IGN: The Chief117
Age: 21
What country are you from? Australia
Why TotalBeast? I'm looking for a server with a solid, constant and honest player base so I'm hoping this one fits the bill. Smaller servers I've been a part of in the past have either died out, reset multiple times thereby destroying all the work and effort I put in before I even reach anywhere near completion, or have had major issues with the player base thieving, abusing and generally being asses. Having just upgraded internet connections myself I'm hoping that the servers being in the US will also give me a solid enough connections to make playing bearable.
Would i find your name on MCBANS? If so why? By all extents and purposes no you shouldn't. To the best of my knowledge I've not been banned from any server
Do you agree to the rules above? Agree, and to the best of my ability adhere to the aforementioned rules.