Ultimate Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is a joke from a bdubs video, where he blamed greg when he used a wrench to disable a machine and it broke into a machine block (i think it was that). Of course, is just IC2 stupidity, not greg's fault.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess the extractor, recycler, and compressor could have use, though I seem to do just fine with a filter and a timer, as it will cause less lag than a relay, which will both cause more lag than an Enderchest. But those dyes man, they're way too expensive. Obsidian? *yawn* Blaze Rods? Well, they're not going in my boiler. Enderpearls? Pssh. Wooden Chests? Sorry, that was the third item I made after a wooden and stone pick. But those dyes...Gotta farm flowers, find squids, go in the jungle, smelt some cacti, so much work...

I take it you were referring to the secret rooms stuff? Not 100% since I can't check from where I'm at but can't you use a minium stone to get different dyes and such? Also, cactus farm is pretty easy, or if you have UU matter you can make over 30 cactus and black ink from just a few UU...I guess if you absolutely have to have a secret base early game then it would be harder, but that applies to just about everything...picking flowers may be tedious, but if you have a supply of bonemeal, just use it on a large patch of clear grass dirt and you will have a bunch of random flowers and grass leaves. That, or just get a bunch of bees up and they will throw flowers all over the place...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, I'm talking about the requirements to create an Enderchest, the dyes are the hardest part for me. Igneous Extruders as well as Mob and Tree Farms get me enough stuff to make enderchests. The dyes are the hardest part, because I can't automate them. Well, I can automate red pink orange yellow black Okay I can automate all of them but I'm too lazy, because...it's just dye.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But think about it :p

"I made a Frame Quarry!"
"I made an Orange Dye factory!"

It's not up in my list of "superawesomestuff", as making a frame quarry seems (to me) much cooler than making an orange dye factory, even if it is a turtle with some bonemeal and some grass. It's pretty much possible to get all dyes, except Lapis (which can be replaced by the renewable indigo). Getting dyes is easy, especially with bees and those extra flowers, but it's just not high on my list, like blaze rods, wood, and ender pearls.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But think about it :p

"I made a Frame Quarry!"
"I made an Orange Dye factory!"

It's not up in my list of "superawesomestuff",

So make a fully automated rainbow dye factory.

If your into MC for E-Peen cred your playing the wrong game.

Superawesomestuff is subject to point of view. I would totaly thing a automated dye factory that can give me any color I want on demaind would be fairly awesome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, rainbow dye factories would be cool, but it's not up there in my list of priorities. I got a new world so I want to get a base up and some auto mining done, and if my computer allows me to (without causing extraneous amounts of lag, which it is quite famous for doing), I will work on making factories. But even then, this won't be up on my list of factories to make.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man this thread just made me lol so much... People stop bickering about GT AND STUPID STUFF!!! THIS THREAD IS FOR TALK ABOUT ULTIMATE...
Anyways to address a couple of points:
Bronze nerf: Probably for advanced alloys
Greg the person: yes he can be a jerk on the forums but he made an awesome mod he has the right...
So to wrap up and make this post on topic: How you guys liking Ultimate? :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greg the person: yes he can be a jerk on the forums but he made an awesome mod he has the right...

Um no. Just becuase you make something cool does not give you the right to be an ass.

Look I like GT and defend it. But that does not mean I agree with every thing Greg the person does. Nor does it mean I think its ok for him to be an asshat at times.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um no. Just becuase you make something cool does not give you the right to be an ass.

Look I like GT and defend it. But that does not mean I agree with every thing Greg the person does. Nor does it mean I think its ok for him to be an asshat at times.
You realize I was half kidding...
And wouldn't it be funny if his name was like bill or something? :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You realize I was half kidding...
And wouldn't it be funny if his name was like bill or something? :p

I'm sorry, no, it wouldn't be. And just because he made a mod doesn't give him the right to be a sperglord. Nothing gives you that right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man this thread just made me lol so much... People stop bickering about GT AND STUPID STUFF!!! THIS THREAD IS FOR TALK ABOUT ULTIMATE...
Anyways to address a couple of points:
Bronze nerf: Probably for advanced alloys
Greg the person: yes he can be a jerk on the forums but he made an awesome mod he has the right...
So to wrap up and make this post on topic: How you guys liking Ultimate? :p

Bronze nerf: Wrong, it's for IC2 2 bronze dusts.
Greg the person: Right, he's a jerk (lol just kidding man).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man this thread just made me lol so much... People stop bickering about GT AND STUPID STUFF!!! THIS THREAD IS FOR TALK ABOUT ULTIMATE...

Talk about GregTech is talk about FTB Ultimate. Thousands of people watched Slowpoke try to disable GT on Twitch, and listened to what he said. They waited for Ultimate rather than get too deep into a world with the DireWolf20 pack, having been been assured that GT would not be giving them tedious-mode recipes in this pack.
With no actual explanation for the unannounced change, they feel somewhat betrayed.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It feels like every thread/forum topic descends into arguments about GregTech, here and elsewhere. It's made reading any FtB community content pretty boring to be honest.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It feels like every descends into arguments about GregTech, here and elsewhere. It's made reading any FtB community content pretty boring to be honest.

Agreed, I've felt it necessary to cancel subs to more than one youtuber or streamer because of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Agreed, I've felt it necessary to cancel subs to more than one youtuber or streamer because of it.

So you unsubscribe because someone dislikes a mod? Then I don't think you even liked the youtuber/streamer in first place, just because they dislike a mod that I don't like (or backwards) doesn't mean I will unsubscribe for such a stupid thing.