It's a very basic early game travailing gear. It doesn't even provide any armor. And no it can't fly. Glide sure but not fly.Seems kind of unbalanced and out of character of TiC.
It's a very basic early game travailing gear. It doesn't even provide any armor. And no it can't fly. Glide sure but not fly.Seems kind of unbalanced and out of character of TiC.
The prices are insane though.Seems kind of unbalanced and out of character of TiC.
But that's exactly why I am happy, I don't think I'll move to 1.7 any time soon.Note that it is for 1.6.4don't get your hopes up yet
- Fixed Hunger Overhaul integration in a few cases
dmillerw said:If you've played any of the recent mod packs out there, or have compiled your own, you may have noticed that many mods put items that don't necessarily belong in the various loot chests found in Minecraft (dungeon chests, bonus chests, etc). The unfortunately reality is that as more and more mods add these unnecessary items, it lowers the chance of getting those items you actually want. That's where this mod comes in.
The concept and implementation is simple. When the mod first runs (and any time after, to keep things updated) a list is compiled of all the dungeon loot registered. A simple config file is then generated which lists all these items, as well as where they spawn. You can then toggle whether or not any of these items spawn at your leisure.
The config file in question can be found in the standard config folder, under "TooMuchLoot/MainConfig.cfg".
At the moment, this implementation is quite simple, but the ability to have more fine grained control over dungeon loot is in the works. I just wanted to get this release out to get some initial feedback.
Future Plans:
* Ability to modify spawn amount + rarity of defined items
* Ability to add new items to be generated via simple .json files
[font=Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif][background=rgb(232, 239, 244)][/background][/font]![]()
Here you can see that apples are prevented from spawning in the bonus chests.
Download (1.7.X)
Download (1.6.X)
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Reika said:V23c:
- ReactorCraft: Fixed high-pressure turbine multiblock
CrazyPants said:New EIO version uploaded. Includes major client side performance fix for 1.7. Just a few small bug fixes for 1.6.
Alz454 said:3.0.0b-final
- Fixed Portal Controllers forgetting their public status [#96]
- Fixed all crash issues with GUIs and DartCraft
- Fixed some unlocalized strings [#99]
- Fixed fluids not working as portal facades [#97]
- Fixed issue with Soul Shards: Reborn [#101]
- Fixed item dupe with shift-clicking out of block inventories [#103]
- GUIs should now correctly update for everyone that is looking at them [#107]
- Fixed item dupe with the Item Transfer Module
- java.lang.NullPointerException: Playing level event [#111]
- Fixed diagonal portals only rendering on one side
- Fixed Computercraft addon not working correctly
- Fluid/Item/Energy Transfer Module Upgrade now correctly updates the portal controller, allowing them to function as part of the portal structure
- Fixed Item Transfer Modules not saving their inventory
- Fixed being able to open the Network Interface and Dialling Device GUIs in certain situations when no Unique Identifier was set.
- GUIs have been completely rewritten, fixing all previous issues and giving a cleaner overall look, standardizing shared elements
- All chat messages have been standardized
- Power Multiplier config is now a decimal [#84]
- [1.7.2] Now uses isSolidOnSide, glass will still not automatically rotate you, but facades etc will.
- Moved config file into it’s own directory, in preperation for upcoming features.
- Overhauled the Manual.
- Written from an adventurer’s point of view, showing their discoveries when finding some unknown tech. Will tie in with the world gen elements and The Crimson, when added.
- Sneak right-clicking on EP3 blocks will open the manual on the entry for that block.
- Biometric Identifier.
- Removed a bunch of unused files in the jar
- Removed all unrequired APIs from the jar, will only be used if they’re available. (CC addon, OC addon) [#109]
- Programmable Interface. Does nothing for now, will be finalized in 3.0.0 final.
- Configurable dimensional stabilizer energy storage [#85]
- Configurable amount of active connections per row
- A new Portal Module, allows you to change the direction you face when teleporting. Sneak right-click with the module in your hand to change the direction. [#113]
- Sneak right-clicking (with something that passes sneak clicks onto the block, for example an empty hand) on a Dialling Device will do one of the following based on the state.
- Terminate the portal connection
- Open up the manual dialling GUI, instead of the stored identifier list
MysteriousAges said:2.1.12
- Changing hive gen to use isGenMineableReplaceable, which should make Deep hives spawn in Underground Biomes stone.
- Fixing logic error in handling world gen/retrogen
joshie said:Mariculture 1.2.2e
- Enchiridion is now required (Books are too important!)
- Added crash prevention when loading corrupted vats
- Fixed potential crash with buildcraft pipes
- Supressed a crash with mods that add itemblocks without blocks attached (bad modders!)
- Possibly fixed potential mirror saving crash?
- Fixed potential nullpointer with oyster
- Fixed further potential fluid crashes with crucible furnace
- Fish should give a minimum of 1 fish meal now (Some fish were giving none before)
- Crucible furnace should now only accept items in to the correct slots and you can only pull out of the output slots
- Hybrids will now show breeding in NEI, based on their two species, they will not show the inactive's products though
- Temperature variant formula was changed
- Highlands Biomes support cos hey why not?
Dartcraft has it, with the speed upgrades, I think.mDiyo stated in his LP that the balacing is still WIP. The multi-jump seems like a really nice feature I haven't seen done so far in MC mods![]()
I love mods like these. They can have a massive effect on your game play experience. Good job day, new update, and today we start of with a new mod by @dmillerw which is called TooMuchLoot
new day, new update, and today we start of with a new mod by @dmillerw which is called TooMuchLoot
next up, @Reika with a quick fix for ReactorCraft
Oh, wow. This update has been out for like 3 months, but I guess he has just now actually put it on his curse page since the Forestry forums (where it previously was located) have been down for a while..and @MysteriousAges released an update for Magic Bees
Travelers gear isn't armor, it's clothing, aimed at moving around quicker. You also forget that because this feature is built into the armor itself, it inhibits invisibility from the start, If you get close to a mob with that much armor, they will spot you, but it will prevent zombies from the hundred mile radar they got in 1.6.4, Not only that this effect is only active when sneaking and wearing that piece, which is also the piece that throws away most of invisibility utility away.Seems kind of unbalanced and out of character of TiC.
Not replace. It requires a massive amount of steam, meaning it will not even turn if attached to anything other than a fusion reactor or a very large fission reactor.I love mods like these. They can have a massive effect on your game play experience. Good job @dmillerw.
For those who follow Reika's mods, I gather that this new turbine is supposed to replace or subvert the existing turbine which currently produces a ton of steam block spam.
I built one last night in a test world (took a while, lots of layers); upon completion, I fired up a fission plant, and had little or no fps impact.
No... Or atleast.. It shouldn't... If you are somehow managing that, I'd report that immediately... But the gist of the armor upgrades are aimed towards, maneuverability, and dealing with obstacles at the cost of armors protection. You can walk on water, fall from extreme heights, slowfall, climb walls, mine quicker, decrease knockback when hit by something, ascend slopes easily... Etc, Etc. It has allot of neat features that actually have me wanting to switch out boots of the traveler to be completely honest.. legitimately walking on water is absolutely huuuuuge!
Does it come with a whip and a hatred of snakes?It also has multi jump I believe. Like the name implies it's for travailing not fighting. It's the Indiana Jones set.
Does it come with a whip and a hatred of snakes?