To design a Hardcore or Expert Mode pack

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Good thing it's McJty, who's better than that. Tema would make it an actual feature.
I hate to say this but that is such a true statement about RWTema. I got so badly burned by one of his bugs he refused to fix that I do my best not to use his stuff in any pack I play and if I'm making the pack I will not include anything from him.
@ShneekeyTheLost I don't know if Veinminer is still updated, but the current popular mod to use is "Ore Excavator" or Excavation (not certain of the exact name).

It's configuration allows for exclusion of certain tool types from the effects, such as disallowing wooden tools from chopping the whole tree or digging tons of ore.
Sorry it's taken so long to respond here... I was referring to a specific Modifier for Tinker's Construct that gives veinminer capability to that tool. It's also found in SevTech.
As a start to this project, I created a 'vanilla++' pack real quick to give me an idea of the entry-level tech of the pack. I haven't done any real tweaking yet, but I do have the following mods:

* Tinker's Construct
* Better With Mods
* Antique Atlas (set up as a minimap mod, you don't actually need to craft one)
* Iron Chests and Storage Drawers
* Simple Storage Network
* TOP and JEI
* Harvestcraft + Cooking For Blockheads
* Quark
* Backpacks
* Tomb Many Graves
* Vanilla Fix
* A few convenience/library mods (Inventory Tweaks, Mouse Tweaks, that sort of thing)

And that's it. 28 mods in the mods folder.

BWM is set up as what I would call 'mediumcore'. There are a few hardcore options selected, for example vanilla tools are utter garbage and you only get two planks, sawdust, and bark from punching trees. However, you can easily set up Tinker's as your tools, and be just fine with it. I've also got Dynamic Surroundings to provide me with F7 and F9 functionality, plus adding in some ambience.

I could probably run this on 2GB RAM, maybe 3 if I wanted to run it at far render at 90 FPS or something. Maybe 4 if I wanted a 128x pack and shaderpack to go with it with Optifine.

Seems pretty interesting so far. Trying it out to see how it feels. I haven't added in Geolosys or turned off Smeltery yet, just trying out this simple little pack and seeing how enjoyable it is to play by itself. If there is sufficient interest, I could set it up as a Curseforge Pack.
If you are after something a little different, try Dynamic Trees.
Trees fall over when cut down, (or their individual branches), and drop sticks and log based on the age of the tree. No saplings, but seeds that can plant themselves, then slowly grow.

A small difference that makes the game feel different.
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If you are after something a little different, try Dynamic Trees.
Trees fall over when cut down, (or their individual branches), and drop sticks and log based on the age of the tree. No saplings, but seeds that can plant themselves, then slowly grow.

A small difference that makes the game feel different.

No, dear (insert deity of choice) please don't.
I can't stand those things, having to wait longer for logs, would be brutal considering you are trying to implement needing charcoal all the way through end game.
That, and maybe it was just the pack I was playing, they take longer to chop down, like they have a higher hardness value, even with an axe. I ended up removing the mod due to this.
No, dear (insert deity of choice) please don't.
I can't stand those things, having to wait longer for logs, would be brutal considering you are trying to implement needing charcoal all the way through end game.
That, and maybe it was just the pack I was playing, they take longer to chop down, like they have a higher hardness value, even with an axe. I ended up removing the mod due to this.
You can turn the seeds into saplings, which then alllows for normal automated tree farms and provides a way to gate progress to automated tree farms.
They take longer to chop down, as it's like veinminer, to represent the number of blocks in the tree.
Such mods sound cool in theory, but are extremely annoying in practice. Don't install such mods as one of the main mechanics that the rest of the pack depends on.
You can turn the seeds into saplings, which then alllows for normal automated tree farms and provides a way to gate progress to automated tree farms.
They take longer to chop down, as it's like veinminer, to represent the number of blocks in the tree.

Still, this would be an extra, unnecessary step. If the idea of the pack is to eliminate wasted steps, this mod would/should not be included.
It's great for immersion, but I don't think it would fit in the idea presented here.
Still, this would be an extra, unnecessary step. If the idea of the pack is to eliminate wasted steps, this mod would/should not be included.
It's great for immersion, but I don't think it would fit in the idea presented here.
Having played with it a bit, I disagree. Not only does it make the trees look nicer, Which will be good with a focus on exploration, But It's basically a free treecapitator, which I recall Shneekey was looking for. As for the animation before logs dropping, A. It hasn't been that bad for me so far, And B. It should be disableable.
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There are arguments both in favor of and against Dynamic Trees, and both are pretty compelling. Honestly, though, I'm kind of sort of leaning toward using it for this reason:

Early game: There is no automation possible. You're basically going to be chopping trees down by hand with an axe. Therefore, the worldgen can be set up to use these trees and give players the resource gathering I was envisioning.
Mid to late game: Automation is possible since you can get vanilla saplings from the seeds. But you know what would be even better? Have trees drop saplings instead of seeds, if that's a config option. Here's my logic to this: As long as you are working manually, the tree felling mechanic is pretty huge. So you get saplings, with an option to manually turn them into seeds to keep using this mechanic. But later on when you can automate your tree farm, you aren't being punished in any way.

Also, someone is working on an interesting addon: TFC style Forging for Tinker's Construct, which will eliminate many of my problems with giving access to tool metals.

Does anyone know of a mod which runs directly on steam power without simply converting it straight to energy that I could add into a 1.12.2 pack? Been looking for a good one to slot in between water/wind/animal power and energy networks.
Unfortunately dynamic trees only drops seeds, with an option to craft them to vanilla saplings. The seeds can be configured to drop from trees and have a chance of planting themselves into a DT sapling, creating forests that can spread (all chances can be configured), along with chance that a tree will naturally die.
Also, don't stand under a tree as it's falling, as it'll hurt.

There's not much in the way of steam mods out there for 1.12.2.
Unfortunately dynamic trees only drops seeds, with an option to craft them to vanilla saplings. The seeds can be configured to drop from trees and have a chance of planting themselves into a DT sapling, creating forests that can spread (all chances can be configured), along with chance that a tree will naturally die.
Also, don't stand under a tree as it's falling, as it'll hurt.

There's not much in the way of steam mods out there for 1.12.2.
Shame. I'd almost be tempted to try to code up a very simple steam system, if I knew how to code Java. Pretty much all I'd do is set up Steam as a liquid fuel, then have my machines run on steam fuel instead of other things. From there, it's a matter of adding in steam boilers and machines to run on it. Would likely want to do upgraded versions of most of the crankshaft machines from BWM, letting them work faster and be less tied to your immediate power source via pipes. Then add in a few more, like a pulverizer.

But since I don't know how to even get stated with Java coding, I may simply have to skip that in favor of doing things with Immersive Engineering/Tech/Petroleum.
Once you turn those seeds into saplings, they become vanilla MC trees, no treecapitator effect then. You would have to keep the Dynamic Trees to make use of that feature.
Once you turn those seeds into saplings, they become vanilla MC trees, no treecapitator effect then. You would have to keep the Dynamic Trees to make use of that feature.
Right, but once they turn into vanilla saplings, they are more easily automated via other mods like Industrial Foregoing. You start off with Dynamic Trees, then you will eventually want vanilla once your automation capabilities come online. Once you get automation going, the treecapitator effect is pointless.
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Shame. I'd almost be tempted to try to code up a very simple steam system, if I knew how to code Java. Pretty much all I'd do is set up Steam as a liquid fuel, then have my machines run on steam fuel instead of other things. From there, it's a matter of adding in steam boilers and machines to run on it. Would likely want to do upgraded versions of most of the crankshaft machines from BWM, letting them work faster and be less tied to your immediate power source via pipes. Then add in a few more, like a pulverizer.

But since I don't know how to even get stated with Java coding, I may simply have to skip that in favor of doing things with Immersive Engineering/Tech/Petroleum.
You could use modular machinery to do that. Won't look snazzy, but it'll be steam based.
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You could use modular machinery to do that. Won't look snazzy, but it'll be steam based.
I may have to look that up, then.

In other news, I've discovered that Dynamic Trees and BWM have an unusual synergy that actually seems pretty cool. When you punch down a tree, you get the two planks, sawdust, and bark from the one you punched, then all the rest of the logs. However, there's no recipe to craft a log, so you have to place logs and punch them until you get enough wood together to make your Tinker's setup going. It makes it easier to do, because you don't have to climb up trees to get them all down, but you are still going to see an immediate resource improvement once you get your axe.

Also, I've noticed a really nice synergy between Dynamic Trees and Quark's 'Realistic' terrain generation setting with respect to forest and especially dark forest biomes that look really nice.

Dynamic Trees doesn't seem to be too rude as far as automation goes. Sure, the seeds to saplings recipe requires a bucket, but once you do the conversion, it's vanilla saplings and can simply be used as such, and the trees they grow are normal trees with normal Minecraft physics, so once you do the conversion, there's no further need for turning seeds into saplings as the trees that generate from saplings will generate more saplings. So that makes it about perfect for my intent: early game verisimilitude treefelling.

An unintended but interesting synergy is between Geolosys and BWM. Specifically, torches. Until you can get some coal, you can't make them, and you can't make Charcoal in a Furnace anymore. So early-game, torches are extremely difficult to make. Makes it far more difficult to do much in the way of mining, meaning you're going to want to hit a coal deposit before you hit anything else, just so you can light things up.
I'm actually liking how this first section is playing out. It is challenging, but not insurmountably so. I will have to remove iron smelting to something higher tech, like the Blast Furnace, and maybe gate the Smeltery behind Bronze. Importantly, it isn't boring pointless grind for the purpose of boring pointless grind. Geolosys does a good job of letting you know where the ore deposits are so you don't need to go branch mining, and the ProPick only helps with that, although it doesn't unlock until iron.

The first few nights are rough because you have no tools, no weapons, and lots of enemies. I did turn off the hardcore spawning and beds so you CAN use fleecy time manipulation device if you can make a bed, but Quark actually makes that harder by requiring three wool of the same color instead of accepting any color.

Punching your first tree gives you several logs. If you want, you can immediately start making your Tinker's setup, but that is going to be a lot of inventory it will take up until you get to a decent base location. Getting flint isn't too hard, I left in the three gravel to a flint recipe, so you have starting gear once you get gravel and wood. BWM startup requires wood. Because of the BWM furnace nerf, you can't make charcoal off the bat, you need to be careful your first base doesn't inadvertently become a mob farm.

I'm also planning on putting in Hunger Overhaul and Nutrition into the pack, although NOT Spice of Life. I figure the benefits from the Nutrition mod would suffice as a carrot to eat a diversified and balanced meal plan without needing to bring along a stick to beat players with.

In short, most hardcore packs revolve around what a player cannot do. This pack, I want to revolve around what the player can do, while still in a challenging environment.