Automatic changelogs are all well and good, but some of the posters here occasionally spice them up a tiny bit with a commentary on this and that, which I appreciate too.
if I heard correctly I think I heard Jaded talking about it once that curseforge has an option when you follow a mod, to inform you when a mod updates
if things finally start rolling with CurseForge and alot of mods start hosting their mods there, you'd be able to get notified on any mod whenever it updates
that'd mean we'd be out of jobs, but I wouldn't mind getting mod updates that easily![]()
There's a new mod that changes Tinkers Construct.
The mod's name is Tinkers Construct Overhaul by TheStapler
Tinkers' Construct Overhaul
*** Original code by @mDiyo can be found here. ***
I've modified Tinkers' Construct for myself and a few friends and have enjoyed it for quite awhile now. I have finally decided to share the fruits of my labor. This mod is a complete rework of Tinkers' Construct; original mod found here.
Tinkers' Construct overhaul changes some fundamental functions of tools and re-balances tool usefulness.
A complete list of changes this mod makes:
- Complete graphical rework.
- Paper Stack has been renamed to Composite Scale.
- The Frying Pan has been replaced with the Mace tool, which can hit through armor and stun the enemy.
- The Battlesign has been replaced with the Buckler (shield) tool, which reduces damage taken. Shield bashing reduces enemy damage output for a short period.
- Daggers are a lighter tool, enhancing the wielder's speed when equipped. Daggers also poison viable mobs on contact.
- The broadsword offers extra passive damage resistance when equipped.
- Shortbows have been renamed Crossbows and Arrows have been renamed Bolts.
- The Mattock is now a throwing weapon while retaining all previous functions.
- Cobalt and Manyullyn have been renamed.
- New armor pieces have a chance to spawn in jungle and desert temples respectively.
I have a good excuse, ... Ummm... Uhhh... @Yusunoha distracted me with his cereal!Drunk Mafia @TheDrunkMafia · Jul 7
TI Update: Block system finished and is now ready for effects to be added. Time to have some fun =D
TI = Thaumic Infusion
Did I do it? Did I beat Fexided
oh,is tenma working on mettalurgy?I have a good excuse, ... Ummm... Uhhh... @Yusunoha distracted me with his cereal!
But I did find this...
Working on stuffs.
Dammit, that's undoubtley amazing. Well this gets me vary excited, not being to obvious I do see in order:I have a good excuse, ... Ummm... Uhhh... @Yusunoha distracted me with his cereal!
But I did find this...
Working on stuffs.
Oh I was just about to give you a no to that(sarcasam)
oh,is tenma working on mettalurgy?
Actually.... I saw that in Vazkii's tweet, then I thought... Hey I should mention thisBotania has updated to R1.1 75
- Added Fancy floating flowers.
- Fixed Rainbow Tinted lenses not rendering when there's a block above the spreader.
- Fixed the Force Relay being allowed to push bedrock and blocks of the like.
- Increased the range in which the terrasteel crafting process can pull mana from.
I BEAT @Fixided, WOO HOO!
Dammit, that's undoubtley amazing. Well this gets me vary excited, not being to obvious I do see in order:
gold > iron > uranium > tin > copper > redstone > steel > ? > ? > glowstone
disclaimer: these are guesses
Nice find though!
TO THE PMS!!!!!!!! if wantedI added silver because it made sense, I am not sure about tungsten though.
iChun said:Hats updated to 3.0.1
- - Name the Hats Reader Thread for easier identification.
- - Tweak hat positions on Zombies, Wolves and Slimes.
- - Fixed CME crash when the Hats Reader Thread completes after the Server loads due to slow hard drives/downloading.
Morph 0.8.0 released for Minecraft 1.7.2
- - Now requires iChunUtil 3.3.0 or later. Uses its Config system, Keybind system, Networking system, Obfuscation helper, amongst others.
- - Fixed issues with other mods when a player kills and acquires another player.
- - Fixed issues with favouriting morphs.
- - Fixed rendering of ability icons for mobs with more than 4 abilities.
- - Fixed killing morphed players giving you the player as a morph instead of the morph as a morph. (Yes that was a bug)
- - Fixed flight ability giving you massive amounts of hunger if you were teleported.
- - Fixed lack of item use animation when morphed as another player.
- - Fixed localizations causing duplicate morphs.
- - Fixed issue with abilities not deactivating after remorphing.
- - Fixed block placement and block selection issues in small morphs.
- - Added sink ability. Morphs with this “ability” cannot swim upwards.
- - Added potion effect ability. Morphs with this ability will inflict potion effects on others when attacking without an item.
- - Added fear ability. Morphs with this ability causes other types of mobs to run away from the morph. Yes, creepers run away from you if you’re an ocelot/cat.
- - Added per-player config for early flight (vs the previous serverwide config)
- - Added a config to disable certain abilities by type.
- - Added a config to render the actual player name over the player when they’re morphed (yes, this shows even when morphed as another player)
- - Added a config to override the mob the player has to kill to unlock flight.
- - instaMorph config is now disabled by default.
- - Converted the player morph ability whitelist to a black/whitelist with a toggle config.
- - Player size now changes while they are morphing instead of when the morph is complete. This’ll let you get into smaller gaps quicker! This can also slowly put you in a wall so be careful.
- - Player’s max health and health are adjusted if the morph they are morphing into has a different hit points, with a max of 20 hit points. Damage dampening from armor is unaffected.
- - Resolved/reduced conflicts with the custom hand renderer using the new event introduced in Forge.
- - Configuration files and commands are now localizable.
- - Morph save data is now saved with the world and the player. Therefore, morph.dat is not longer required.
- - Converted the mod mob support and NBT stripper systems to use a threaded reader which reads from the github repository. Also has support for local (in the config folder) or custom-linked files.
- - Mod mob support has been renamed to a more general “ability support”
- - Ability mappings for Minecraft mobs are now in the ability support mappings. This means they can be overriden with custom mappings.
- - Changed how AbilitySwim works, mobs with this ability which cannot breathe out of water will have increased land fog and decreased water fog. This makes it harder to see on land and a lot easier in water.
- - Reduced chances of super acceleration with swim ability when in water.
- - Error handling for rendering models, entity loading and ability mapping. Should fix many crashes with mod mob morphs.
- - Boss mobs are no longer set to dead when killed and acquired to allow them to do their death ticks. This means you can leave the End and get it’s XP now after acquiring the Ender Dragon.
- - Plugged a OpenGL memory leak whenever the player morphed or acquired a new morph.
- - Updated the API with a new, favoured method to get an ability object.
Phew, big changelog.
Get it at the usual spot.
Joshie said:Here's the final pre-release, if there's no issues, this should go public tomorrow or Thursday. I would release it now, but I can't count do that until I've done the wiki pages(Added Botania + A few basic things for Thaumcraft). The Thaumcraft stuff will be expanded on in the future. Since it might be so obvious I'll state that wherever it asks for aspects with the thaumcraft stuff it wants a string like the following examples. I'd really appreciate some testing of the Botania things, since I'm not 100% familiar with the mod. In fact the Botania stuff may not even be working correctly for all I know >.<
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<Botania:manaCookie:*>, "aqua 1, terra 3, tempestas 45");
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.add(<minecraft:stone:*>, "aqua 1, tempestas 45");
mods.thaumcraft.Aspects.set(<minecraft:dirt:*>, "ignis 23");
- ADDED: Full ComputerCraft 1.64pr3 support using the native APIs!
- ADDED: Partial NedoComputers support (Cameras, Iron Note Blocks, Tape Drives)
- ADDED: Configuration options - configurable tape lengths
- ADDED: Radars! They detect entities. And players. And… that's about it.
- ADDED: Chat Box and Radar Upgrades for OpenComputers Robots.
- ADDED: Speaking, Musical and Radar Turtle Upgrades (ComputerCraft)! [UNTESTED - waiting for CC for 1.7.10]
- ADDED: Tapes can now have labels changed in CC Disk Drives. (Why not?)
- ADDED: Chat Boxes can now have an optional second parameter to say() - the distance.
- ADDED: Particle Effect Cards for OpenComputers - spawn particles all you want!
- FIXED: Cameras should now work. Really. Please work ;_;
- FIXED: Chat Boxes can now be connected using OpenComputers cables.
- FIXED: Iron Note Blocks work in OC (again)
- FIXED: Volume and speed settings in Tape Drives.
- FIXED: For those of you who don't use OpenComputers, a few more peripherals will now become tickless! (Chat Boxes, Cipher Blocks)
- REMOVED: OpenPeripheral support, we hook directly into ComputerCraft now!
- REMOVED: A lot of junk code from ages ago.