What does YOUR Power Room look like?

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Where are you getting the red cobble, though?
Also, mycelium can be used as a nice sustainable alternative if you're just mining it, since it can be produced in moisteners from wheat and seeds.

Wand of equal trade and a red rock biome. One right-click gives me 2.5 stacks. And since I tend to conserve power, I only need to go mine more once in a very very long time.

Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't notice mycelium when I was looking through NEI! If I ever get bored of turning mountains into cobble I might switch over.
There are surface quarries in LUA that you could use as well, much slower but more automated. You don't even need a compare.inventory, just let it mine the first 4 or so layers.
Plan on going full-tilt into GregTech, and my first stop will be to build an AESU. Know what this means? Dense Ore Mystcraft age! That is, if Mystcraft hasn't gotten rid of the "SPAWN ALL THE ORES" thing, which would make me sad, because THEN, I'd need to go to the End.

With a huge supply of obsidian, which is being made from siphoned-off extra unused hell lava, I shouldn't have much of a problem expanding my treehouse.
I traded my power room in on a power roof. How boring is that?


I think I need to come up with a better default answer to every problem other than "just make more of them."
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Everyones power room so big
mines an endertank being pumped lava from the nether, to 3 geothermal generators into storage..
May I suggest turning them into Thermal Generators? :)
Last time i played a highly modded save was before ftb was out, so im a bit new on gregtech and the new mods. But thanks for the suggestion. When i get a proper room, im going to do that... probably. this lava lake is massive, and as it stands it can be moved anytime, but my storage is basically always full.
Ender tank?

I seriously need a FTB mentor :c
Like an ender chest. It stores liquids, so i have a pump that well, pumps it into the ender tank (this is the nether side) then ihave an identical ender tank in my base that extracts the liquid and puts it in the generator.
If your confused about a lot of stuff that people say, do what i do and look it up in NEI, or one of the ftb wiki's
just search what you want, and it gives the recipe, information and what mod its from. Might not be the best but it works.
Hey guys!

Here's a power plant I built for my friend's server. It produces 1800 Mj/t that anyone can tap into.

Overview of the plant

Xycraft tanks for biofuel, creosote, biomass, and apple juice
*Note the empty biomass and apple juice tanks, I used up the apple juice so production of biomass slowed way down. Switched back to water for my fermenters until I produce more apple juice again.

The Greenhouse for my tree farms. It contains 4 Max sized forestry Multi-block farms and a Steve's Cart tree farm. It used to have 3 Steve's Carts tree farms, but I'm getting ready for the nerfs.

4 Fermenters managed by a local AE network

4 Squeezers and the AE network above the Fermenters

24 Stills

2 Turbines to power a matter fab right underneath the stills

12 36HP boilers, all liquid fueled. They're in a circular pattern so I can't get a shot of all of them. It's quite cramped in here.
Also, 200 Industrial Steam Engines.

10 of the boilers power 18 engines each, which feed into 2 sides of a Redstone Energy Cell, which feed into 2 Energy Tesseracts on the same frequency.
2 boilers power a turbine each and 10 more engines that feed into a REC and an Energy Tesseract. This all totals to 200 Industrial Steam Engines, 2 Turbines, 12 RECs, and 22 Energy Tesseracts.

The top 2 tree farms

The 2 tree farms below that

And finally the Steve's Carts one

I don't like cluttering the place too much with pipes, so I use a lot of tesseracts, enderchests and endertanks for transportation of the liquids and items. I also like the "module" feel, so each section is separate except for maybe a few wires/pipes.

Well, there it is. Comments and criticisms welcome.

Love the architectural style, and the modular feel, but I have a few questions:
1. Have you considered using Lime Trees for apples? Almost every other leaf block drops one (not sure of the exact statistics, but it seems that way)
2. What do you power with 12 HP boilers, other than that forcefield?
3. Do you do anything with bees?
4. How do you get resources, namely all those blaze rods for the ender things?
Love the architectural style, and the modular feel, but I have a few questions:
1. Have you considered using Lime Trees for apples? Almost every other leaf block drops one (not sure of the exact statistics, but it seems that way)
2. What do you power with 12 HP boilers, other than that forcefield?
3. Do you do anything with bees?
4. How do you get resources, namely all those blaze rods for the ender things?

1. I haven't done much breeding, I leave that to the others on the server. When they get better breeds of trees, I'll grab a couple of saplings. I might do my own breeding in the future, but it just seems so tedious. As for apples, I have about 45K of them and I'm not really hurting for them. to be honest, I only added the squeezers as an afterthought because of how much apples I had. Now I just need more squeezers to actually keep up with fuel production.
2. Not a whole lot. Haha! I use the power for my own AE net (107ish energy units idle), and some machines for ore processing. It also powers the AE net in the plant itself and the farms too. I built this as a server free power thing, but mostly because I wanted to see if I can. Also, that's no force field. It's glass viewers from Xycraft.
3. I've just recently started with bees, so not much there either. Soon I'll be powering some extra bees machines too.
4. We have a mining age that I used quarry the hell out of. Now I use a frame bore, but I hardly turn it on because I have a lot of resources already. The Blaze rods came from that tier 5 blaze spawner right next to the plant (the one with conveyors).

Very nice build. Looks great too.
Was it built in Survival or creative ?
Either way it's still a great looking design.

Thank you. It's all legit. Took a while to get all the steel. I had 4 Blast Furnaces and 4 Coke Ovens. I got the coal for m a tier 5 Wither Skeleton farm, and the iron from an tier 5 Zombie Pigman farm (via Minium Stone).

How do you get the different coloured trees? Probably a dumb question, but never seen any other tree but vanilla + thaumcraft ones.