Thaumcraft Research Helper, Webbrowser and Windows version available.

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chinchill, you were right on the money. It looks like Cognitio & Telum changed in 4.2.2 and I am on I did what you suggested, changing the chains.txt after copying to a new folder, and it works great.

For anyone interested, the changes I made are:


A reference for this change can be found at

Thanks again!
Hi there!
Thanks for this great tool, i really like to use it. As it shows quite a number of possibilities i can alwasy choose the on that suits my current aspects most - great!
Took me a few to figure out the stuff with newer versions of thaumcraft (>4.2.2.x).

During my actual researches i stumbled across a problem:
You fixed the upper limit of chains to be 6 but i had 4 researches with paths of min. 7 already - and i am only halfway trough with the researches.

And i would like to request a "little" feature:
I am using it on my secondary screen, but the stuff is so tiny - could u enable some kind of zoom like normal and 200%?

Kind regards
Hi Ciannicay. You may want to take a look at some of the older posts in this thread, as there are others who have requested more than the limit of 6 and the author (chinchill) explains why increasing past 6 would be a problem for the tool and how to workaround it (by repeating patterns). You really should be able to get any research done with the 6 length and just repeat a couple somewhere in the middle to increase the chain (using whatever Aspects you have the most of). Just thought I would let you know, since this feature request has already been rejected.

I do like the idea of bigger icons! I have a 30" monitor and the icons are a bit tiny, but I don't mind since the tool is nicely tucked away and always on top so I can still browse the internet on my 2nd monitor.
An addon might also be tinkering with it... though if that is your ENTIRE mod list I'm shocked. 4.2 hasn't had any (more) aspect changes I'm aware of, Azanor has been working on 1.8 (ugh, 1.8).
I can't download it. Can you provide a link that works? It constantly says that my browser can't find the hosting server.
I found that this was missing the Aspect Gula, I couldn't find it. Will this be updated?
I found that this was missing the Aspect Gula, I couldn't find it. Will this be updated?

The latest version has the following feature that allows you to add it yourself.

"Added plugin feature - now it's possible to create Your own aspects with custom icons - learn more by pressing Add version in dropdown menu, and check out example"

You may want to try that until the author gets time to updating the app.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I'm going to release new version in few days, Completely rewritten to use web browser, so every device will be able to use it (even mobile!). This way we lose ability to use "on top" feature, but hopefully possibility of using phone or tablet will re compensate that :).

I will relase basic list of aspect, that everyone can edit with built in editor.
Another step is implementing system of subscriptions, think about app store - ability to search for lists, subscribe rates and comments.

What do You think? :)
I think this is a really great idea. Failing being an actual client-side mod with a java and probably gradle wrapper to launch it, the web app is probably the best idea as far as accessibility.
I'm with ShneekeyTheLost . Would suck if you don't have a second device (or you only have a dumb phone). But hey, I has me one of them newfangled smart phone thingermajigs what don't haz a cord an everythang! It will be nice to have the ability to do the solves on my phone.

Might this also have the ability to include your aspect totals? It'd be nice if it could avoid using aspects you don't have, or even weight them by primal cost vs your pool of primal aspects for construction.(like if you've got 500 Aer and Ordo, but 15 Perditio and 100 Ignis, it will avoid using things like Gelum but a path using Lux would be ranked higher, and one using Motus even higher still.)
currently app calculates weight by tiers, so instrumentum have 7 value, and primal aspect just one, when results are presented, each chain has its sum of tier values, and are sorted by them, so chain made with two tier 2 aspects will be always on top of chain made by tier 7.

anyway, this is nice idea, i will check what i can do about making second method of sorting and implementing
here is an a plugin for thaumcraft 5.1 (mc1.8)
to install extract the zip to "%appdata%/TCSS/", i hope it's useful to some of you
Download | Mirror
Meh, 1.8 is still too underutilized for me to care. I'm waiting for more of the modders to switch over before I give more than a luke-warm-at-best response to anything involving 1.8.

I'm also waiting for 1.8 to quit being beta so the mods start being released for the same bloody version of MC... I'm honestly hoping we can move to Sponge so mojang/forge's constant version updates quit being so damn breaking for the COMMUNITY, let alone the code base for the modders.