I've tried this pack three times in the last few days, but I keep starving to death. Even with the two stacks of bonemeal, I run out. I have not once seen it rain, and I've never seen anything grow naturally, only with bonemeal. Since you can't bonemeal cactus, that means I can't get water from cactus, and since it doesn't rain, I can't get water from barrels either. The best run I had, I had an 8-sapling tree farm (which seemed pointless since they never grew without bonemeal), 2 apple trees (not that they ever ripened, or even advanced 1 stage), maybe 10 blocks of grass, 4 berry bushes from a quest bag (but those never grew either), then I ran out of bonemeal and starved to death, and the game didn't like my bed placement so I repeatedly spawned in the void.
Am I missing something? Is there a reason that nothing ever grows naturally? It could be just incredibly terrible luck, but it feels more like something has been tweaked to disable the necessary block ticks or something. Am I supposed to be feeding myself entirely with a mob farm? (I have had trouble getting enough wood to build one -- my next run, I tried for that, but just starved to death quicker instead.)
I've watched the first few FunshineX videos (how I discovered this pack, in fact) and he doesn't seem to have any problem getting food, not much of that happens on-camera so I'm not sure what he did besides bonemealing the soy. (It looks like that's also an older version of the pack, though.)