What would YOU change about BuildCraft?

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I would undo the transfer to RF. I liked MJ, it was a power system that required at least a little thought and planning...
RF is just too simple.
The way Buildcraft uses RF now is very similar to how MJ used to work. If you only use BC, RC and Forestry you will hardly notice it changed.
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Just because other options are available in a modpack, doesn't mean that you cannot use only bc pipes. Personally I enjoy the pipes partly due to the thought needed for their efficient usage. The main reason I am not using them this play through is my partner not liking them that much.

More on-topic the biggest thing I would like to see is the already teased multi block refineries
What would I change? The pump and the quarry. They're both too cheap (subjective opinion regarding gameplay balance) and too laggy (objective observation regarding Minecraft's handling of flowing liquids). The Extra Utilities version of these items exist for these very reasons. I'm not sure how you'd solve the lag problem without using block replacement, but there's really no reason not to use that method, as far as I can see. Obviously, a more expensive recipe (toggle cheap/expensive in the config, if you must) is simple; I'd probably avoid Ender Pearls :p

Another issue I've always had with BC appears to be already solved (possibly for a long time). Noticed in the config file the line "
# the lifespan in ticks of items dropped on the ground by pipes and machines, vanilla = 6000, default = 1200

If, as I assume, setting itemLifespan=0 means dropped items are deleted instantly, that solves one concern. Thousands of items spewing on the ground shouldn't ever be a possibility, certainly not on a server.

As an aside, as I don't really care much: if the Filler drops blocks, how is it not just a quarry with extra features?
As an aside, as I don't really care much: if the Filler drops blocks, how is it not just a quarry with extra features?
Last I checked, it doesn't drop blocks at all, which is precisely so that people would stop using it as a cheap quarry. Why spend a dozen diamonds on a quarry when you can just set up a filler and run around under it to do the same thing?

Also, for those who want to use the filler to tear down buildings without losing all the materials inside: Have you tried quarrying those buildings instead?
Last I checked, it doesn't drop blocks at all, which is precisely so that people would stop using it as a cheap quarry. Why spend a dozen diamonds on a quarry when you can just set up a filler and run around under it to do the same thing?

Also, for those who want to use the filler to tear down buildings without losing all the materials inside: Have you tried quarrying those buildings instead?

Understood. I posed the question mainly to the people in the thread complaining that the filler doesn't return their blocks.
I would undo the transfer to RF. I liked MJ, it was a power system that required at least a little thought and planning...
RF is just too simple.

All MJ and RF are is just passing numbers between blocks. It's up to mods what they do with it.

We decided to move to RF to let mod packs make the decisions, not us. They're generally better at ensuring balance between fifty different mods than we could ever be.
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Understood. I posed the question mainly to the people in the thread complaining that the filler doesn't return their blocks.

What might work, would be a config for the filler that DOES return blocks, but not blacklisted blocks that are in the config: aka any ores. Or, it does return any ores, but does it at the same drop/void ratio that vanilla does tnt. You might not get that precious diamond, better use a quarry :)
For building projects, what is important, is that blocks are properly preserved with ALL their NBT and meta data intact. i.e. If I use a filler to dissassemble a building, that contains a chest, I would not want to loose the chest.

So, what could balance the filler, would be a "builders block archive" block. This would be a block that has a massive internal inventory, but no UI. Breaking it to move it preserves its contents.
Its only purpose is to be placed adjacent to a filler/builder, which would use the blocks therein, to re-manifest them in the world. So you *could* use it to mine (with silk touch) any blocks in the world. But you would need to re-place them to mine them again some other way to actually get the resources.

Think of it as a clipboard, and the filler as a cut & paste machine.
If you're finding that things are too cheap, the simple solution is to change the recipes to require blocks instead of ingots/gems. Want a diamond gear? That'll be 36 diamonds each. Problem solved.
If you're finding that things are too cheap, the simple solution is to change the recipes to require blocks instead of ingots/gems. Want a diamond gear? That'll be 36 diamonds each. Problem solved.
Which only means you need to spend a little more time in the mine, unless the quantities needed are too ridiculous to get manually.
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If you're finding that things are too cheap, the simple solution is to change the recipes to require blocks instead of ingots/gems. Want a diamond gear? That'll be 36 diamonds each. Problem solved.

actually, I've seen some modpacks which add some really interesting alternatives for this using Minetweaker as a base.
they mixed the recipes from mods together, so for example if you wanted to craft a recipe from mod A you'd first need to create a setup from mob B using items provided from mod C
simply increasing the number of resources you need to collect is as @ljfa mentions, you only need to spend a bit longer mining than usual
If you're finding that things are too cheap, the simple solution is to change the recipes to require blocks instead of ingots/gems. Want a diamond gear? That'll be 36 diamonds each. Problem solved.
I've approached this from the other spectrum, by changing ore gen to be mainly poor ores, with some normal and dense ores.
As a result, without ore processing, there is roughly 1/4 the amount of ingots in the world. Saves having to tweak every recipe in game to be more expensive, and makes ore processing much more vital, plus you need to generate/use more RF in processing the ores and running automated mining.
That's fine. The problem then though, is that you're also making things harder on creating the power you need to process the things. Mining four iron ore to get 10 RF/t, instead of one iron. Where as I'm making you mine 9x4 for automation, once you're set up. Then again, I rarely have diamonds to spare, so it'd be something to completely make me stop using it.
But, urbanist investigations pending, at the moment buildcraft makes me sad as it does 90% of what is needed in a "build"-craft mod. But then stops short due to shortsighted concerns and technical limitations.
At one side, bringing back the Filler's old functionality will benefit *you* and perhaps will make you satisfied as well. On the other side, people will use it as a cheap Quarry and then the block will probably be banned/disabled in most servers because of imbalance and be complained at, What a loss. So I sort of question what you regard as "short-sighted".

Buildcraft was frustratingly close to being able to help, but petty limitations ultimately made it useless for its stated purpose: Building.
I assume this sentence is full of exaggeration. Hehe.
No, really, I'm confused. Because BC (Builder and Filler) can auto-build structures ... but it isn't able to help? ... Auto-building mechanic useless? Useless for building? How is it useless?

I apologize if I sound a bit vocal. Being rude in any kind is not my intention at all.
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Config Option for the Filler to be set as either Lossy or Lossless for people who want it to work that way.
To be honest, I've not tinkered with BC for a long time and even Forestry got little love from me because of the one thing that does seem to have been changed: perdition. I understand the concept it was trying for, but for me personally it just irked me. Which was a shame, as I did have a soft spot for things like oil/fuel despite other mods nerfing their intermod usability.

A little thing that would be awesome would be a similar dealio to how QuarryPlus works with liquids: Put a pump next to a quarry and have it delete *and* frame off liquids. No spillage, looks neater and makes picking through the sides easier. Balance it by adding to energy usage, I'd imagine.

Ok man, here is the thing. The majority of the new textures in Buildcraft 7 are freakin awesome; with three exceptions: engines.

The new. Where engine textures are no longer reflective of their vanilla textures/materials.


The old, were buildcraft material textures reflect Vanilla textures.


See my issue? Why are you changing the engine textures from solidarity with Vanilla minecraft? No disrespect to Cynidx, but his Unity resource pack textures for wood, stone, and iron should not be the reference.