What's new in modded minecraft today?

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here's a pretty cool looking mod today made by @TheJackiMonster called Sword Art Online UI-Mod
TheJackiMonster said:
I started developing this mod a few weeks ago, but this is what it looks like (with Shaders-Mod and Optifine, so please focus at UI...)


The mod will add some changes:

  1. The inventory is devided in different parts: (Weapons, Equipment, Accessories, Items)
  2. The health will be shown as a health-bar with different colors.. (green = full ... red = low)
  3. All entities will render their health as a round health-bar..
  4. The Main-Menu shows information about the players..
  5. You are able to add other players to your party or your friend-list (only if they have installed this mod too, but no support needed by server)
  6. You can look at a Dungeon-Map and a Field-Map in your menu..
  7. The achievements are listed in a Quest-List..
  8. You will receive private messages in a window-form..
  9. If there is any problem with this UI you can also open the default inventory or the default main-menu...
I know that's a bad timing to release of Minecraft 1.8, but I hope you will enjoy this little mod anyway! :D



Please download and install MinecraftForge and put the '.jar'-file of this mod into your 'mods'-folder in your '.minecraft'-folder to install this mod. If you made everything correct you can see, after launching your MinecraftForge-Profile, that this mod is in your 'Mods'-list...

MinecraftForge: http://files.minecraftforge.net/



If you're a big fan of SAO, I would also recommend this server: http://saorpgserver.enjin.com/

Completely made by TheJackiMonster
uhh, hi? i just started following this, so sorry if this has been posted already. EXBiomesXL http://www.extrabiomes.net/ updated to 1.7!(BETA) current version=3.16.a17 (weird numbers :p)

Woo hoo... Hot off the press! I checked the blog last night and nothing and today.. this!

Thanks for the post @Densely! And welcome to FTB forums!

P.S: I am one of the few that simply loves the EXBL mod over the other biome/worldgen mods, so it's just that excitement spilling over. :)
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This mod adds research to Thaumcraft to allow you to create liquids using the crucible. Later on I'll be adding ways to obtain liquids from other mods and may add some liquids that have a cool use that can only be obtained this way.

Currently, there are only seven liquids that you can create.

  • Water
  • Lava
  • Oil (If Buildcraft is Installed)
  • Fuel (If Buildcraft is Installed)
  • Honey (If Forestry is Installed)
  • Biomass (If Forestry is Installed)
  • Biofuel (If Forestry is Installed)
  • Seed Oil (If Forestry is Installed)
  • Juice (If Forestry is Installed)
  • Creosote Oil (If Railcraft is Installed)
Cool new mod made by my friend Macc188:

IGD - In-game documentation

Really simple mod which gives you links to mod documentation when you type /docs mod.

For instance, /docs thaum would give you links to any mods starting with 'thaum'. I currently have this system set up on my private server and it works pretty well.

By default it reads the mod files and gives you the default links for them.
It's very configurable, you can pick the links that show up for mods in the config file, as well as the commands for specific mods.
Hello. This is a mod which contains some useful things (blocks and items):

1. Light Gate:

A block which blocks light but is transparent. Give a signal to it and it won't block light:

2. Switch. it's like a lever, but is blast resistant and can't be washed away by liquids:

3. Pulser. It emits a signal every delay. Toggle it by lever or Switch. Delay can be set.

4. Breaker. This block is designed to gather blocks.

It outputs into any inventory at the back. It doesn't spill items out of the back. You can configure distance, mode and exclusions:

It has 2 modes - ranged and point. In ranged mode it will gather all blocks within the specified distance; in point mode it will gather only block at the specified distance. To exclude a block, type its full name into textbox and push "Add string". There are 2 modes of exclusion: skip - breaker will skip the excluded block, and destroy - breaker will destroy the block without leaving drops. To remove an exclusion, type corresponding number and push "Remove string".
A good feature of breaker is that if it encounters an inventory with something, its contents will also be gathered.
Breaker is rotated by shift + right click with an empty hand.

5. Remoter. This block is designed to create an access to blocks over distance.

To use it, you must have an assigner and remoter upgrades:

Shift + right clicking any block with assigner will write its location into assigner. Then right clicking a remoter with assigner will connect written block with remoter if remoter has enough upgrades. Here is remoter GUI with some connected blocks:

What you can do is access any block from remoter from up to approximately 170 blocks away as if you were standing next to it and right clicking as usual.

6. Portable Remoter.

This item functions like Remoter block, except you can take it with you anywhere thus accesing a block on the go. It can have only one block connected though, but it's no problem because you can connect a Remoter block.

7. Repeater. This item can shoot arrows, TNT and snowballs.

It has two modes - rapid and delayed. In rapid it shoots projectiles without any delay while in delayed it shoots them with a delay equivalent to mob invincibility time.

8. Bat. This is a fun item which launches mobs into air (hold right button to increase strength).

9. Holder.

This one is used in union with Starter:

Upon a signal, starter will look for adjacent Holders, calculate their structure and try to move it. All blocks adjacent to holders will be moved too. You can close holder sides to prevent them from grabbing blocks by right clicking with empty hand. GUI of the Starter:

You can set where Starter will move the structure on recieving a signal from specific side; also whether it should consider liquids.
If the structure can not be moved, Starter will send a message to all players within 10 meters saying which block at what side is blocked:

10. Hybrid holder.
In addition to usual properties, this block can transport items from Breaker to an adjacent inventory:

It also can emit a signal by clicking it with assigner:

All that to make bores and miners possible.

11. Block detector.
Emits a signal upon detecting a block within specified distance. Rotate the same way as Breaker.

12. Tough Stone:

A blast resistant version of stone with carefully picked colors.

install Tools, then Fine technology.


Known issue: Holders do not work with multipart blocks (they are being destroyed).
new day, new update, and today it's @CrazyPants with Ender IO
CrazyPants said:
Ender IO - 1.7.10 -
  • Shift+Left Click now with Yeta Wrench on conduits now opens conduit GUI (you dont need to see the 'connection plate' anymore!)
  • #967 Crash opening conduit GUI
  • Fixed update issue with wireless charger causing player inventory update isses with Mine and Blade: Battle Gear 2
  • Fixed player inventory de-sync when opening Dim. Trans Gui

and @neptunepink with Factorization
neptunepink said:
Bunch of bug fixes & polishes:
  • socket shifter checks redstone properly
  • Fix dark iron ore's glint
  • Made /f now use localy formated time; notes can be added with the command as well

and @Vswe with Steve's Carts 2
VSWE said:
Steve's Carts 2 Beta 18
  • Fixed a recipe issue with the experience bank.

and @Vswe again with Steve's Factory Manager
VSWE said:
Steve's Factory Manager Alpha 92
  • Fixed an issue with advanced relays on dedicated servers.
AlgorithmX2 updated AE2 to

[rv1 beta build 21]

  1. Assemblers no save in a few additional cases.
  2. Protect vs Null container Items in crafting code.
  3. Added logging for security audits.
  4. Remove Stack Limit from Seeds.
  5. When adding a part to a Crafting CPU the CPU now properly breaks before reconstructing, Fixes item deletion.
  6. Crafting CPUs can now by default perform 1 delivery per 3 ticks, and Co-Processors add to this.
  7. When you Shift + Dbl Click an item it now moves all like items.
  8. Parts now properly save under a number of conditions.
  9. Fixed a bug where the quartz wrench stopped rotating blocks.
  10. Inverted Toggle buses no longer drain power.
  11. Fix issue with wildcard Items not pulling properly from storage when using Shift+? in NEI.
  12. Fixed an issue with patterns that yield the same input as output.
  13. Verify folder exists after its generated in world gen
Just having some fun working on the dna manipulation machines I promised :). They will be in the high-tech part of Mariculture (as mariculture is being split in to low-tech(base) and then high tech addon for the next version)
