The rebirth of IC2 ?

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I wouldn't mind a device that could do breeding, but what I would really want is a cloning machine. Put in seed bags and other costs (determine as required by balance) and then provide it power and time, and it will clone seed bags.

that could be quite... unbalanced for the better crops that give things like iron and such.
a fair price would be that it'd require a very small amount of liquid UU. it really doesn't use much, but still requires some infrastructure to be set up. sadly it would mean that that part of crops would become end-game
that could be quite... unbalanced for the better crops that give things like iron and such.
a fair price would be that it'd require a very small amount of liquid UU. it really doesn't use much, but still requires some infrastructure to be set up. sadly it would mean that that part of crops would become end-game

I don't really think that it's unbalanced. It's not exactly difficult to (almost) clone plants as it is. Just breed it with itself, and most of the time you will get the same type of plant, with similar stats. This would just alter it a bit from being something you have to check for weeds and get stat changes from, to an automated process that allows you to keep the same stats.
I don't really think that it's unbalanced. It's not exactly difficult to (almost) clone plants as it is. Just breed it with itself, and most of the time you will get the same type of plant, with similar stats. This would just alter it a bit from being something you have to check for weeds and get stat changes from, to an automated process that allows you to keep the same stats.

yea... true. a balancing factor could be that the machine requires the seed bag you want to duplicate, and a seed bag which gets edited into the seed bag you want to duplicate, so it still would require you to get more seed bags. something similar to bees. you need a bee to change it into another bee, you can't make that bee out of nothing
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another thing that is part of IC2, that could be fun in conjunction with other mods: the terraformer.

so far, no other mod offers a way to change the biome. the only thing is, that it just changed the appearance of the biome, but not the biome-information as it is. with that additional function, the terraformer could be very interesting for bee breeding, or other biome-depending tasks. but sadly, it is not possible so far.

the terraformer could be even more fun in conjunction with biome mods like ebxl or bop. especially if they decide, that some trees can be only cultivated in their proper biome (it makes no sense that a bamboo can grow in a tundra biome).
Back when it was implemented, you couldn't change biomes into others.

Nowadays Forge exposes the ability to do so, and several mods in fact make use of it (Thaumcraft 4, Twilight Forest to name a few). If the terraformer got a rework, I'm fairly sure it would use the same hooks.
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Really plants shouldn't "become" weeds, they should just behave like them - taking over neighboring crops.

That's all a weed is - an undesired plant. It could be anything. One man's melon is another man's weed.
I also wish BC would re-introduce the builder, but this topic is about IC
but to be honest, I only once ever used the terraformer, and I didn't liked it at all...
if they were to update it so you could actually change a biome's type, it'd be awesome to use it for bees :eek:
The weed mechanic could use a bit of reworking, right now its akin to breeding some industrious bees, and they turn into meadows.
Other than that the main issue is the almost total lack of information about them. Every other aspect has been played to no end- but if you need a hand with agriculture then you're in the dark.

Also [I might be wrong here] but the foresty multifarms can't harvest them, but the older ones (at one stage) could?

Now now Celestialphoenix, everyone knows that "early game" is defined as about three 36 HP boilers fully heated up! Who starts by punching wood nowadays? That's like, so 2011.

... :p

My apologies Omicron- kinda forgot gameplay and fun are physically impossible until you have infinite resources, flight and super armour that negates hunger and all monster damage. :p
That was what I always thought, but a few times I've returned to find a farm full of weeds even though I made sure not to leave any empty crops. It is however entirely possible that another player came by and forgot to replant though, being that both occasions were on SMP :D .
I've had a bug occur several times where it looks like you are successfully placing roses and flowers on crop sticks, but come back 10 minutes later and the sticks are empty or full of weeds. The telltale is when you right click to plant the flowers and the crop stick only takes 1 flower out of your inventory instead of 4.
So, that happens :P[DOUBLEPOST=1383931534][/DOUBLEPOST]
I know that MFR harvesters can harvest IC2 crops. I've used it several times to fuel bio reactors.
Yes I have 9 different items on crop sticks right now in one big MFR farm with Harvester only, no Planter. Works great to fuel a full efficiency Bioreactor:
Melons (processed to seeds)
Pumpkins (processed to seeds)
Cactus (processed to Cactus Green)
Back when it was implemented, you couldn't change biomes into others.

Nowadays Forge exposes the ability to do so, and several mods in fact make use of it (Thaumcraft 4, Twilight Forest to name a few). If the terraformer got a rework, I'm fairly sure it would use the same hooks.

I just knew of TFs tree of transformation. after the people at forge added the possibility to change the biome. why wasn't it done? in my opinion, that would be quite simple to accomplish (as you said, the hooks are already there).

I think there are quite some interesting features in IC2, and their overhaul of existing features is nice aswell...

and then, it's still a mod that has active developers/maintainers. so as long as they keep working, why are so many people complaining that the mod is dead? it's dead, when minecraft updates and they don't.
I also wish BC would re-introduce the builder, but this topic is about IC
but to be honest, I only once ever used the terraformer, and I didn't liked it at all...
if they were to update it so you could actually change a biome's type, it'd be awesome to use it for bees :eek:

change literally a 3x3 of an area in your forest base to desert just to be able to create gunpowder in an alveary.
I just knew of TFs tree of transformation. after the people at forge added the possibility to change the biome. why wasn't it done? in my opinion, that would be quite simple to accomplish (as you said, the hooks are already there).

I think there are quite some interesting features in IC2, and their overhaul of existing features is nice aswell...

and then, it's still a mod that has active developers/maintainers. so as long as they keep working, why are so many people complaining that the mod is dead? it's dead, when minecraft updates and they don't.

Because IC2 was in forced feature freeze for over a year. Alblaka, the original author, basically went AWOL but didn't leave permission to change anything without his OK. The maintainers could only update the codebase to each new version of Minecraft, nothing more. As a result the mechanics were becoming archaic and not taking advantage of newer developments.

That's also why there's this sudden frenzy with IC2 experimental. Now that permission has been obtained (Alblaka apparently stopped caring entirely and signed himself off of the project), a lot of long-needed improvements can finally take place.
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Gotta love it when people keep the keys to themselves without writing in some sort of fallback (eg "if you don't hear from my in 6 months, it's up for grabs" language)

One of the reasons why I not-so-humbly think anyone not putting things up under an open license are being selfish or ignorant.
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One of the reasons why I not-so-humbly think anyone not putting things up under an open license are being selfish or ignorant.

Charity, i.e. pretty much every MC mod, cannot be coerced.

I view mods like friends. I enjoy them while they're here, but they are free to do what they wish and move on if they so choose, but I will always have fond memories of our time together.

Just like a voluntary friendship, one can't dictate mod authors behavior or motivation.
Sorry, MD was a typo. I meant to type MC mod.

Charity is the mod author's time and skills. Unless you have a private arrangement with specific mod authors, they are obligated to nothing.

i.e. - don't look a gifthorse in the mouth, you may not get any more gifthorses
Gotta love it when people keep the keys to themselves without writing in some sort of fallback (eg "if you don't hear from my in 6 months, it's up for grabs" language)

One of the reasons why I not-so-humbly think anyone not putting things up under an open license are being selfish or ignorant.
Well, at the same time, you've got to consider that not everyone is going to be an incredibly polite guy, and he may distribute the entire code of the programmer as if it was his work. Honestly, releasing the program in an editable but not releasable way would be incredibly awesome, but, as far as I know, there's no way to do that yet.
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Sorry for being short with you Draeth. You're a good guy, just hit a certain spot with me.

I'm a software engineer myself and have released some small projects into the public realm from time to time, all with the warning of "use at your own risk". I have a full-time job, wife, and kids, and don't want to be or feel obligated to a voluntary software project.

And, what GPuzzle said. There are indeed practical problems to sharing or turning over the keys too early. People will fork the code, mostly with good intent, and before you know it, there will be shades of incompatible versions out there that leave most everybody unhappy and frustrated. The project is then a failure, despite all the good efforts and intentions.
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That really shouldn't be a problem. If the code is up on github or whatever since 1/1/2013 and Joe ArseFace tries to pass it off as his own on 4/1/2013, the egg's on Joe's face.

EDIT: Miguk, I totally get that. While I don't make a living doing that, I can certainly see things from your perspective. However, in this case you have no means to do that - I'm pretty certain you can't monetize your mod work or Mojang will have to send you a nastygram.

I should also disclaim that I'm one of those crazy FSF people, so my views are very much admittedly biased.