R1.1 74
Added Shedding. All sorts of mobs now randomly drop components of their body (eg, feathers on chickens, bones on skeletons, ghast tears, etc). This feature duplicates the mod ChickenShed and adds variants to other mobs. It can be tweaked in the config.
Fixed Glimmering Flowers working below pylons for the enchanter.
Fixed the Life Aggregator crashing servers.
Fixed the Snowflake Pendant not placing blocks in the correct location under some circumstances.
Increased the fall resistance of the Soujourner's Sash.
Reverted a recent change where particles would stay in the world for less time.
The Globetrotter's Sash now gives you a higher jump height and fall resistance.
R1.1 73
Fixed Mana Pools that were placed before the build 72 update being drained of all their mana and becoming unable to receive any.
R1.1 72
Added a "Mana Pool Cap before Voiding" NBT tag for mapmakers.
Added a "One use Mana Tablet" NBT tag for mapmakers.
Added a bunch of NBT tags to the Mana Spreader for mapmakers to be able to customize the properties of the mana burst the spreader fires.
Fixed Boreal Seeds being uncraftable.
Fixed Crash with rainbow tinted paintslinger lens.
Fixed Livingrock and Livingrock Brick Slabs' drops being swapped.
Fixed rainbow tinted paintslinger lenses changing the blocks' colors twice.
R1.1 71
Added a visual representation of Daybloom/Nightshade diminishing returns.
Fixed an exploit with Mana Spreaders that allowed them to function at twice the speed if one was to log out while a burst was still in the world.
Fixed the block breaking particles of the creative mana pool being of the Livingrock Bricks.
Having a Mana Void or any Catalyst below the Mana Pool changes it's texture.
Mana Pools and Spreaders now add themselves back to the mana network case they get removed for whatever reason. If this change doesn't fix the whole "flowers sometimes unbind from spreaders/pools" issue once and for all I'm punching a loli.
The Mana Blaster now has a subtle flicker effect on it's texture.
The Mana Detector now emits some red particles while it's emiting a redstone signal.
The Mana Spreader's render now has an animated crystal inside rather than a static one. Very subtle change, you can see if you look inside.
The Mana Void now emits some dark sparkle particles if a mana burst collides with it.
The Paintslinger lens can now use the Rainbow color >

The Paintslinger lens now has particles on collision.
Vines grown through Vine Balls will no longer grow.
[API] Added IClientManaHandler and IPoolOverlayProvider.
[API] Increased apiVersion to 2.
R1.1 70
Massively optimized the particle render code. Botania particles will no longer kill your fps. In doing this they also render properly over water now, so that's neat. Yo Azanor, you should do this too for nitor.
Added Matrix Mode as a config option. This was a visual glitch I got while changing the particle code that I decided to leave in because it was funny.
R1.1 69
Added a new lens (that requires elven knowledge), the Paintslinger Lens.
Changed the Pixie Dust texture to be pink to match the other elven resources and the pixie mob texture. You were waiting for it, confess.
Changed the text when hovering over a mana pool from "Accepting/Sparing Power" to "Accepting/Sparing Mana", to keep things concise.
Fixed Prismarine slabs and stairs not having recipes.
Right clicking on a piece of wool/carpet with Floral Powder now dyes it.
The Terra Shatterer can no longer receive mana from Aura Bands. Fixes Terra Shatterers not being able to break blocks if one is equipped.
R1.1 68
Fixed Mana Lenses displaying weird on item frames.
Fixed the Weight lens being able to move Tile Entities and unbreaking blocks like bedrock.
Removed examplemod. Again. aflsdjxfnsdxkhdoxu
Tweaked the lens entry text a bit.
R1.1 67
Added a config option to disable elf portal particles.
Added two new Mana Lenses, the Influence and the Weight lens.
Fixed lens z-fighting when on a spreader.
Fixed Solid Vines being iffy in multiplayer.
Fixed some improbable lens combinations being possible (like bore+entropy).
Fixed the Forge Recipe Sorter complaining about non registered botania recipes.
Nerfed the Agricarnation. Sorry :<
The Terra Firma Rod now uses ore dictionary names rather than block references.
R1.1 66
Added Prismarine. Just like the one in the 1.8 snapshots but won't corrupt your world, yeah!
Fixed Elven Quartz Blocks not being able to be broken back using the alchemy catalyst.
Petals can now be buried via right clicking and emit particles when done so.
Tossing Vines in a Petal Apothecary causes it to get an overgrown look. This is visual only.
Updated a bunch of textures.