Werewolf Organisation: Electric Boogaloo Redux

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Updated my rolesheet. Major overhaul, take a look.

It can be found here.

Character bios will come soon.
Only qualm after a cursory inspection: Wyman's power doesn't match anything I've done with him in any of the RPs. However, I could see him cracking open a vial of gaseous tenebrae to the same effect.

Anywho, while I was on vacation, I thought about AltSanity 2 some. The only setting I can think of (within MTG, at least) where the alt shenanigans make sense would be Tarkir, where everyone could easily be disguised within a swirl of draconic magic. But there's a problem with Tarkir: There's five factions. Werewolf really only wants two, maybe three if you count neutrals. So how could I make a two-faction game work in a five-faction world?

By having the game decide the fate of the battle between the rival dragon planeswalkers Ugin and Nicol Bolas 1280 years ago, I guess. So how would that work? After thinking about this some, this is what I came up with:

Team: Tarkir Natives (Village)
Win Condition: Kill Nicol Bolas, or "kill" Ugin while Ugin is being protected by Sarkhan
- Ugin (Dragon): Each night, may disguise two players with magic. Until these players decide to shed their disguise (which they may do at any time), they cannot use their roles and must use an alt in the game thread and all convos (which means they're locked out of any and all convos until they undisguise). In addition, any abilities directed at a disguised player will be redirected to a random disguised player instead (who may well be the original target).
- Sarkhan Vol (Human): Each night, may target a player. If that player would die that night and is Ugin, Sarkhan will use the hedron shard attached to his staff to create a protective cocoon around Ugin, preventing his death unbeknownst to Bolas and satisfying the Native win condition.
- Ten or so more roles, some marked Human (or Goblin or Aven or Orc or whatever), and some marked Dragon. These will include seers, doctors/bodyguards, etc. Usual village power roles; I haven't thought them all up yet.

Team: Bolas and Converts (Wolves)
Win Condition: Kill Ugin while Sarkhan isn't protecting him
Special: Each night, vote on a player to kill. If there's a tie, Bolas's vote counts double. If that doesn't resolve the tie, longest-standing vote wins.
- Nicol Bolas (Dragon): Each night, may implant a vision of a wondrous dragon-free Tarkir into the mind of any humanoid player. That player now permanently wins with Bolas. Fails if the target is Sarkhan or a Dragon.
- Yasova Dragonclaw: Each night, may mind-control a Dragon player, who now permanently wins with Bolas and herself. Fails if the target is Ugin or a humanoid.

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The game looks reasonable, and I will join if I have time.

Not played onslaught so I have no idea how the story line would allow for werewolf games. but onslaught is the set morph first appeared in so if there is going to be a third, there is your new world.
The game looks reasonable, and I will join if I have time.

Not played onslaught so I have no idea how the story line would allow for werewolf games. but onslaught is the set morph first appeared in so if there is going to be a third, there is your new world.
About all I can say about Onslaught off the top of my head is that it's set on Dominaria, along with almost every Magic expansion prior to Mirrodin. But yes, Onslaught or Time Spiral-era Dominaria is certainly a possibility for the next alt game, if/when I or anyone else get around to it. I'm just not terribly familiar with the story of either of those blocks, which is part of why I went with Tarkir for this game.
About all I can say about Onslaught off the top of my head is that it's set on Dominaria, along with almost every Magic expansion prior to Mirrodin. But yes, Onslaught or Time Spiral-era Dominaria is certainly a possibility for the next alt game, if/when I or anyone else get around to it. I'm just not terribly familiar with the story of either of those blocks, which is part of why I went with Tarkir for this game.
I guess it is just to old to be usable, unless someone wants to get a shovel and dig for a few months.:p
Maybe if we summon Gravedigger and let him do all the work? Or we can make a Soldevi Digger to help with the digging? :p
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Hi guys!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello and let you all know that the 2015 Mafia Championship Finale has finally begun: http://www.mafiauniverse.net/threads/269-The-2015-Mafia-Championship-Finale

Several months under way, 70 representatives from 70 different communities, and finally it's time to see who will be crowned the "best" mafia/werewolf player on the interwebz ;)

Also, as you might've noticed, we've changed the venue to a new site called Mafia Universe after having gotten many complaints about the 2+2 software being pretty bad. Mafia Universe is a platform dedicated specifically to bringing mafia communities together. It will also feature completely automated games very soon, and already has some cool features. Hope you like it better.

If any of you would be interested in spectating and talking with others about the game (or if you just want to shoot the breeze with other mafia/werewolf enthusiasts), we have a spec chat on Skype with 100+ people from many different communities. Go ahead and add me, if you'd like an invite: thingyman
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Aha i see. No future games except for Sgbros are on the list?
Lets see.. How about werewolfs of wakkerdam II ? Yeah. Throw that on the list. I'll come up with an updated sheet for it in a little bit ;)

First, though, I forgot something. Someone. Whoops.
By having the game decide the fate of the battle between the rival dragon planeswalkers Ugin and Nicol Bolas 1280 years ago, I guess. So how would that work? After thinking about this some, this is what I came up with:

Team: Tarkir Natives (Village)
Win Condition: Kill Nicol Bolas, or "kill" Ugin while Ugin is being protected by Sarkhan
- Ugin (Dragon): Each night, may disguise two players with magic. Until these players decide to shed their disguise (which they may do at any time), they cannot use their roles and must use an alt in the game thread and all convos (which means they're locked out of any and all convos until they undisguise). In addition, any abilities directed at a disguised player will be redirected to a random disguised player instead (who may well be the original target).
- Sarkhan Vol (Human): Each night, may target a player. If that player would die that night and is Ugin, Sarkhan will use the hedron shard attached to his staff to create a protective cocoon around Ugin, preventing his death unbeknownst to Bolas and satisfying the Native win condition.
- Ten or so more roles, some marked Human (or Goblin or Aven or Orc or whatever), and some marked Dragon. These will include seers, doctors/bodyguards, etc. Usual village power roles; I haven't thought them all up yet.

Team: Bolas and Converts (Wolves)
Win Condition: Kill Ugin while Sarkhan isn't protecting him
Special: Each night, vote on a player to kill. If there's a tie, Bolas's vote counts double. If that doesn't resolve the tie, longest-standing vote wins.
- Nicol Bolas (Dragon): Each night, may implant a vision of a wondrous dragon-free Tarkir into the mind of any humanoid player. That player now permanently wins with Bolas. Fails if the target is Sarkhan or a Dragon.
- Yasova Dragonclaw: Each night, may mind-control a Dragon player, who now permanently wins with Bolas and herself. Fails if the target is Ugin or a humanoid.

@Someone Else 37! Is that your complete rolesheet?
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First, though, I forgot something. Someone. Whoops.

@Someone Else 37! Is that your complete rolesheet?
No, because this:
- Ten or so more roles, some marked Human (or Goblin or Aven or Orc or whatever), and some marked Dragon. These will include seers, doctors/bodyguards, etc. Usual village power roles; I haven't thought them all up yet.
I can complete it now, if you'd like. Not like I have anything better to do, other than catch up on alerts here.
No, because this:
Oh, reading comprehension. Where are you when I need you most.

I can complete it now, if you'd like. Not like I have anything better to do, other than catch up on alerts here.
Whenever you want, man. Both you and @dylanpiera are running games here soon \o/, though, so the first to post an updated rolesheet is up after sgbros. Ready set go.
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Noice. I've got you slotted after sgbros, unless you want to go after dylan instead.
As with last time, I'm open to any and all questions, comments, and concerns, especially regarding the targeting of alts controlled by manifested players.
*cracks knuckles*
  1. Biggest thing: I like the win conditions, in that they're different than what we normally do, but be aware that this game hinges on two very squishy roles. It could end within a night. If this wasn't intentional, you could fix it by giving Ugin and Bolas some kind of built-in protection; Maybe x role has to die before Ugin can be killed, or y role will always take the hit for his leader at the time. Something like that.
  2. Sarkhan's "everybody wins" option may be too easy to achieve. If Ugin decides to reveal himself on the first day... Everyone wins. Sarkhan watches, Bolas kills, boom. Maybe he has to watch Bolas on the night of the kill instead?
    • After re-reading, it sounds like Bolas doesn't actually win if Ugin's killed while Sarkhan's watching. That solves the problem way better than my fix. Confirm?
  3. It sounds like Bolas and Dragonclaw can both permanently convert someone to their side each night, in addition to the wolfkill. That will make for a very short game. Which is fine, especially with the cut-off-the-head type win conditions, but just keep it in mind. You could fix it hard-capping the amount of players that can be with Bolas at any one time, or by giving Bolas/Dragonclaw x converts each before their power runs out. Or, instead of their power running out, they can only take control of someone for one night after their permanent conversions are gone.
    • Note: If you're aiming for a race-to-the-finish type thing with this game, where the Natives have to rush to find Bolas before they're completely outnumbered, ignore those three things. It could be a quick game, and the Conspirators will stomp, but it might turn out pretty well. I had a normalish game pacing in mind when I was writing.
  4. Order of Powers? some1 pls
  5. Ugin: Rad. How many alts do you think you'll need? As many as you have players? Will each player get a unique alt? Regarding the "If an alt is targeted by an ability, it goes through to the alt's controller normally": I think alts should follow the manifestation scrambling rule. It'll already be easy to see who's manifested at any given time (since they won't be voting in the game thread), so they'll need any extra protection they can get.
  6. Sarkhan: Already mentioned his everyone-wins thing. Aside from that, does him "watching" a player do anything if the target isn't Ugin?
  7. Cleric: Swell.
  8. Efreet: Is he immune to Bolas + Dragonclaw, since he's neither human nor dragon? Same question for the Necromancer.
  9. Necromancer: Does the zombie know who resurrected him?
  10. Rider: Bee's knees.
  11. Whisperer: Hip.
  12. Wardscale: Far out, man.
  13. Icefall: Psychadelic. The "actual ability" would've made him a stellar troll. :p
  14. Acid-Spewer: Mathematical.
  15. Shrieker: Just to confirm: His power works like the Icefall's, except that it happens before anything else. Right?
  16. Ventmaw: That's a fun power. Would it make the Rider's vote count as four? Can it make a once-per-game power occur twice? If it targets the Acid-Spewer, will it use up both of the Acid-Spewer's... acid spews?
  17. Bolas / Dragonclaw: See above.


Sleep now bye.