Whitelist Server The Underground Server [1.6.4 v1.0.11][PvE][Whitelist][Teamspeak]

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Experience with mods: I have been playing whith mod from 1.2.5 and i have lern them by watching DF2 videos
Banned y/n:no
Why ^:N/A
what else would you like to say:I am looking for a server to pass somme time.
ign MagicErk
age 25
banned never
mod experiance only mod i play with know most of it love it
just love to hang out and build and have fun good guy over all
Did you read the rules: yes
IGN: heyoomimi
Age: 21
Experience with mods: I use thaumcraft,forestry, soul shards, mystcraft, basic ic2 and bc.
Banned: No
Why ^: N/A
What else would you like to say: I am excited to join this server to meet new folks.
Whitelist application:
IGN: Dakta
Age: 18
Experience with mods: I have tinkered with a good portion of the mods and i would like to keep growing my knowledge of them
Banned y/n: Never been banned
Why ^:
what else would you like to say: Dw20 has inspired me to try and make superstructures using mods in Minecraft and yes i did read the rules
We've added a few new mods, here are the download links so you don't have to search the forum posts.

Biblio Craft v1.1.0 : http://adf.ly/JekRw

Petroleum Generator v1.2.1 : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0x109gy1cgtp28m/ncxtP_CY64/[1.4.6]PetroGen-1.2.1.zip

Advanced Machines 4.7B : https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D7490635_65634581_7742420

Tinkerer's Construct v1.1.5.3 : http://adf.ly/Hxw1t

Secret Rooms v4.5.1.237 : http://adf.ly/EpurO

All of these go in Mods, if you need any further help I'll do it, but I'll feel very sorry for you.
I thought you also noted that the admin was out of town?
I handle the white-listing and the server has to be restarted to work and if you are white-listed and have all the current mods downloaded according to the post you should be able to join. Plus that was a long time ago...
I handle the white-listing and the server has to be restarted to work and if you are white-listed and have all the current mods downloaded according to the post you should be able to join. Plus that was a long time ago...
Am I whitelisted? I recently applied today.
yesterday i was told that i was whitelisted but to wait a bit cause the server was undergoing maintenance i tried to log on this morning and it still says not whitelisted
I love how so many people say they read the rules, when they clearly do not, an argument has already been made here about the subject but I guess people don't read through the whole forum either. :p
IGN: madkidk
Experience with mods: first started in around 1.8 (beta) i started moding a small bit but then i found tekkit but stopped playing as ee2 was way to op, when FTB came out i started playing on it alot but never realy got started on the world properly
Banned y/n:Once i think
Why ^:I believe the server was shutting and i joined and the owner just banned me
what else would you like to say: Whitelist application: DW20 has to be one of the best mod packs, mainly as it no gregtech which makes it so hard to start out but then makes it really op in the long run

Thanks for reading :)
IGN: Weezuby4 (Capital W)
Age: 14
Experience with mods: Played the FTB Ultimate pack thoroughly
Banned y/n: Nope
Why ^:
What else would you like to say: I'm looking for a nice and good server to play on and to get involved in. I watch DW20's lets plays so i know most of the mods, and I'm very advanced in the mod pack too
IGN: Timcakes
Age: 14
Experience with mods: Watched Direwolf's video's since series 2 and played with mods since then. First played FTB on the night where slowpoke streamed the release and nobody could play because the Minecraft login servers were down
Banned y/n: n
Why ^: N/A
what else would you like to say: I love programming, especially with Turtles, i can program; HTML, PHP, Some Javascript and some CSS
Experience with mods: lots tbh kinda getting bored with ftb but you have new mods
Banned y/n: y
Why ^: I knew the people irl and they were being dicks
What else would you like to say: DW20 is an under subbed You Tuber and is an awesome guy
Experience with mods:i have experience of most of the mods
Banned y/n:no i havent been banned
Why ^:
What else would you like to say:im from lithuania im looking for a friendly server with people playing so i could make friends and trade and stuff and i love DW20 pack
someone keeps trolling me whenever im on with footy and note i end up having someone follow me around summoning zombies or just placing random blocks i would appreciate if this stops because they use the admin command or potions to go invisible i didnt join the server to get trolled i joined to have fun playing a game i enjoy
Sorry you can't take a joke. We'll try our best to stop messing with you, there's plenty of other people that can be trolled :P
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