What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Two new updates from GregoroiusT to his mod Gregtech



  • Fixed some Recipes not being added.
  • Added Battery (de)charging loss. (sorry but tiny Capacitors don't make ANY sense since they are just not usable anywhere, because they are tiny)
  • I may or may not have fixed the above Railcraft Issue. I don't know. I just changed my Code a little.
  • Added Filters in 20 different variations.
  • Added Thermal Centrifuges and Ore Washing Plants.
  • Added some "Decorative" Blocks.

*The Highlight is the new decorative blocks.
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new day, new update, and today it's @sparroha with a small update for Mimicry
sparroha said:
I've added a temporary fix, or rather temporarily remove the problem code.
Result being that this crash will not occur again in any pack at the cost of not being able to use mimichite on wood. (who ever does anyway right?)

I'm working on 1.7.x update lately fyi.
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Reactions: Fixided
For the people who wanted this:
for their 1.6.4 Modpacks, it has been backported!

@TehNut has released a new mod, called Redstone Armory. It's an addon for Redstone Arsenal/Thermal Expansion.

TehNut said:
Hello, fellow Minecrafters!

I, Tombenpotter TehNut, am here to present Redstone Armory, a Redstone Arsenal/Thermal Expansion addon. It is primarily mainted by Tombenpotter (The creator of Electro-Magic Tools) and I. We occasionally get some outside help.

If I haven't lost your interest, yet, you're probably wondering what this does. Well, look no further, I shall be your guide!

This mod was originally a pull-request to the 1.7.2 indev version of Redstone Arsenal (RArs from hereon out), but the TPPI developers asked us to backport it to 1.6.4.

In the current version, we add upgrades to the RArs Flux tools - Gelid Enderium. One thing I didn't like about Thermal Expansion 3 (TE3) was that Cryotheum had almost no use. We wanted to change that.
New update from GregoroiusT

  • Added Recipes for Packager and Unpackager
  • Fixed Batteries eating Energy constantly instead of only when they are charging/decharging.
  • Added Chest Buffer (Was Large Electric Buffer before) in 10 Voltages.
  • Fixed some Bugs.
Highlight would be the chest buffer
I would like to point out, in the latest snapshot changelog, I saw
•changed how things are rendered.
(Not the exact wording but you get the gist)

Yah never pay attention to the official Mojang changelog. It's kina fail.

Mojang wiki:
  • Rewrote how items are rendered.
  • Rewrote how blocks are rendered.
  • Rewrote how block data is handled.
Try the Mimecraft wiki:

  • Model format improvements[1]
    • Removed the directional attribute from the uv definition and replaced it with explicit texture references
      • "textureFacing" deprecated
      • You now specify a "texture" parameter, which can be either direct or hierarchical
        • If hierarchical, it is prepended with the hash symbol (#), otherwise it's just the texture name
    • "useAmbientOcclusion" renamed to "ambientocclusion"
    • "rotateVariantTextures" renamed to "UV lock"
    • "cull" renamed to "cullface", specifies the opposite of which neighboring face causes culling to occur
      • Example: if you have an east-facing face but want it to be culled along a different axis (let's say Z), you would specify "cullface": "north" or "cullface": "south".
    • Rotation made more verbose, it is now more clear that it can only occur on a single axis
      • Example, the rotation for one of the two faces of the "cross" model is now: "rotation": { "origin": [ 8, 8, 8 ], "axis": "y", "angle": 45, "rescale": true },
    • New flag, "rescale", added to the rotation parameters - when true, face will be scaled across the whole block
    • The folder models/blocks/meshes was removed and model files are now stored in models/blocks.
    • The folder blockstates was added and stores the model selection files previously found in models/blocks.
  • Rendering
    • Items
      • All items are models, some are still generated from item icons
      • Resource packs can make models for all items
    • Blocks
      • Rewrote how blocks are rendered
      • Rewrote how block data is handled
It's Much better.
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Reactions: YX33A
new day, new update, and today it's @Pokefenn with Totemic
Been doing some stuff.



Since i know people are gonna ask, yeah, the book code is taken from Botania, i asked Vaz and everything, so yeah... :p
I'm currently in the middle of doing ceremony stuff, the Totempedia stuff and also buffalo stuff, then hopefully i can get 0.4.2 out :3

and @iChun with updates for iChunUtil, Hats and HatStand
iChun said:
iChunUtil 3.2.0
  • Added Techne 1 & 2 model support for use of Hats and future mods.
  • Fixed the same mod update notification popping up twice.
  • Fixed several issues with Config files, including them saving when nothing was changed.
Hats and HatStand 3.0.0
  • Now requires iChunUtil 3.2.0 or later. Uses iChunUtil’s Config system, Techne 1 + 2 importer, Networking system.
  • Fixed clipping texture in the trade window.
  • Tweaked several mob hat render helpers.
  • Render helpers now have an Can Unlock Hat function.
  • Basic third party mob hat support. Something like Morph’s Mod Mob Ability support.
  • First person rendering of hats has been greatly improved. The only issue with it is view bobbing but if not for that, hats appear in first person perfectly.
  • Added Mob Spawner Block detection to prevent hat farming.
  • Added a Hat Inventory system. You can now store more than 1 of the same hat.
  • Added a Hat Rarity system. Colours follow from common to rare: White < Green < Blue < Purple < Yellow < Gold < Aqua. This is done to encourage the use of Hat Trading.
  • Added an Alpha slider for Hats.
  • Default Hats are now stored on an online server and will be downloaded when the mod is ran. Allows new hats to be added to the mod without the need of a mod update.
  • Techne 1 hats are converted into a Techne 2 save format and read in that format. However, the Techne 2 editor will not read these kinds of files just yet as the editor is missing the offset function from Techne 1. This is one way, be sure to make back ups of T1 models you do not want to lose.

And with that, I’d like to label Hats as feature complete.

Get it at the usual place.

and lastly @lumien with Random Things
Lumien said:
RandomThings 2.1
  • Added: Sound Recorder
  • Added: Wireless Lever
  • Added: There now is a low chance to find Spectre Iron in the chest of blacksmiths
  • Added: Biome Painter and Biome Capsules are no longer WIP (Mechanic might change at some point)
  • Added: Support for the VersionChecker mod by Dynious
  • Modified: Spirit Binder can now move Spawners
  • Modified: The Spectre Lamp is now an Lapis Lamp and much cheaper
  • Modified: Added Config Option for the dimensionID of the spectre world (Will automatically search for a free one on the first start). <----REMOVE ALL PLAYERS OUT OF THE SPECTRE WORLD BEFORE UPDATING OR YOUR GAME WILL CRASH
  • Removed: WIP Imbuing Station & Fluid Router (Will return at some point)
I just wanna promote BuildCraft Additions by AEnterprise here. http://buildcraftadditions.wordpress.com/
It is currently in version 1.5.3 for Minecraft 1.7

Goof stuff!

And Factorization is at version 0.8.79 now.
Servos & servo rails can now be colored; a colored servo will ignore differently colored servo rails.
The pressurizer now has 3 slots on servos, and defaults to sucking
/f saycoords now supports notes; eg "/f saycoords there's a big cave here!"
Since I'm tired of discovering I've been playing in peaceful for the past 2 hours and/or losing named mobs, I've added a button to the world select screen that warns you if you're about to load up a world with peaceful difficulty.
Crystallizer state syncs & renders better
Hopefully maybe possibly fixed ore processing recipe problems
Switched to Forge's FakePlayer
No new mod to share this time :(
but here's an update....

Refined Relocation: 1.0.5 for 1.6.4 and 1.7.2
Dynious said:
- Adds Relocators, which is probably the most advanced item transport system to date.
- Fixes too many bugs, really I've probably fixed 10x more bugs than goals Holland scored against Spain.
- Added some more localization strings.
- I forgot the rest, how long ago was the last release?
It's time for the second Applied Energistics 2 (by @AlgorithmX2 ) weekly summary! Today featuring builds 30-35!
AlgorithmX2 said:
rv0.beta build 30
  1. Multi-block clean up should be cleaner now.
  2. Fixed Bug: #0534 - Import Bus with Fuzzy Card does not work with damaged items
  3. Creative Tab now available server side; fixes https://github.com/Dynious/RefinedRelocation/issues/83
  4. Removed Vec3Pool
rv0.beta build 31
  1. Fixed Bug: #0500 - Craftable Invalid Items
  2. Fixed http://openeye.openmods.info/crashes/2d45b58c95514ec3d9a1b49703e53de9
rv0.beta build 32
  1. Fixed Bug: #0542 - IO Port is Breaking the Game
  2. Improved Errors when game is out of BiomeIDs.
  3. Spatial no longer is regsitered if it is disabled.
rv0.beta build 33
  1. Fix an issue where TileEntities could change without storage buses noticing, which could esult in item loss.
rv0.beta build 34
  1. Fixed bug where StorageBiomeID would revert to auto-detection when reloading.
rv0.beta build 35
  1. No longer update neightbors while loading a chunk.
Looks like dylan got here before me, but I'll step in anyway. Just got done with the Botania 1.1 update. It's the first major update since the release, lots of new things, fixes, tweaks, like always.
This version introduces Alfhomancy, which I've been teasing for a long time now.

  • Added Alfhomancy and lots of new funky items and blocks to go with it. Cool beans.
  • Added 20 new update messages, gotta find em all.
  • Added a little easter egg if you're Bevo. ;)
  • Added some checks to the special flowers' code, to prevent potential crashes (mostly in multiplayer).
  • Added some new textures for ingots, armor, shears, soulscribe, redstone spreader.
  • Added the Daffomill, a new functional flower that moves things with wind.
  • Added the Rod of the Seas, a water counterpart to the Rod of the Lands.
  • Added the ability to unlock new types of knowledge to the Lexica Botania.
  • Added utility controls to the Lexica Botania. You can now navigate through the pages with the cursor keys, pgup/pgdn, mouse wheel and swiping left/right with touchscreen mode enabled. Pressing backspace or clicking the right mouse button takes you back. Pressing the home key takes you to the main index.
  • Buffed the range of the Hopperhock. I apologize in advance if this causes your perfectly sized systems to conflict :(
  • Fixed Hopperhocks ignoring ISidedInventory for checking if there's space.
  • Fixed Hopperhocks never putting any items in an inventory with an empty frame.
  • Fixed String acquired from mana alchemy being metadata 1 and not being usable in most recipes.
  • Fixed baubles that do effects on being equipped (such as the Soujourner's Sash) not working if they're equipped via right clicking in the hotbar.
  • Fixed the Abstruse Platform being typoed as "Abtruse Platform".
  • Fixed the Agricarnation not working with saplings.
  • Fixed the Agricarnation trying to fertilize Vines.
  • Fixed the Soulscribe being unbreakable.
  • Removed the warning in the Thermalily's entry saying it produces a lot of power, as it's been nerfed a lot since it was introduced :p
  • Small makeover to the Lexica Botania, it no longer has weird green floating text in the top now, but a fancier header instead.
  • The Floral Fertilizer now spawns one more flower than before at all times.
  • The Snowflake Pendant now only freezes water source blocks.
  • You can now add up to 10 bookmarks to the Lexica Botania that allow you to go back to any entry.
  • [API] Major changes, adaptation is required.

Some lines of note:
  • Added 20 new update messages, gotta find em all.
  • Added utility controls to the Lexica Botania. You can now navigate through the pages with the cursor keys, pgup/pgdn, mouse wheel and swiping left/right with touchscreen mode enabled. Pressing backspace or clicking the right mouse button takes you back. Pressing the home key takes you to the main index.
  • You can now add up to 10 bookmarks to the Lexica Botania that allow you to go back to any entry.

Update checkers that are full of references and random shiz are the best, right? Also lots of usability and user friendliness tweaks, which I'm sure a lot of people will enjoy.
You can get it here: http://vazkii.us/mod/Botania/downloads.php
ProjectRed released for 1.7.2: 4.4.0 build #37 ( http://projectredwiki.com/wiki/Version_archive )
  • PORT: Minecraft 1.7.2
  • ADDED: Version checking config
  • REMOVED: Colored trees (to be replaced)
  • FIX: Pipe priority sorting crash
  • FIX: Invert cell inventory render
  • FIX: Firewall pipe items not being ghosted
  • FIX: Recipes with microblocks not checking NBT
  • FIX: Pipe crafting crash