Werewolf: Ayre, wolf! [Game Thread]

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Look, a signup thread in its natural habitat! Isn't it majestic? If you weren't one of the 20 to sign up there, stay the hell out of my thread. Thanks.

Rolesheet | End of Day

"Roles? Wolves? What is this 'Werewolf' sorcery?" The best forum game in the history of man, newb. Check here for more info. Say hi to the organizer while you're there, too. I hear he's a swell guy.

If you're too lazy to go to the rolesheet, you're in luck! Or not, depending on your love of rules and mandates.

  1. Don't take direct screenshots or quotes of private conversations, be they from me or other players. For more on what a "direct quote" looks like, check Gid's explanation for details.
  2. I reserve the right to call BS on anything and everything. Not entirely sure what I'd call it on, but I like to keep my options open.
  3. Absolutely no discussing the game (outside of the dead convo) after you die. None. Nada. Shut up and get back in the coffin.
  4. On a similar note, don't talk in privates conversations after your death. Living players, don't message your dead buddies.
  5. All votes must be in by 6 PM EST, on threat of lightning and fire. See the worldclock above for a timezone conversion.
  6. The first time you forget to vote, you'll be pardoned from the aforementioned lightning and fire. I'm a nice guy like that.
  7. Bold all votes! Don't vote for yourself! Why would you vote for yourself? Are you crazy? You can probably annoy enough people to get yourself lynched some way or another.
  8. Invite me to each and every private conversation related to this game. This is especially important in Ayrewolf, as many mechanics revolve around how many players you're in a convo with at any given time.
Rule Clarifications, at the request of Erufondue:

Spelling others' names correctly only counts in this thread. [Regarding "Charge of the Light Brigade"]
Official ruling: Common nicknames count as spelling their names correctly. [Regarding "Charge of the Light Brigade"]
If you leave a convo, it isn't subtracted from your total convo count. I can't tell who's left what convo when, and if you tell me I have no way to verify it. [Regarding Khan, Big Brother, etc]
I see now that Light Brigade, Touched by an Angel, and Unknown Citizen are specific actions. I've added them to the Order of Powers immediately after the Antagonist Kill. [Regarding said events]
Claiming a team is fine, but claiming a specific role will trigger it. Hinting towards your role (If Holmes said "I investigate people at night!") will trigger it. Narrowing down your role ("I'm either Holmes or Moriarty!"), excluding claiming a team, will trigger it. If someone else guesses at your role, it will not be triggered. If you confirm their guess, it will be triggered. [Regarding Lecter targets]
The Antagonist win condition has changed from "Outnumber the Protagonists" to "Kill all Protagonists". [Regarding the wolf win]
The spider who posted here earlier is not part of the game. Shoo. [Regarding @/╲/\╭ºoºꍘºoº╮/\╱\]
You can no longer vote for Nobody. [Regarding votes after D1]

The following alts may or may not be a part of this game:

Chapter Summaries! Relive the rambling.

Let the games begin!

Gather 'round, kids. It's storytime.

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a land where everyone was content. Crops grew green and plentiful, rivers flowed pure from soaring mountains, and every person woke up each morning happier than the day before. A true paradise, filled with a blissful peace where years could pass like seconds. Incredible.

Unfortunately for you, this story takes place in the neighboring kingdom of Sadnessdeath. Ah, Sadnessdeath. I hear it's horrid this time of year.

One day, twenty people in the land of Sadnessdeath found a special book lying on the ground. A book! Shame all of them were illiterate. Luckily for them, though, they didn't have much time to comprehend their failings before being sucked in and transformed. Each became a character he'd never heard of in the schools of Sadnessdeath (which was to be expected, since the Sadnessdeath educational system consisted entirely of beating the citizens with sticks until they felt they learned something from the ordeal). Odds are some became evil. Who knows? I know. Shhh.

The storybook fell in with them, though its pages were now sealed by a magical force called superglue. Only the first page could be made out in the dim sunlight of dawn.


By Shazam

Chapter One"

  1. Eryontior, Lecter, lynched N6
  2. HeilMewTwo, Moriarty, lynched N7
  3. Strikingwolf, Finch (Treacherous), wolfkilled N4
  4. Exedra, Dustfinger/Fiver --WINNER--
  5. Sorazodia, Yossarian --WINNER--
  6. Fraction2, Bond, wolfkilled N2 --WINNER--
  7. Qazplm, Lecter
  8. trajing, Dent, lynched N2, resurrected N3 --WINNER--
  9. Playerismc, Montoya --WINNER--
  10. dylanpiera, Dent (Reclusive), smited N1 --WINNER--
  11. 016Nojr, Crane, burned to death N1 --WINNER--
  12. ljfa, Big Brother (Doppelganger), lynched N5
  13. Vikestep, Frankenstein/Frankenstein's Monster (Doppelganger), wolfkilled N5 --WINNER--
  14. The_j485, Holmes, Catch-22'd N7 --WINNER--
  15. SpwnX, Fiver (Nemesis), wolfkilled N6
  16. RJS, Riddle (Nemesis), lynched N4
  17. LivingAngryCheese, Khan, smited N3
  18. Lethosos, Gatsby, wolfkilled N3 --WINNER--
  19. Someone Else 37, Gatsby --WINNER--
  20. Coolsquid, Dustfinger (Impulsive), lynched N1
  21. Dinkatron4000, Vikestep's Doppelganger, lynched N3 --WINNER--
  22. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ, ljfa's Doppelganger, vaporized N5

Best of luck with your happy ending! You'll need it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
All roles are sent out. Our story begins!

Due to the fact that D1 will only be 22 hours, anyone who doesn't vote today will default to voting Nobody instead. Thank me later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After many hours of deliberation and careful analysis I feel forced to vote for Nobody


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Non-essential Vote Nobody
Pity Dune isn't on here. Having a Kwisatz Haderach would've been interesting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unless events spiral hilariously out of control, a vote for Nobody.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
vote RJS ,because you're my best voting buddy as always!
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Forum Ghost
Third Party Pack Team
Mod Developer
Mar 11, 2014
Vote / /╲/\╭ºoꍘoº╮/\╱\\
Because spiders must be burn to the ground

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
I shall antismite Nobody tonight, unless something weird happens between now and dinnertime tomorrow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so dinkatron and that weird face are doppelgangers? I need all of those to contact me.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Rules Clarification (figured that others might be wondering the same thing, so I thought I'd ask here rather than in PM): Does spelling names correctly for Eurantian's day of retribution count just this thread, or should I misspell things in PMs and the Unrelated thread, too?