The rebirth of IC2 ?

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This makes me laugh like I'm mad >: D

Most of the mods that go the forge path after using modloader get a lot of hate in the minecraft forums for some reason, mostly I guess it's new people that have no idea on how to install forge and those that want mods that edit the jar to work with forge like they work with modloader.

I'm a bit on their side, I feel like modloader isn't as intrusive as forge and you can use mods that change the jar with modloader.
This makes me laugh like I'm mad >: D

* facedesks *

Oh noooooooooo. Not a superior API that's SMP compatible. WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?! :P

Kinda feel sorry for Risugami- it feels like he's been pushed out by FML.

My first memory of installing Modloader is reading his forum thread and being insulted by it. I don't feel sorry at all. :P
Oh sweet jegus. Power Crystals cost 4 diamonds each. That's 40 diamonds for one MFSU. This change just screams "GREG".
It's actually Player, he nerfed the Railcraft fuel values as well... Quite proud of it too. When even DireWolf is groaning and saying it's ridiculous to make an MFE you've gone too far. I much prefer the new power system but the crafting is now just tedious for the sake of it.
IC2 has always taken a slightly more hard-core path than many mods. Greg took that to a new level, but the core aesthetic of making things complicated - machines and cables blowing up, losing machines when breaking them, non-stackable crafting recipe items, etc. - has always been there at the heart of IC2. There's no reason to shout "GRRRRREGGGGG!" whenever IC2 becomes more IC2-like. It was ever thus.
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Yeah, couldn't help but noticing there haven't been any Forgecraft 3 episodes from DW for about a month ... maybe they wrapped it up? Or maybe he prefers modded minecraft instead of a work camp? :)
It was briefly mentioned on his recent FC2 series, someone (maybe Rorax?) said she was missing him and asked if he was coming back. To be honest his current FC2 series is very similar to his FC3 build, in that he's not using AE and he's using a rail system to transport his Arcane Bore materials back to his base. So FC3 was not much "harder" than what he's doing now, really. The only real difference is that he has TE3 on FC2.
It was briefly mentioned on his recent FC2 series, someone (maybe Rorax?) said she was missing him and asked if he was coming back. To be honest his current FC2 series is very similar to his FC3 build, in that he's not using AE and he's using a rail system to transport his Arcane Bore materials back to his base. So FC3 was not much "harder" than what he's doing now, really. The only real difference is that he has TE3 on FC2.
FC3 was wrapped up by DW20 due to not many people watching it according to a tweet from him around the time FC2 started up again.
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I guess a lot of people watch DW20 to see the new versions of mods being used, and there wasn't much of that on FC3. His series are more extended tutorials than Let's Plays, wth the exception of the season finale spectaculars that he does.
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IC2 has always taken a slightly more hard-core path than many mods. Greg took that to a new level, but the core aesthetic of making things complicated - machines and cables blowing up, losing machines when breaking them, non-stackable crafting recipe items, etc. - has always been there at the heart of IC2. There's no reason to shout "GRRRRREGGGGG!" whenever IC2 becomes more IC2-like. It was ever thus.

You'll have to admit though that IC2 Experimental has moved away from being the "starter" mod that IC2 used to be. I'm playing my second map with it now and I wouldn't want to be forced to deal with it as my only beginner option.

On the other hand, I appreciate the way its resource hunger ramps up. I made my start with TE3 this time around, and frankly, getting set up with that costs very little. Add a quarry and all that's left for you to do is watch resources accumulate in your output chest. IC2 finally gave me something to use it on. For me, the mod has become not a starter, but a lategame playground. Especially with Gravitation Suite in the mix. Coughing up the 55 diamonds for full advanced nano gear (including the MFE to charge it all) is no walk in the park, but damn you feel great when you have it. And I may heave spent three full stacks of blocks of iron on machines already, but eh, they were just lying around uselessly before.

I just wish Player could move away from the impression that making the player wait just because you can is a good idea (hello thermal centrifuge/replicator).
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I just wish Player could move away from the impression that making the player wait just because you can is a good idea (hello thermal centrifuge/replicator).

Being able to change how long stuff takes to process in a machine was always something I loved about Gregtech. I'd love it if IC2 took the same config approach, but I'm not holding my breath.
...but the crafting is now just tedious for the sake of it.

I couldn't agree more. While I like the improvements, the tediousness for the sake of tediousness in the name of "making it hard" *rolls eyes* adds no value to playability or fun. I have no problems with making something balanced, aka "hard", but tediousness != balance and tediousness != hard.

Sorry, Player, but staring at a 3x3 crafting table is not fun. I won't touch IC2 exp now without an AE MAC to assist with the tedious crafting.[DOUBLEPOST=1386258159][/DOUBLEPOST]
I just wish Player could move away from the impression that making the player wait just because you can is a good idea (hello thermal centrifuge/replicator).

Agreed. The overclockers have no effect on the warm-up time.

If it's late-game and I've built enough IC2 EU power production to have EU to burn, let me burn it. The pointless waiting adds no fun, playability, or balance.
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Oh sweet jegus. Power Crystals cost 4 diamonds each. That's 40 diamonds for one MFSU. This change just screams "GREG".

The MFSU also has 40 times the energy storage capacity. (Probably not the exact number, but it's pretty ridiculous)

And so has the MFE, and oh look at that shiney new AESU!

They added a new tier. That's why MFSU costs more, because it's now insanely powerful late-game stuff.

I'm surprised no one has commented on the Fiber Cable recipe change as well...
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The MFSU also has 40 times the energy storage capacity. (Probably not the exact number, but it's pretty ridiculous)

And so has the MFE, and oh look at that shiney new AESU!

They added a new tier. That's why MFSU costs more, because it's now insanely powerful late-game stuff.

I'm surprised no one has commented on the Fiber Cable recipe change as well...

The MFSU is so much bigger, it really should have been re-named, but I don't have a problem with 40 diamonds for a (now) late-game power storage unit. What I don't like is the tediousness of the recipes. IC2 exp has way too many intermediate ingredients that adds more tedium than balance.

As for the fiber cable, I think that's fine. Like the MFSU, the fibre cable really should have been re-named. It's improved. Also, the far cheaper copper and gold cables have been improved. You only *need* the IC2 exp fiber cables late-game, when diamonds should not be a bottleneck.
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Considering glass fiber was bumped up *two* tiers, you could argue that it's warranted, but yeah... it's honestly not something you're going to build more than 1-2 sets of. Ever. On the upside, gold and iron cabling are actually useful now, so you don't even need glass fiber anymore (save for very niche applications).

Also, keep in mind: the new e-net isn't even done... not even halfway done. It'll be getting the whole voltage and current shebang (in the actual sense of it, not in the way classic IC2 used the terms, which had nothing whatsoever to do with voltage and current).
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I used to complain about IC2 because it dominated modpacks. Now with the development of new mods in tech, magic, and shades of grey in between, I don't care anymore. IC2 for me is now a really niche mod that caters to a smaller user base. I feel bad that those who still enjoy the mod are being encumbered with even more tedium though.