Ultimate Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But you can mod a mod. No one is stopping you.

Active resistance towards doing so certainly isn't encouraging me. You literally just said "Change the configs to something you can live with or don't play with his toys" in response to me talking about modding his mod.

And I note you have no response to his config files being non-trivial to change. I'll consider my point delivered.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
before: don't like gregtech? don't use mindcrack, use magic pack or dw20
after: don't like gregtech? don't use mindcrack or tech, use magic, lite or dw20
now: don't like gregtech? don't use ultimate, mindcrack or tech, use magic, lite or dw20

what the hell?

More to the point you can remove GT form those.

The thing is if you don't like a mod don't use it. If you are upset all the mod packs use that mod well yeah either learn how to remove it or don't use those mod packs.

FTB is not the end all be all of Modded MC. There are others. You can even take the mods you like and put your own together. You will just need to educate yourself how to.

I'm not trying to defend GT here or FTB. But basically yes if you don't like how your prepackaged mod collection is packaged then either learn how to modify it or pick a different prepackaged mod collection.

Now you are perfectly in your right to disagree with the choices made and are welcomed to suggest to the mod pack makers other options. But a large number of people do not do this and instead act like someone kicked in their door pissed all over there house and forced them into instead the modpack then locked down their PC making it imposable to remove or alter.

I have pointed this out before. You can disagree with the choices made but there is no reason to act like these choices are somehow have to be approved by you and the rest of the community over all before being added.

Maybe someone should suggest a community voted mod pack? But I feel even that people would complain about because the majority choose some option they personally did not like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But a large number of people do not do this and instead act like someone kicked in their door pissed all over there house and forced them into instead the modpack then locked down their PC making it imposable to remove or alter.

Considering some of the changes GregTech has decided to slip in there (such as changing bad wiring to result in potentially the destruction of your entire base, complete with flames), I'm not sure that comparison is false.

Especially since such a "feature" is one you can't disable through config files, so far as I can tell.

And I'm not so sure we should be insisting that people's technical ability be highly above average when using a launcher designed to make the process simple and easy. That's unrealistic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And I note you have no response to his config files being non-trivial to change. I'll consider my point delivered.

because I do not agree that they are hard to change but that debate would be pointless to have since you feel otherwise.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
because I do not agree that they are hard to change but that debate would be pointless to have since you feel otherwise.

And the very fact that I (and many, many others) feel that they are difficult to change *means* that they are difficult to change. Your technical ability (or patience) might be superior to ours, but that doesn't mean that your perspective is the only valid one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And the very fact that I (and many, many others) feel that they are difficult to change *means* that they are difficult to change. Your technical ability (or patience) might be superior to ours, but that doesn't mean that your perspective is the only valid one.

There are multiple threads how to do it and at least one guy that regularly updates a thread with down loadable config files for easy medium and hard options you only need to drop in place.

And I am not trying to say I am superior at all.

But at this point we must agree to disagree because it is clear we have wildly different points of view about what we are entitled to when it comes to something created by someone else for there own enjoyment.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
EXBXL had a bit of a clusterf**k of biomes, many of them duplicate. Which made vanilla biomes too rare. This is imo a good change, although I'd still pick biomes'o'plenty over exbxl.

Voxel pack. Good for kids I guess. Brightening the user base is not a bad thing. I could live perfectly fine without it though. The fps loss is a bummer and I'll dissable it :).

As for the confusion regardgin gt in / out. Slowpoke is a human. And things change. There was a large backslash against GTech initially. It was logical to not include it back then. The mod evolved since then however. And it is a very refined, fun to play mod now and new features are added at an incredible rate. The comunity got used to it more as well. Hence it makes sense to include it now. I'm personally a big fan and I'd really wish people gave it a second/third/fourth chance. It deserves it.

Power converters. OH god, really? I could power EVERYTHING with steam? Not for me. And I'd rather it got ripped out ferociously, and killed with sanctified fire, but I digress.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Power converters. OH god, really? I could power EVERYTHING with steam? Not for me. And I'd rather it got ripped out ferociously, and killed with sanctified fire, but I digress.

I'm not a huge fan of the converters. Despite my unhealthy love for thermopiles and BT power.

But it is one of those mods that I can ignore while it is in a pack. So no need for sanctified fire here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not a huge fan of the converters. Despite my unhealthy love for thermopiles and BT power.

But it is one of those mods that I can ignore while it is in a pack. So no need for sanctified fire here.
I kinda like converting power. I like boilers a lot. It's nice to use lava and I like the additional challenge of turbines and auto-producing the necessities. It was one hell of a ride and using a single blocks solution for that just rubs me the wrong way. Also, I'm playing on a server and if we ever get that, then everyone will look at me queer for building that and make little circley movements of their index fingers around the temple area behind my back.

A great feat of engineering ingenuity will become a joke.

I dunno, that sounds like a baaaaad thing, you know?

Although I would like a converter to factoryzation energy. Or even better, I'd love it if factoryzation could use either MC or IC power. That would be grand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not trying to be hostile here. You can change a vast majority of his 'balance' options in the config. And if that is not good enough for you then well do you really want those toys? If so then that is just how he made his mod his way.

Not a majority. Every single change GregTech makes to other mods or vanilla has a config option. Every single one. Furthermore, he has config options for most of his own mods content, which is almost unique (although TE is getting there too)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I kinda like converting power. I like boilers a lot. It's nice to use lava and I like the additional challenge of turbines and auto-producing the necessities. It was one hell of a ride and using a single blocks solution for that just rubs me the wrong way. Also, I'm playing on a server and if we ever get that, then everyone will look at me queer for building that and make little circley movements of their index fingers around the temple area behind my back.

A great feat of engineering ingenuity will become a joke.

I dunno, that sounds like a baaaaad thing, you know?

Oh you see thats why I don't care about the options of others when it comes to how I build things. I tend to do a lot of my builds in a sort of because I can sort of mind set.

I swear if I ever get on a server with people other then my friends I'll be the black sheep that makes weird stuff that people laugh at because I'm 'doing it wrong'.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While downloading ultimate pack v1.0.1, I noticed the size was only like 32mb while the mindcrack pack was like 40mb. Why is that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It would be nice if the FTB launcher, aside from "private packs" (which for some reason need permissions, kinda silly) would have a "private config" options where you would just create an instance of for example the ultimate pack but with only the configs and what's enabled/disabled in there. This would allow server admins to easily tell users which 'pack' to use without them having to tell the users where to put config files.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It would be nice if the FTB launcher, aside from "private packs" (which for some reason need permissions, kinda silly) would have a "private config" options where you would just create an instance of for example the ultimate pack but with only the configs and what's enabled/disabled in there. This would allow server admins to easily tell users which 'pack' to use without them having to tell the users where to put config files.
That would be quite handy for people, yes. Until then, why not a bunch of you guys team up, go through the configs and make versions of them, and then upload them somewhere so people can download them. I don't think distributing the configs is against permissions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Although I would like a converter to factoryzation energy. Or even better, I'd love it if factoryzation could use either MC or IC power. That would be grand.

In a recent SMP video by DW20 he used a block that seems to be currently in development for Factorization which was a steam turbine type doobrie - could take steam in from railcraft and convert it into FZ power. Shame there doesn't seem to be a timescale on the next release of FZ but it's good to know it's still being worked on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In a recent SMP video by DW20 he used a block that seems to be currently in development for Factorization which was a steam turbine type doobrie - could take steam in from railcraft and convert it into FZ power. Shame there doesn't seem to be a timescale on the next release of FZ but it's good to know it's still being worked on.

I love that mod! Well, not all of it... but yeah. It's good. As a matter of fact, I'm half tempted to do an addon for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would be quite handy for people, yes. Until then, why not a bunch of you guys team up, go through the configs and make versions of them, and then upload them somewhere so people can download them. I don't think distributing the configs is against permissions.
Unless they are offering the configs under a permissive license, they would fall in the 'unlicensed' area which means you have no right to do anything with them (not even open them in an editor)
The very idea that I can't mod a mod
You can mod MPS :) I even tried to make it as easy as possible to do! (although it still needs a bit more work before it's really to the point where it can be stable)
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