After the resurrection of RealSketch, everyone was in a somewhat better mood, alongside the fact that a sorcerer had been killed.
The time came once again for one person of the many to be killed, by being thrown off a cliff. This time around, is was Seiya. He had irritated the hell out of everyone claiming he was simply a cake, despite his obvious lack of spongey texture and icing.
As he screamed all the way he fell down the cliff, his scream was not the only scream to be screamed, for another screamer's scream was screamed! (anyone starting to see a trend here?)
The screamer of said scream was Realsketch, known to be a proliferous screamer of screams in the scream screamer community. Though he had been heard to say something else, after having screamed a scream:
"Oh for fuck's sake, again?"
Everyone knew he was a jester, so his room and such had no need to be searched.
Luckily, nobody else died that night, and everyone went back to their rooms.
Oh, seiya? He was just a really, really annoying villager.