The end of day happened at the right time for me. I blame being in the same timezone as Shazzm.
Gatsby! Why didn't you work!
Lynch happens before most of the other abilities, including Dustfinger's. So that probably means that there's another Dustfinger pulling the same shenanigan as Squid tried to, whose buddy was Njor. Gatsby targeting Sqiid would've made no difference.
Also, Sqdii was Impulsive, meaning that his Dustfinger target must've matched his D1 vote, SorzaOdia. Since he didn't die, Sqidu's power must've failed.
Also, no wolfkill. Interesting.
Sahzam, for clarification, can the Antagonists opt out of wolfkilling someone, or does the lack of a wolfkill last night mean that their kill failed somehow (either because they targeted Sqidu or because If You Forget Me)?
As for Tjraing, I see three possibilities.
1. He legitly is a Dent who thought Dlyan's duplicate roleclaim was a lie.
2. He's an antagonist, trying to bandwagon against someone he thought was a protagonist.
3. He's got a case of Deus Ex Machina, and wants a some votes against
somebody, because he's already got an extra vote on him and doesn't want to have to use that ability if at all possible.
While I can't discount 1, I think 2 is more likely than 3, since there's at least five antagonists running around (unless Njor was one), but probably not five Deus Ex Machinas.
Therefore, I shall
vote Tjargin.