It actually didn't. I just didn't reply as I was busy implementing the feature into BC7.Haters gotta hate, and ignorance is bliss.
That said, it irks me when my post gets missed because of a hater posting right after me.
It actually didn't. I just didn't reply as I was busy implementing the feature into BC7.Haters gotta hate, and ignorance is bliss.
That said, it irks me when my post gets missed because of a hater posting right after me.
Please don't do anything other than what you already are doing. I am not a fan of magical mods. I actually remove everyone of them from packs I play. But Botania stays. The book is one of the most intuitive ways I have seen for understanding a mod I have played with. The sashes, rings, and pendants are amazing. You also have some of the most amazing textures and animations while things are working. I have always been into tech mods, but recently Botania has become my favorite mod. Keep up the great work.Then what exactly do you want me to do? Seems like nothing will ever make you happy.
1) Pipes - Love them, not keen on how many different variations there are now. Seems to have been made excessively complex compared to the "good old days". My mind just goes "Nope, don't want to understand" when I've seen vids of all the new pipes. (I think part of the problem is all the multi-colours turns me off, feels less "industrial" with rainbow colour pipes)
2) Quarry - would love to see some sort of upgrade system that can (depending on upgrade), destroy or harvest liquids while the quarry munches up the world.
3) Further harvest options based on quarry tech - I'm sure the quarry system could be adapted for tree farms and normal farms. With the arm travelling around picking and planting seeds/saplings.
4) Autocrafting options - I'd love for the autocrafter (crafting table and 4 cogs) to be able to pull from inventories again. Made heavy use of that in 1.2.5. Perhaps as an intermediate upgrade between the laser assembly system, as at the moment there is a massive tech gap, between wood and a mass of obsidian, diamonds & power to craft. Needs to be something in the middle.
5) I dislike the autaric gate requiring enderpearls. Since at it's basic level it's a redstone engine in the same block space as a pipe, enderpearls can be a rare item for such a basic use.
6) in game books giving an overview of advanced systems, such as gates, robots. I dislike breaking my "immersion" in a game by having to consult a wiki
7) Core tech - I think at some level BC needs to add it's own version of core technology, such as a smelter and ore doubling (can be disabled in configs)
8) More power gen options - lots of improvements/additions within BC, but there are still the same 3 basic engines.
You missed #21) You don't need to use them.
3) BuildCraft Robots
4) I am considering a crafting table in the middle, adding fluid tanks to the laser crafting table and making a better crafting table in the middle.
5) That's a good notion and I'll look into changing that. I hate End materials and emeralds, really.
6) Planned!
7) No! We don't need ore processing! Nobody needs ore processing! (BuildCraft Additions adds a BC-centric duster and smelter, though.)
8) Done so well by Forestry and RailCraft that we just don't bother.
It actually didn't. I just didn't reply as I was busy implementing the feature into BC7.
We could never reproduce the lag issues. Really. That is the main problem.I tried in the latest Resonant Rise, to use the filler and quarries today. I admittedly don't have the newest machine, but I can run RR3 at 40fps even with machine buildup. I dropped a default size quarry and I lost half of my frames. I tried the filler and not only did I lose 75% of my frames, but I had to force stop the client just to access inventories.
I haven't used BC in a while, but especially with the filler, it seems the flying blocks deal or the general update itself, is killing performance. I've seen people flat out crash using the Builder in their LPs. Based on my experience today with other items, I'm averse to even trying it.
I agree with Shneeky as well. Oil is basically useless. It'd be nice if it had other uses.
I'd love it if the building machines worked well and at least as resource friendly as they were in previous versions. I don't use the pipes at all not the logic so I can't help you there. I just prefer the options offered in other mods.
Done, Done, BuildCraftCompat for recipes and descriptions in NEI I absolutely despise, Done, Agh, Done-ish. Heh.Here are my recommendations.
Background. In 1.6.4 I attempted to build a modpack centred around CJ's vision of Buildcraft. In the end, I decided to compromise and add TE to combat server lag. I disabled item ducts to force usage of buildcraft pipes, all while recommending players use te conduits as they could power RF and MJ devices. I ended up with a beutifully complex system of pipes, conduits, boilers, engines and dynamos.
Recommendations. (As constructive criticism goes, I will try to focus on what needs improving)
1. Don't try to turn build-craft into industrial-craft. Traditionally, Buildcraft's strengthens were its seamless integration with Railcraft and forestry. Sadly, since the RF transition these three staple mods have began to diverge. Work on reuniting the player bases. (I love meh engines <3) We don't need add-ons that do little but copy what already exists. Please focus on integration, not replication
2. Ditch BC's heritage of refusing to embrace other mod apis. This really is less of an issue ever since you came along. (thank you for RF support asie) However, this is one thing that really bothered me about CJ's Buildcraft: other apis were not supported as buildcraft's team held an arrogant attitude of superiority. This negativity when placed against KL's charismatic attitude is what caused many BC's jump ship to the more "pleasant side".
3. Get NEI native integration and stop waiting on other plugins to do it for you. This really is a continuation from 2. BC has traditionally refused to support NEI despite the fact that almost everyone uses it. NEI is to minecraft what SKYUI is to Skyrim. If you love your users you will add this feature <3 If you REALLY love your users you will follow in AE2's footsteps and add Item Descriptions into NEI for buildcraft beginners.
4. Some of the textures need updating. Notice I only said some; many of the build-craft's textures are beautiful and should never be changed (<3 engines, item buffer textures). However, may textures such as the pump, and quarry really could use some love. Don't go overboard, but at-least bring them up to par with vanilla textures.
5.Focus on machines that add new mechanics instead of simplifying old. I know this point sounds dumb, but hear me out. In today's modded scene there are far to many mods that add machines that do nothing more then generate mass amounts of energy, or simply to remove any and all challenge. Building storage cells to store energy is not end game and it isn't fun. We need machines that give us new stuff to do. We don't need power for the sake of power, we need cool things to use it on. Machines like the builder actually give us new mechanics instead of just simplifying the old. Keep that up !!
6. Focus on code optimization. I have no idea how build-craft 1.7.10 runs compared to 1.6.4 (just about to switch over) However, above all else, a mod that runs smooth with few but optimized features is always preferred above mods that lag with many but unoptimized features. Quality of performance > Quantity of features
What would I, personally, change?
I would get rid of robots. For me, they don't fit with the rest of BC. Ditto with the tossed blocks with fillers/etc. (Or at the very least I would make it so that if you remove the filler after it's stopped tossing blocks it doesn't lose the blocks in the air). Ditto with RP-style colors in pipes. I would revert the autocrafting table to something akin to a cross between EasyCrafting's autocrafting table and LP's autocrafting table. Or perhaps add it as a mid-tier autocrafter. I would revert the filler to dropping blocks from the bottom up, and change it so that it removed the first items after dropping N (for a reasonably large value of N), instead of just having a short item delay. I would add opaque pipes that are as cheap as the transparent ones, mainly so that later on I could (try to) do some performance improvements with them. (My LP-based autocrafting setup currently uses ~1/2 of the total TE update time, and that's when idle). I'd make it so the pump can run on redstone engines again. I'd add an alternative recipe for autarchic gates that uses a redstone engine instead of ender pearls. More expensive, but easier to get before you've reached the end, and less RNG-heavy. And I'd try to remove facades and implement FMP support, but that's a bit of a pipe dream, unfortunately.
But I know that most of these won't be done. BC has diverged from my ideals. I liked BC working standalone, but that's not the direction BC has gone. (I'm still bummed about ChemDork's BC LP).
There is already the builder doing that. Just use a template instead of a shematic in the architect table. (though you'd have to generate one template for each block type you want to use)I have 3 problems with Buildcraft.
I would love to be able to just get Buildcraft and hAnother thing that would be amazing is "new" type of builder. With a pattern that can only store a few block types and has a UI where each block can be replaced with a different block when rebuilding something. So that I could make a copy of a house and have it make the walls out of a different material, or a different decorative tint block, or a different floor etc.