Whitelist Server The Underground Server [1.6.4 v1.0.11][PvE][Whitelist][Teamspeak]

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For those it interests, the server is back online(with the DW20 Pack). The world has been reset, I don't know why so don't ask me.

The IP has also changed (See OP)

If you've lost the Team Speak password join the server and you'll probably get it.
Whitelist application:
IGN: adrakal
Age: 24
Experience with mods: relatively well, I've played solo on the dw20 pack for some time
Banned y/n: no
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: just looking for an active friendly community to play alongside in the DW20 pack

read the rules?: yes

reason for edit, sneaky extra app item that wasn't there when I first posted
IGN: gerbality
Age: 15 (turning 16 on the 16th)
Experience with mods: I am fairly experienced with many of these mods, such as IC2, EE3, Redpower, Thermal Expansion. I always am happy to help others.
Banned y/n: As far as I'm aware, I've never been banned.
Why ^:
what else would you like to say: I am a mature individual who is looking for a chance to play FTB with others. I was whitelisted on an Ultimate server, but wasn't able to connect after a while due to only having one gb of RAM on my computer. I always try to be as respectful as possible to everyone, and I never steal, grief, or murder.
Did you read the rules: Yes. However, I realize that this is a question that can be easily lied to, so I shall summarize the rules to the best of my abilities. Do not be disrespectful to anyone. This includes griefing, stealing, or destroying what other people have built. Do not disrespect the staff. Do not create lag-inducing machines. This can also be categorized under respect, as building machines that take away from other people's experience shows that you just don't care. Excessive chunkloaders, timers, or any block or item entities spewing out of pipes are massive causes of lag. They will be destroyed without refund.

I hope you consider my application.

EDIT: Turns out I forgot one part of the rules. I forgot to mention DW20. Sorry about that.
Add to white-list application Did you read the rules y/n:yes Whitelist application: Gareth Rosser
IGN: LordRosser
Age: 15
Experience with mods: I have good thaumcraft experience with a basic knowledge of the other mods
Banned y/n: no
Why ^:
what else would you like to say: I am a mature gamer who is friendly and likes working with others for common goals. I do enjoy RPing from time to time (although that is not a part of this server so much) I follow the rules and I love the game. Also DW20!
IGN: MrSupess
Experience with mods: I have been playing with the mods for at least a year now. i have subscribed to DW20 for a long time always seeing what he can do new with the mods.
Banned y/n: N
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: i have played on other DW20 servers but they always had server resets frequently, and limited mods. looking forward to playing on this server. i started playing minecraft since 1.0.0 came out and loved installing mods for the better experience.
Have you read the rules: Yes
IGN: Jford4120
Experience with mods: I have been playing with mods since Minecraft 1.2.5. Also, until a few months ago I was a self taught mod user. I am well versed in all mods in the DW20 Pack that do not feature coding, such as computer craft.
Banned y/n: N
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: I believe I would make a strong addition to this server because not only am I someone who enjoys playing Minecraft with others I am also someone who does well working as a group and has many new ideas in regards to technology oriented builds

Yes I have read the rules.
We've updated to the latest DW20 Pack 5.2.1
We've also updated the Applied Energistics mod to the latest 1.4.7 version rv9.i you can download it here : http://ae-mod.info/Downloads/

If you're white listed and need help installing the new version PM me, I can help.
Whitelist application:
IGN: Pershire
Age: 20
Experience with mods: Long time tekkit player and have been playing FTB since its inception.
Banned y/n: Yes on a single server
Why ^: Silly drama, basically helping a friend build a new server that our old server owner didn't like, so he banned us from the server
what else would you like to say: I have been a long time fan of tekkit and FTB, and the mods they include. The DW20 modpack was the perfect meld of my favorite mods, and I enjoy working on servers mostly to interact with the community, and to have fun. I am kinda a loner when it comes to builds, but if invited to work with people I happily do so as well. I have also read the rules and know them.
IGN: SirSuffix
Age: 22
Experience with mods: Teknic for 12 months. FTB for 6 months. DW20 follower on youtube. Very good with Thaumcraft. Very good with ExtraBees. Good with ThermalExpansion.
Banned y/n: n
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: I would like to play online with people, make friends, offer some help to people who may need it, also maybe get some help with some mods I'm not the best at. TeamSpeak is a GREAT plus for the server (as I am dyslexic and reading and writing is harder for me then speaking and hearing). Im very friendly, and enjoying helping others understanding mods.
I know that you are likely busy and all but could I at least get an answer as to my app? it has been two weeks and two days without a word, even if you pm'ed me to say no that would be better then leaving me hanging like this
Whitelist application:
Experience with mods:Lots of experience with most of the mods.
Banned y/n:No.
Why ^:I never grief, kill, steal, etc.
what else would you like to say:
I love the DW20 ModPack, but I get bored really fast when I play alone, so I will be
happy to find a server with friendly players and staff, with no lag.
I have read the rules.
Edit:It's better when you read the rules and stuff twice.:D
Experience with mods:IC2, Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, Steve's carts, Railcraft;
Banned y/n:no
Why ^:
what else would you like to say:I like to play with friends on the server without griefers.
I have read the rules.
IGN: deathbringer1128
Age: 14
Experience with mods: I played Tekkit for about 8 months and got the alpha release of the FTB launcher during the livestream. I know a lot about the mods in the DW20 pack, but I stick mostly to IC and BC, with power armour and thaumcraft mixed in as well. I have also been watching DW20 videos for a while now, so I have a fair amount of knowledge on the mods I don't really use.
Banned y/n: Never
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: I haven't played FTB or Minecraft in a while, so I won't get as far in as little time as I have in the past.
Have you read the rules: Yes
IGN: asalt13
Age: 14 but mature
Experience with mods: lots
Banned y/n: n
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: Great with redstone and automation. Experienced to make low lag generating but high powered and fun machines. I'm as mature as my environment so I won't sit be annoying (like people that comment on everything). Also I don't grief. I will admit that if I'm hungry and I see someones farm I would harvest a little bit but I will always replant.
I have read the rules y/n: y and accept
IGN: Neyo_Creeper
Age: 12
Experience with mods: I am decent with all mods, but best with IC2
Banned y/n: NOPE
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: I can record a ftb series on this server.
Did you read the rules y/n: YES
I know that you are likely busy and all but could I at least get an answer as to my app? it has been two weeks and two days without a word, even if you pm'ed me to say no that would be better then leaving me hanging like this
Same here.o_O
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