I don't want to help, but I do want to learn how to do this stuff. Is it fine if I just can get your source code to look at and play around with?
Not for the game, but I do have another project of mine that kinda stalled that I'd be willing to share. Its on my laptop, so it'll likely take a sec, but other than that, it is more or less working, just not complete in any way, shape, or form, lol.
I hear alot of people talking about Lua not being able to do things on a big scale, but what about Garrysmod?
The source engine exposed to Lua, making all kinds of things possible.
It may not be so much that it
can't do large things, just that its particularly
difficult to do them due to some of Lua's restrictions, like an object-orientation implementation that is, to put it lightly,
quite complicated and cumbersome to utilize. While Python
does have standard object-orientation, it has its own problems like requiring whitespace, which is a bit of a turn-off for me.
That's where things like Java and C#, when implemented properly, are actually
very good. With some work, you can do it all in one language. I assume Java can do it, as well, since it has its own reflection libraries, but I know for a fact that C# and .Net can do it, and it can be done well. It means fewer external dependencies (unless you make an implementation of a scripting language yourself, which is another can of worms entirely), no frustration from switching between languages, and you get all the real object-orientation with the look and feel a C-style language.