Those little things that irk you about Minecraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The focus of equal trade has a lot of potential that is not realized:
* In creative mode it shouldn't require / use up blocks.
* A totally brand new focus of equal trade is bound to "air"/nothing, and will (or at least, would at one time) exchange blocks with nothing. But there is no way to clear the wands setting to get that behaviour ever again.

Heres a tip. If you dont have botania installed, equal trade torches to quickly dismantle a building. Most of them will fall to the ground. If you DO have botania installed, use flowers instead. Some of them will float in the air but you can use the horn of the wild to knock them all down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tee hee. Yes, that's what I meant.

There's a few mods that have some form of carbon steel -- iron plus carbon (coal/charcoal) plus high temperature -- with railcraft one of the more well-known versions. And Reika introduced me to the existence of the higher quality, better regulated HSLA steel.

Hmm, gee, why have ATG or BWG for more realistic ground, or Geologica or Sweden University's new ground ore mod for more realistic ground content, or Galactic Craft for "realistic" space flight (hey, as realistic as KSP, right? :), or forestry/binnies for realistic genetics, or ...

If there's one thing I can say, it's scale. Something that takes 5 years of real life should be doable in a lot less than 5 years of gameplay. Minecraft has roughly a 72 times scaling factor overall (time is 72 times; distance ... varies :). If radiation is going to take decades of playtime to go away, that's too long. (... and, that's probably the only reason I don't plan to use a nuke reactor mod).

It all gets back to the basics: "Gee Ferb, what do you want to build today?".
... Just to set the record straight...
World-gen mods tend to be more optional, and make the world more beautiful without the player exerting any conscious effort (other than installation, of course :p). Various "Realistic Metallurgy" mods DO add a degree of difficulty to acquiring metals; and while that isn't a bad thing, it could be off-putting for some people, whereas "Optionally Beautiful World" doesn't make anyone mad. ;)
About Galacticraft: holy sh*t, did you just say it was as realistic as Kerbal Space Program? XD One word - "Staging." :p Galacticraft is nowhere NEAR realistic.
Perhaps I misspoke in saying that any kind of "Realistic Metallurgy" thing would be very grindy or end up unrealistic. On the other hand, I still hold the opinion that games should pick and choose what they grab from real life in order to stay fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On the other hand, I still hold the opinion that games should pick and choose what they grab from real life in order to stay fun.
Kinda like how I'm replicating the technical parts of making alcohol in Drunkraft but not being *too* precise. We don't have tastebuds in MC, so it's just an advanced form of alchemy. :p :D

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My biggest irk (lol): The recent death markers. I know that I can remove them manually, but I tend to die a lot so it does get annoying XD
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My biggest irk (lol): The recent death markers. I know that I can remove them manually, but I tend to die a lot so it does get annoying XD
For me it sucks more if I die somewhere in a far place and die again on the attempt to get my items. If the new death marker overrides the previous one I have a problem.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It bothers me whenever a pack designed for a skyblock map has a minimap. Considering you can usually see your whole world from the top of your house, it seems unnecessary. And personally most of my deaths on skyblock maps are from falling into the void, so it's not like death markers are helpful.

Also non-skyblock maps that don't have minimaps. I get lost easy and don't want to make vanilla maps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I kinda like that about Regrowth...there are some items from other mods (e.g. Bibliocraft) that get obsoleted by minimaps.
Err, let's not rehash the "minimap or no minimap" discussion, at least not outside of the skyblock theme. XD
We've had that discussion before, and it comes down to difference of playstyles - convenience vs. exploration-centric. Both are fine and make sense in different contexts, as can be expected from two different playstyles. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I kinda like that about Regrowth...there are some items from other mods (e.g. Bibliocraft) that get obsoleted by minimaps.
I have to agree with you on that one, Regrowth is definitely better without a minimap (I added one but didn't like having it too much).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not certain what TPS is (ticks per second? what determines those?), but I seem to have fairly stable FPS and CPU temperature. My computer setup is a bit overkill, though. My friend also got himself a similar setup, partially for MC. We both got what appears to be one of the last CPU's with good single core performance: i7 4790K @ 4.00 GHz. Silly Minecraft and its optimization, I really wish Microsoft would rewrite it in C#.

The fact that Minecraft modding appears to be a horrible arcane tangle definitely irks me.

I do wish metallurgy in MC was more involved. Gregtech kinda looked cool but it comes prepackaged with too many other issues + they really need better pixel art (of course, coming from me, someone who can't draw pixel art to save their lives).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem isn't really the language...well, its partially the language (or, more specifically, the virtual machine that runs it), but the biggest problem is that Mojang just doesn't seem to know what they're doing. As I've stated before: a tool is only as good as the person using it. Even the best tool, in the hands of incompetents, will be rendered completely useless. There's things, many things, that Mojang could do, whilst sticking with Java, that would greatly improve Minecraft's performance. Alas, they seem more interested in half-formed, half-arsed attempts at extensibility (that kill performance and make creating anything complex nigh on impossible) and adding new mobs and decorative blocks. Give Minecraft to a competent team, however, and you'd see improved performance.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sometimes I wonder, maybe it isn't that Mojang don't want to improve on their engine but rather that they don't know where to start?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It bothers me whenever a pack designed for a skyblock map has a minimap. Considering you can usually see your whole world from the top of your house, it seems unnecessary. And personally most of my deaths on skyblock maps are from falling into the void, so it's not like death markers are helpful.

Also non-skyblock maps that don't have minimaps. I get lost easy and don't want to make vanilla maps.
Sometimes it is added for when you venture to other dimensions. But it is also good for if the pack has thaumcraft, as you can mark nodes, especially useful if you can fly before getting to a point where you can move nodes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Irksome thing: undiagnosable lag.

Just yesterday, on an online server (running direwolf20), I stepped into the Twilight Forest. Things seems a bit glitchy, so i pressed <tab> - say an 'all green' ping meter. I typed /tps and nothing happened for fully 30s. Then I got a report indicating 14tps - not great, but nothing that could explain why I had an effective >30s lag that would not go away - despite the green server ping. After disconnecting and reconnecting several times, each time returning to massive lag I gave up for ~45 minutes. Then I logged back in, did a /tps and got an immediate report of 14ms. lag, mysteriously, gone.


Jul 31, 2013
Irksome thing: undiagnosable lag.

Just yesterday, on an online server (running direwolf20), I stepped into the Twilight Forest. Things seems a bit glitchy, so i pressed <tab> - say an 'all green' ping meter. I typed /tps and nothing happened for fully 30s. Then I got a report indicating 14tps - not great, but nothing that could explain why I had an effective >30s lag that would not go away - despite the green server ping. After disconnecting and reconnecting several times, each time returning to massive lag I gave up for ~45 minutes. Then I logged back in, did a /tps and got an immediate report of 14ms. lag, mysteriously, gone.

If you where the first then it probably was because it needed to generate a lot of land

My irk is when commands like /memory and /ping not work correctly
you can scrap the /ping if 0MS is reasonable >_>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you where the first then it probably was because it needed to generate a lot of land

My irk is when commands like /memory and /ping not work correctly
you can scrap the /ping if 0MS is reasonable >_>

Nope - was a well established part of the Forest that had been visited many times.