What cool little thing have you discovered today?

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Jul 29, 2019

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is what the Thuamic Tinker fire things do apparently

Wow, just wow! I'm sooooooo going to do that now! I'm staggered and slightly speechless, so awesome and so wrong at the same time!

Right I'm busy with the test, SSP on a not bad PC, 10 min in after 1 vial FPS at 30 and tick rate at just over 50.

Ok so it seems on a completely clean world and without much flying around my PC can just handle this(doesn't like it tho). The obsidian cones left behind look bloody awesome tho. Has stabilised at around 50ms and 30FPS.

This WILL kill most instances and it's slightly ridiculous tbh.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, as soon as I saw all the quick spawning fire I was like "No. This is not ending well for a different reason then I thought", really, between all the block updates, light updates from normal fire and lava being killed, and the flowing lava, this is a "good" way to stress test a computer


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, the elemental imbued fire's entry in the Thaumonomicon looks so innocent.

Until you unleashed it and it bares it's fangs at the world.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When you duplicate a spatial storage via dupe bug, you don't create 2 identical spaces. Instead you entangle both drives in a way they contain the same space. When you trigger 2 spatial ports with entangled drives together interestingly, one of the spatial port is replaced by the stored space and the second spatial port is teleported in the position of the first. And yes, you can jump in the teleportation and it work as expected. You get a loading screen and you end inside the other spatial port.

Very interesting... I wonder what other experimentation I could do with entangled drives. I'm taking suggestions :) .

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
When you duplicate a spatial storage via dupe bug, you don't create 2 identical spaces. Instead you entangle both drives in a way they contain the same space. When you trigger 2 spatial ports with entangled drives together interestingly, one of the spatial port is replaced by the stored space and the second spatial port is teleported in the position of the first. And yes, you can jump in the teleportation and it work as expected. You get a loading screen and you end inside the other spatial port.

Very interesting... I wonder what other experimentation I could do with entangled drives. I'm taking suggestions :) .
Spatial cells do store their storage space in its own separate dimension, rather than storing it all in the NBT data of the item itself. Which means several things: as you've found, duplicating the cell doesn't duplicate the contents, instead simply allowing you to access the contents from two different places without actually transferring the item from one place to another. Also, if you get trapped in a spatial cell, you're just in a little pocket dimension- other than the lack of anything outside the contents of the cell, nothing really changes from the player's point of view. And if you manage to get out of the pocket dimension and leave a chunkloader behind (or just put a compatible one in the spatial IO area before activating the spatial port), machines in the cell will keep working.

Interesting teleportation idea is interesting. I'm thinking about having some sort of room inside an entangled spatial IO area containing a panel of buttons and wireless transmitter or a ComputerCraft touchscreen interface to allow selecting a destination. Scattered around various dimensions would be walled-off boxes with spatial pylons embedded in the walls whose interiors are only accessible through iron doors that are only opened (by a redstone block located in the transmitter room) when the transmitter room is in that particular location. There is a button on the outside of the box that triggers the spatial IO port, as well as a pressure plate just inside the door that does the same.

So you come up to this box with spatial pylons in the walls and an iron door. You look through the window in the door, and see that the box is empty. You press a button on the outside, and poof, the door opens and a touchscreen appears inside. You step in, are shortly afterward are faced with a loading screen (might be a good idea to have a 1-2 second delay on this) on your client. Then, you find that the walls have disappeared and you're standing on a platform (or in a walled room?) in a void with the very same touchscreen in front of you. It shows a list of destinations (think Direwolf20 Mystcraft portal dialer), and when you click on one, you're faced with another loading screen before finding that the outside world has reappeared, but looks a little different. When you step through the (open) door, you find that you're in an entirely different location (i.e. the Nether, a friend's base, whatever the button you clicked described), and when you turn around, the room in the box has vanished.

I suddenly want to build this now. I'll add it to the list of things I want to do sometime...

Also, I like calling them quantum-entangled spatial cells, to go along with your quantum-entangled singularities.
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