Planning on working on this for modjam:
"I'm seriously considering doing this next Modjam, And I want to hear from all of you what you think about this, and what I should add/remove. The list below is WIP, so I'd love your input!
- Metallic Skeleton, Strengthens your health, prevents as much damage from falling and attacks.
* May or may not come alive when you die via fire.
- Extended Memory Bank, A configurable device that's implanted in your head, Allows larger XP storage, and adds a 3x3 mental crafting area, and rudimentary waypoints. * Also can make your body come back to life..
- END; Electrical Nourishment Device, Replaces your need to eat.. but also makes it so you can't charge up without this device:
- Cybernetic Refueling Station, A small structure that allows you to recharge and unwind. * Uses RF Energy.
- Calve Strengthening Spring, A simple way of getting a tiny bit of energy from falling and running, Endues player with a double jump."
All the other
ideas that I've gotten from the original
Reddit post.