as is slowing coming along. I'm also working on NEI stuff so you can check recipes that way.
- Added: Thermal Generator
- Added: Destruction Generator
- Added: Item Discharger
- Added: Mass Constructor
- Added: Altars now emit particle effects when destroying their items.
- Change: Deactivation Sigils now pick up any machine or generator.
- Change: Macht Crystals picked up with Deactivation Sigils will retain Macht stored.
- Change: Default range config changed.
- Change: Spells are now bound with sneak right clicking.
- Change: Spells can be cast by simply right clicking with a binder in hand.
- Change: Macht Crystal recoloring.
- Change: API for blocks that can transfer energy. May become config later.
- Change: All machines/generators can be turned off with redstone.
- Fix: Blocks now drop their inventories correctly.
- Fix: Inventories not working with automation.
- Fix: A rituals not outputting correctly.
Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
Ya know we used to include links with our change logs.
I know right. I keep telling them, if you want to post a changelog, you have to use the Big spoon on the left.
* Temporarily disabled static sun/moon
* First attempt at fixing dimension hotload crash
Fix incompatibility with Biomes O' Plenty
- Fixed a crash bug that happened when using some item transport mods with barrels. (EnderIO)
- Added the Mysterious Potato (creative-only). It can do the thing. The thing involves spawners.
- Mobs can use jetpacks again. Should be less crashy than last time.
- Enchantability can now be set per jetpack/flux pack
- Jetpack particles now respect the particles option in the video settings menu
- Split the config file so that the client-only options are kept separate
- Fly and descend keys can now be changed using the configs, to be something else than the vanilla jump and sneak keys.
- Fixed potential memory leak in single player
- Various code cleanups
Added Attractor Obelisk
Added Aversion Oblisk
Added Experience Obelisk
Added Experience Rod
Added Liquid XP (Open Blocks compatible)
Conduit probe now has a 'copy/paste' mode to copy conduit settings.
Config option to disable tinker's XP bushes in farming station
Improved Staff of Travelling and Yeta Wrench rendering
EnderIO not letting me edit IO in custom ages.
Prevent inf. recursion when painting a travel anchor as itself.
Ender IO Killer Joe is not using all enchants
Fixed: slot detection in slotted mode to prevent access to slots that should not be accessed.
Fixed: Ore dictionary being used on none ore dictionary items (preventing some items to clear filter when they should)
Fixed: issue #3
Optimized extraction and output some
Added: CC API for future implementation
Dropped 1.7.2 support
- Fixed a lot of false-positives with NEM database checking
- Added config option to disable NEM database checking
- Fixed startup crashes (finally!)
- Fixed Wireless Block Exender crash on server side (again!)
- Fixed duplication bug with Steve's Workshop.
-All the fixes from the beta versions
-Added way to specify metadata in occlusion and reverb exceptions
-Changed occlusion and reverb exceptions to use doubles instead of ints, for more customization
- Finally fixed the SMP crash...
- Rewrote tank search algorithm. Tanks are now found x10 quicker and much more efficiently.
- Tank blocks no longer tick, i.e. they are a dummy TileEntities and as such use very very little memory.
- Tanks will now only display connected textures if they have a Controller. This way you can see what is wrong or if your time is misformed.
- Fixed a sync issue.
- Controller now displays percent empty.
- Russian translation added.
**** 2.0.0-alpha-3 release for Bukkit/Spigot and Forge 1.4.7, 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2, 1.7.10 ****
- Handle problem with change in Cauldron 1.7.x startup order (forge server mods starting after bukkit mods)
- Fix to-web chat problem due to client-only StringUtils change in 1.7 Forge
- Rework chunk handling - do chunk reading off of server thread, while only getting data from loaded chunks on server thread (Forge 1.6.4, 1.7.2, 1.7.10)
- Update Jetty web server
- Improve performance of IP ban list updates
- Update for Chrome 38+ (thanks to kolabor!)
- Fix problems with some integrated mods (WesterosBlocks) when in some locales
- Add table prefix support to MySQL (allow multiple table sets in same DB)
- Add base render support for most 1.7.10 mods in FTB Unstable
- Add initial support for Glowstone server (Bukkit version)
Bugfix release is out. You may notice that some of the items in your 2x2 drawers have "switched" left and right. There was a bug in the slot mapping that also showed up as a visible glitch on the new compacting drawer. Jaquadro has added several new block/item combinations to the compacting drawer that I thought made sense. Clay, bricks, snowballs, glowstone, and quartz can all be mashed together and broken apart now.
1.1.1 - Sep-15-14:
- Fixes slots being reversed on east/west sides.
- Fixes WAILA compatibility with new comp blocks.
- Adds brick, glowstone, clay, snowball, and quartz overrides to comp blocks.
- Updated translation Chinese Simplified (zh_CN).
Wonder if we'll need to start a thread about "people's knee-jerk reactions before observing the actual fallout of the whole MS/MC thing"So long, and thanks for all the fish @cpw