Whitelist Server The Underground Server [1.6.4 v1.0.11][PvE][Whitelist][Teamspeak]

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its not like i cant take a joke but it gets annoyin to be building and have random zombies and stuff i dont want nearby showing up
Due to server problems that could not be fixed.... The world was reset :( . There was something wrong with the world so it had to be.
Hey redicemage, I know I wasn't active for a long time, but I took a break from minecraft, and now I'm back, I really love the mods you added (well, I don't use bibliocraft, but I like the look of it) and I would like to join the server, I wonder if you remember that I applied, and I think a world reset is a perfect time to join, thanks!
In case you forgot my application (which is probable):
Experience with mods:I am very expirienced with all of the mods except mffs
Banned y/n:n
Why ^:
what else would you like to say:
Iv'e been playing tekkit for 1 year, and Iv'e moved to FTB BETA A 3 months ago (I think), then I played on DW20 pack for 2 months from now, and I'm subscribed to him and follow his sp and mp series.
I want to join this server because 1. It's updating fast (5.2.0 already is very fast)
2.The community seems friendly and mature
3.I want to expirience mods and items I couldn't on open servers because they were banned, I want to build machines that can use ALL the features avalible.
(Don't worry, I won't make like 2000 ages and I won't chunkload 5000000 chunks [I'm just giving big numbers to make it clear] that would lag your server)
I would also like to master mffs
Did you read the rules y/n: y, And I accept the rules
IGN: En_Terrorist
Age: 19
Experience with mods: Yeh, been messing around with AE and some more.
Banned y/n: Never, and will never be, because i dont do stuff thats not allowed :)
Why ^: N/A
What else would you like to say: DW20 i hope i get accepted because i think i'm a great team player.
Experience with mods:Ive played alot for about 1year. so i am pretty experienced
Banned y/n:n
Why ^:
What else would you like to say: DW20 I think this would be a perfect server to play on. ive been looking for one with custom mods and it sems to have a great community! :D
IGN: PaperKrane
Age: 23
Experience with mods: Some
Banned y/n: No
Why ^: I'm looking for a better way of playing minecraft than begging my friends to play with me. It get's lonely on a big empty server and this server seems to have a similar player base to myself. I'm freindly and would make a good minecraft neighbor!
What else would you like to say: I feel like I have a good sense of minecraft aesthetics. I'm a good helper and I'm ready to get involved. I also know a good deal about the bees from forestry/DW20 if you like that sort of thing :D
For those who have been white-listed the server (not the world) has been reset and you should now be able to login.

Don't ask if you've been white-listed, if you can't get on you obviously haven't.
IGN: TheAraulin
Age: 14 aobut to turn 15
Experience with mods: I have been playing with the mods since 1.2.5 and then I had installed them all manually.
Banned y/n: I have not been banned
Why ^: n/a
What else would you like to say: Direwolf20 has inspired me to think about how to use mods together in different ways. His builds are the best I have seen yet. I would love to be able to play with other friendly people on a server like this.
IGN: Jakwisp
Age: 20
Experience with mods: Not much in programming, but I play with several of them. (95 on my rl friends server he runs)
Banned y/n: No
Why ^: Cause i am just a good guy, like DW20 ;)
What else would you like to say: I would like to play on a server that has several of my favorite mods like thaumcraft, Tinkers, buildcraft, and many more that this pack has. Also I hate to do it alone, so I hope I get to play with the people on this server.
Application Form
IGN: PrestigiousPiero
Age: 15
Experience with mods: 1 year experience with mods, I am quite good and am happy to help others with machinery and what-not
Banned y/n: n
Why ^: N/A
What else would you like to say: DW20 is responsible for the youtube video that originally introduced me to "mods". If I could, I would personally thank him for all the great Ideas for automation and building he inspired me to do!
IGN: Elgriton
Experience with mods: I know a lot about almost all of the mods!
Banned y/n: no
Why ^:nope
What else would you like to say: cant wait for diretime every day, dw20 ftw
does anyone have the TinkersConstruct and Ars Magica downloads? the ones the server wants i cant seem to find them
IGN: FinnyDahFanny
Age: 17
Experience with mods: Been playing with mods since 1.7.3
Banned y/n: Never
Why ^: N/A
What else would you like to say: Would love to play on any server that has Tinkers on it, And also i just love the DW20 pack in general.
Experience with mods:I am a well experianced player.
Banned y/n:No
Why ^:
What else would you like to say:Well, I love to play DW20 it's a great mod pack (my favorite) i have my own youtube channel and managed a server when the owner's parents passed away.
i havent played this server for a while because of difficulty with the mod downloads and when i tried reentering the server it said i was no longer whitelisted. do i need to re-do the application?
White-list has basically been reset, anyone who has been previously white-listed and would still like to join the server please PM me or RedIceMage. I'll probably only check about once or twice a day though, so don't have a fit if I don't respond asap.
IGN: yuuwolfman
Experience with mods:some but not much
Banned y/n:n
Why ^:n/a
What else would you like to say:dw20 is an awesome guy and i hope he keeps on playing mc as long as he can
Whitelist application:
IGN: Gronch4695
Age: 19
Experience with mods: tekkit then ftb and now the dw20 pack
Banned y/n: nope
Why ^:
What else would you like to say: been waiting for ages to get the dw20 pack out and here it is!
IGN: kingston2131
Experience with mods: know about all the mods but computercraft and bees dont really say much to me. i follow DW20 videos to keep me updated.
Banned y/n: never
Why ^:
What else would you like to say: live in denmark, friendly player, like playing with people and help if i can. can join Teamspeak when i get to know people. i always follow the rules so i dont get banned from good servers:D
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