1. Make the filler much much faster when clearing(still rather slow when attached to a Redstone Energy Cell) and keep it NOT dropping blocks, it's there to clear areas fast and not mine. You want blocks go manual.
2. Sort out the flying red blocks, absolutely eats my FPS.
3. Get rid of facades and use micro-blocks. 5 different pipe covering systems in Infinity(for example) is just retarded(blah blah blah performance problems, I'm sure the 5 devs and LexManos could've sorted this issue if they worked together and not just did their own thing)...
4. Gates, get the gates working for everything possible, advanced gates that can detect different parts of an inventory(input, output, slag etc on machines), wireless gates, engine control gates that'll activate when an energy storage is below a certain % and shut off when above a certain %, just more gates

5. Add more things that make MC come "alive" such as the quarry arm or wavy arms on the refinery... Things that move, things that blink etc etc. The first time I saw a quarry arm I sat and watched it for 30min thinking it was the coolest thing ever.