I haven't had much time to work on it, or much of anything fun, due to school work and doing my first actual LP. However, I should have a bit of time today to at least do more research on organizing my data into some kind of graph structure...ooh, if I could do that, I could probably create a literal graph of the relationships between the essentia, should people want to find their own answers. One thing at a time, though, lol.
Realized my "new" design was stupid; having aspect objects link together with actual aspect objects would increase the size of the scripts, depending on said script's tier, exponentially, something nobody wants. The only code that needs to be shared between the script writer and the Pathfinder itself is the aspect class, the rest is specific to their own functions.
I can visualize how the graph would work in my head almost perfectly: the outer ring would be the primal aspects, the aspects from which all other essentia are derived. Each inner ring would represent their own tier, linking either to an outer ring or to the primal ring. Now, to translate that into code, cache it, and utilize some kind of pathing algorithm to traverse it...though, I dunno how I'd get it to give different results, hrm...