Update on the Future of FTB Modpacks in 1.7

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Theres only one mod that I know of that does what is necessary to make minecraft with mods provide a sense of true progression and that is gregtech. You have to change the vanilla recipes to make things like the TE sawmill actually worth having.

And I didnt mean to sound disrespectful towards the FTB team. I will be the first to admit that making custom packs can be quite frustrating.

I was afraid to say it , but I totally agree in most cases. Too bad the community doesn't support GT :( But I still think it can be amazing - Memory's to FTB ultimate.
Ive never even played it. It seems so scary...but I respect the author. hes one of the few who "get it".
I'm actually happy Jadedcat mentionned GT in the IC2-based modpack, and I hope they will (otherwise I would) keep the vision of Gregorius about how a player would experience this tech-progression. In fact, the removal of TE in that pack is great (what about the block breaker, which can break obsidian instantly without diamonds ?, or the igneous extruder too).
I hope such balanced/kind of hardcore modpacks will highlight to the community that there is other tech mods than TE and that are way more interesting in end game.

Apart from that, I had an idea about what could be a feature for the FTB launcher. What about a simple option to merge two packs ? For example, I will obviously be using the IC2/GT pack, however I like Thaumcraft, so I was wondering if it would be possible to have the option to use both packs (just a simple idea, otherwise I would just add the mods to the pack and copy the config files).
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Can any of the modpack devs tell me what category MineFactory Reloaded (MFR) will be placed in? It both adds a lot of very useful harvesting and farming blocks and from what I can tell on available information about it does have one machine that outputs in MJ but is otherwise almost totally RF-based.

While I like EU-based systems, and MJ-based systems, and RF-based systems, what I would like to see is a mod author willing to build conversion mods for all of these different energy and fuel types we have. We have a plethora of energy and fuel types most of which aren't related to what energy provider they come from but what mod adds it in. There are many different fuel and energy types out there and I don't think limiting us solely to RF-based energy or fuel types will be sufficient.

Limiting packs to RF or MJ or whatever just won't cut it for me - if you want to make things simpler please consider making a mainstream pack with a few very simple and easy to maintain fuel types so I don't have to sift through several dozen fuel types and machines just to pick one to get started with.

Cheers ...

Glad to see this is gonna actually happen \o/
Themed packs i always thought were something that were really fun, and needed to be looked into a bit more, and with these changes, I'm glad how its more likely for them to be made \o/
Good thing 1.7 is -slowly- coming along, Witchery is the only major mod i can think of, that isn't being updated/is updated yet.

*goes back to Chisel and Totemic developing*
Glad to see this is gonna actually happen \o/
Themed packs i always thought were something that were really fun, and needed to be looked into a bit more, and with these changes, I'm glad how its more likely for them to be made \o/
Good thing 1.7 is -slowly- coming along, Witchery is the only major mod i can think of, that isn't being updated/is updated yet.

*goes back to Chisel and Totemic developing*
How about TE as a major mod ?
Can any of the modpack devs tell me what category MineFactory Reloaded (MFR) will be placed in? It both adds a lot of very useful harvesting and farming blocks and from what I can tell on available information about it does have one machine that outputs in MJ but is otherwise almost totally RF-based.

While I like EU-based systems, and MJ-based systems, and RF-based systems, what I would like to see is a mod author willing to build conversion mods for all of these different energy and fuel types we have. We have a plethora of energy and fuel types most of which aren't related to what energy provider they come from but what mod adds it in. There are many different fuel and energy types out there and I don't think limiting us solely to RF-based energy or fuel types will be sufficient.

Limiting packs to RF or MJ or whatever just won't cut it for me - if you want to make things simpler please consider making a mainstream pack with a few very simple and easy to maintain fuel types so I don't have to sift through several dozen fuel types and machines just to pick one to get started with.

Cheers ...

This is the problem with modpacks, every player is different.

With the new 1.7 I'd changes it will be muck easier to make your own pack to suit your needs and wishes, and editing existing packs also will be easier.
So what does this mean for mods that use BC power, given that RF->MJ conversion is so utterly trivial?

I don't mind losing EU machines and power generation from packs, but no machine room of mine is complete without a carpenter and a rolling machine, and if you take my quarry away I might spontaneously burst into tears...
RF conduits will automatically convert to mj if needed, but cells won't so there needs to be a conduit touching your rolling machine, if that's what your asking

So virtually the same as it is now. I guess what I really meant was that these are mods that won't accept RF directly, so if they're basing the entire pack around RF as the power system does that mean these mods are out of the new packs?

Especially since railcraft adds steam boilers in addition to all the cool toys I actually use.
... Things just keep getting simpler and simpler, and o/c we have all those cool realistic mods but they are just outclassed by the easiness and simplicity of others like rf. why make kinesis pipes that could potentially explode if not used right, when I can make a cheaper, easier, "energy" conduit that never explodes, hooks up to handy 8mj/t engines which outclasses nearly all bc engines, and are completely safe?

This could be seen as an actual issue and it is at the core of the issue. When things become completely simple often people lose enjoyment and creativity. DW20 has stated he likes coming up with ways to automate things which weren't suppose to be automated. If every mod had a block with automated every aspect of that mod in a single use this creative enjoyment would be lost. The issue I have with RF is as a power system it is pointless, it doesn't actually add anything to the game, which is a point people bring up with IC2 crafting and how it is tedious. Saying this TE as a whole is a great mod but the power system is as many people have said is magic. This isn't a bad thing but pushing the core pack to only using it could be.

And other power systems are "harder"? IC2 basically the same thing plus a tiny bit of loss (oh yeah, and outside the nukes power is far easier to set up). Actual BC systems have rarely been used since as far back as 1.2.5 Tekkit and frankly is just the same thing with no storage and an absurd cost to get it to not completely suck. Then there's RotaryCraft, which has lag issues due to sheer numbers (and surprise surprise most people just convert from RF anyway). And finally we have UE, which is too unstable to be properly used atm.

The only power system that frankly can compete with RF in terms of features on any level is RoC's, but not everyone wants that level of complexity.

I personally have been playing with rotary craft for a long time and never had lag issues even in massive projects with it. BC power was removed when conduits came into the game because they did the same thing easier. This isn't a bad thing but pushing the main power system to this can be. IC2 generator is easier to setup, but the end game power is much harder and more complicated. Then there are things you have to do to scale that power down to something you can use (not currently because explosions are turned off). The RF power system is pointless and if we are going to make it the core of packs why not just eliminate power systems all together. You look at the builds which many people use for their RF power and it consists of a MFR balance nightmare which from my understanding is never going to be fixed, pushed into the highest power generator they can find.

RF is simple this is a really good thing it makes the pack easier to get into and allows people to progress easier. Only having simple is not a good thing.
damn so much packs! can't play so much!
I think you guys are making too much packs seriously..
Saying RF power is simple is a bit misleading. Much like base Buildcraft and even, to a degree, base IC2, there aren't a lot of power choices. And, as it stands, there aren't a lot of endgame power output provided. Then again, that is what add ons are for. If you think anything about RF is simple, go play with Big Reactors for a bit and come back. And then there are Extra Utilties' generators.

My only concern, at this point, is the decision to base the main power using a mod that hasn't even updated yet. Both IC2 and BC have updated and you could even build some very interesting packs using them. TE has not, and because it has not a lot of the mods depending on it also have not. Which may lead to quite a long waiting period before we get to see stable 1.7 packs.
Modpacks are just groups of mods. You use it or you dont. Especially in 1.7 making your own packs is easier. Either play with a default pack or roll your own. Some packs have a theme. Others dont. choose What you want to play and others will as well
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Idk about the EU modpack, gregtech is pretty much it's own thing now, often addons don't play well with it. Gregtech actually uses it's own E-net as of 1.7, although it still uses ic2 for some stuff.

Besides, I called the hard-level Gregtech in 1.6 :P
Now what we do about BC. For the first time in many, many versions they're adding something interesting, yet we'll miss out on that. Don't forget all of Railcraft's rails, and bee lovers are going to be disappointed.

It'll a shame to lose these mods and for them not to get their own pack.
Will MFR, AE, Mekanism, Mad Science, Galacticraft, Resonant Induction, ICBM, MFFS, Atomic Science, MMPS and MPSA be included in both RF And EU modpacks?
I could see things that are seen as "staples" by many being present in multiple packs, if they support multiple power systems. Case in point: MFR. It supports multiple systems, even adds a little generation of its own, and is pretty much the go-to mod for farm automation...at least, for me. Mekanism is another because it can be run directly off RF, I know if nothing else, the energy cubes can directly input and output in RF using EnderIO conduits. Mek also adds superior ore processing capabilities, with significant investment of course, and has overclockers just like IC2 and even has what amounts to efficiency upgrades. AE is likely another given, even though I personally have some rather strong misgivings about what I've seen in regards to its upcoming overhaul. RotaryCraft is another mod that has conversion support for multiple power systems. Is it a bit graphically intensive? Sure, perhaps even moreso than most other mods; that doesn't mean it isn't an awesome mod.

However, I'm sure Jaded and Co will make good packs, they always do; from the original FTB Beta A pack back in the 1.4 days all the way to today. With 1.7 and what it adds, it'll mean that making sweet packs will be even simpler, and our configs may not be as crowded with ID definitions and such. With all that config code gone, mayhaps we'll see some new options in our mods in the future.
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