Ultimate Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After watching part one of Direwolf's AE spotlight, my head is swimming with storage ideas. No more sprawling rooms of barrels or complex sorting/routing networks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is any one having issues with keys sticking if you pull open the big map? Like if you press a movement key and open the map at the same time, you keep moving until you hit the key again. Unsure how to fix.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Those asking about voxelmap and whether you can turn off stuff etc

The config file is in minecraft\mods\voxelmods\voxelmap.properties and you can alter all this stuff

Show Coordinates:true
Show Map in Nether:true
Enable Cave Mode:true
Dynamic Lighting:true
Height Map:true
Slope Map:true
Water Transparency:true
Block Transparency:true
Biome Overlay:0
Chunk Grid:true
Square Map:false
Old North:true
Waypoint Beacons:true
Waypoint Signs:true
Welcome Message:false
Map Corner:2
Map Size:1
Zoom Key:Z
Fullscreen Key:X
Menu Key:M
Waypoint Key:B
Mob Key:L
Hide Radar:false
Show Hostiles:true
Show Players:true
Show Neutrals:true
Filter Mob Icons:true
Outline Mob Icons:false
Show Helmets:true


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is any one having issues with keys sticking if you pull open the big map? Like if you press a movement key and open the map at the same time, you keep moving until you hit the key again. Unsure how to fix.

Maybe the key sticking issue can be resolved by pressing escape and resuming the game?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why on earth the ultimate pack has GT enabled with insane mode (it isn't hard mode, it is insane mode) is beyond me. Slowpoke originally stated, quite clearly, that it would not have GT enabled and then that changed to it being enabled but with the sane mode where it doesn't make people want to shoot themselves... and now that also seems to have changed so it has the insanity mode turned on.

Sorry, not gonna happen in my version of the pack! I like to enjoy playing and not tedium! I will be removing GT completely from the pack when I download it since the original promises seem to have been redacted on enforcing GT sanity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe, and you might wanna sit down for this, but just maybe it's because it's a beta? Just because you don't like GT doesn't mean they're not going to test to see if it breaks the pack or not.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why on earth the ultimate pack has GT enabled with insane mode (it isn't hard mode, it is insane mode) is beyond me. Slowpoke originally stated, quite clearly, that it would not have GT enabled and then that changed to it being enabled but with the sane mode where it doesn't make people want to shoot themselves... and now that also seems to have changed so it has the insanity mode turned on.

Sorry, not gonna happen in my version of the pack! I like to enjoy playing and not tedium! I will be removing GT completely from the pack when I download it since the original promises seem to have been redacted on enforcing GT sanity.

You should ask for your money back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe, and you might wanna sit down for this, but just maybe it's because it's a beta? Just because you don't like GT doesn't mean they're not going to test to see if it breaks the pack or not.

I don't dislike GT, the sane mode is just fine but when you start wanting to pull your hair out then you know something is clearly wrong. That is the GT insane mode for you right there.

Why would it break the pack when they have unified configs for everything? The block maps are pre-made so nothing overlaps. That is why the mods in various packs are interchangeable. I just get the horrible feeling that it'll be in there and no amount of good mods will offset that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry, not gonna happen in my version of the pack!

But...then you'd have to -omg- EDIT THE MODLIST

The horror!

I like to enjoy playing and not tedium! I will be removing GT completely from the pack when I download it since the original promises seem to have been redacted on enforcing GT sanity.

Sanity is not having a full Graviton suit less than 24 hours after server start.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But...then you'd have to -omg- EDIT THE MODLIST

The horror!

Aren't we the master of sarcasm? ;) Not that I mind. I've been running a modified version of the mindcrack pack for quite some time (incidentally with mods of the mods they chose to add to the ultimate). Admittedly it would be nice to not have to modify the pack and keep it updated each time the pack changes. For some reason when the packs update, it undoes any mods you mark as disabled that are part of the pack. Has caused me some issues in the past on my server.

Sanity is not having a full Graviton suit less than 24 hours after server start.

If someone chooses to rush and get one, that's their choice to make. Not everyone follows the philosophy of "rush and get everything before the next guy does!" and some enjoy game play... however that does not need to include added tedium and annoyances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to remember that there are new mods in the ultimate pack that aren't in the others, so yes, they need to make sure they all work together. Part of that is making sure the different configs work so we don't end up with people losing worlds due to random crashes like what has already happened to some people.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to remember that there are new mods in the ultimate pack that aren't in the others, so yes, they need to make sure they all work together. Part of that is making sure the different configs work so we don't end up with people losing worlds due to random crashes like what has already happened to some people.

I'm quite aware of that but again as I understand it most of the configs were already pre defined (in fact they appeared in several different packs are various times before being removed shortly afterwards). Some configs are still included even though the mods aren't in any packs (minechem for example). The tests are more likely for stability and performance more than anything else. Damage indicators has been temporarily removed since it was causing performance issues and of course incompatibility between mods would be tested as you say.

Still there seems to be no indication that it is being changed on IRC from what I've seen there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If someone chooses to rush and get one

Fine, but lets call a spade a spade and admit that the ability to play like that is so far below easy mode that it needs creations of new words in English just to properly express how easy it is.

And that not being able to do it is not "insanity mode". Rather, it's sanity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Fine, but lets call a spade a spade and admit that the ability to play like that is so far below easy mode that it needs creations of new words in English just to properly express how easy it is.

And that not being able to do it is not "insanity mode". Rather, it's sanity.

I completely agree sanity is a relative term (ask any insane person and they'll tell you they are perfectly sane and everyone else is nuts. One of the first indicators actually.) but there comes a point where insanity becomes absolute, GT insanity mode is just that. It isn't tough, it isn't challenging. It is a pointless and tedious grind that adds little game play value other than to delay the inevitable. If I wanted that I would play a realistic simulation game where one cannot simply punch down a tree with their fists should they do choose.

Remember the distinction, you may find it sane but the vast majority of players would not. I can deal with it, I choose not to. I've seen many people try the Mindcrack pack as their first experience with mods and they are put off because of the seemingly impossible wall of rubbish that comes with crafting simple things. Not all of it is due to GT but a lot of dissuasion I have seen comes as a result of it.

Usually the sensible option is to set things at normal levels and let people scale up as they choose. You don't set the goalpost high and force people to scale down. progress goes upwards, not forced downwards.

This discussion has been done to death, I'm not going to repeat it again, for the sake of my sanity and that of everyone else XD
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've had some fun updating my config pack for Ultimate. The individual ranting about GregTech in this thread may find it useful. :)

I suspect, actually, that the default configs for Ultimate will change significantly before release, as they already saw fit to include Power Crystals' entire mod suite which they'd previously declined to add on the grounds that they're unbalanced.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Generally everything UE mods do, something in Ultimate already does. The exceptions are MFFS and Modular Power Suits, which actually are included. ICBM is the only other mod I can think of that doesn't provide duplicate functionality, but it's also a mod designed purely to blow stuff up. It gels badly with most of the pack.