Thaumcraft Research Helper, Webbrowser and Windows version available.

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It is amazing for sure.
I liked the thaum craft one where you had the little move the stuff that one i could do.
But now it seems close to impossible and a hassle to do.
The moving glyphs was less intense on the aspect cost, but the new one requires a functioning knowledge of the aspects and their components... I almost prefer the resource dump of TC3 to either of the TC4 research mechanics...
Is there an update for the latest thaumcraft? The program is constantly telling me things should connect when they don't.
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Unfortunately not. I usually use one of the true component aspects instead of the actual aspect in order to "trick" the program into making a valid chain. is an unp-to-date list that will give you all the info you need to work around the program issues (as would the thaumonomicon, obviously)

@RavynousHunter might possibly be able to help with their scripts/tool. I don't know how far they've gotten though.
Unfortunately not. I usually use one of the true component aspects instead of the actual aspect in order to "trick" the program into making a valid chain. is an unp-to-date list that will give you all the info you need to work around the program issues (as would the thaumonomicon, obviously)

@RavynousHunter might possibly be able to help with their scripts/tool. I don't know how far they've gotten though.

I just enabled easy mode research instead. Thaumcraft is a great mod, but the research part of it is very tedious even with a cheat sheet. I mean with all the Addons for it, you'll still sit there for 8+ hours even with a program telling you exactly what to do (I did this in 1.5 and 1.6).

Easy mode is honestly much more fun, scan stuff, get aspects, click to learn, then craft it. You still have to sit there scanning for 3-4 hours if you wanted to learn everything.
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Huh, I didn't have that issue. I did the scan-all-the-things minigame, and was pretty darn far with the standard method. I tried to do the "easy" mode and had to AFK at the Arcane Deconstruction table overnight with a script spam-clicking in order to get the required Primal aspects to combine to complete the researches. They really REALLY like using some of the same primals a bazillion times. It was either do that or hop into a flat world like the deep-dark or a void world and scan nodes for hours.

The expense in raw aspects is so much worse in "easy" mode that I actually prefer doing "hard" mode now that I have the cheat program, even with the flaws (which are dead easy to work around)
Unfortunately not. I usually use one of the true component aspects instead of the actual aspect in order to "trick" the program into making a valid chain. is an unp-to-date list that will give you all the info you need to work around the program issues (as would the thaumonomicon, obviously)

@RavynousHunter might possibly be able to help with their scripts/tool. I don't know how far they've gotten though.
Currently restructuring the code into a kinda graph/tree thing to make it, hopefully, easier to traverse in code and find connections. Unfortunately, I have literally no experience in Traveling Salesman, sooooo...this is my first crack at such a thing, lol.
Hello there!, sorry for my little absence. I have really tons of work with PHP at my work, and had really no time to even notice that TC is updated. This week ill open up my IDE and implement some new things to make mc life easier :)

again, thanks for feedback, its really lovely to see 1565 ppl enjoying using it already :)

options menu with:
-different ways of sorting
-creating custom aspects
-creating whole aspect chains as textfile "plugins", possibly generate template based on selected versions.
I'll also look for a way to create popup bubbles to show informations about given aspect, like its parent aspects?

Your aplications should prompt for update automatically after I commit changes to server :)

as for the standard sorting, it was meant to display aspects in order exactly like ingame - over time i discovered that i remember where exactly given aspect is, and it was nice to have it in same place inside helper's frame - of course it will mess up if there are differences between game and helper, but this time my goal is to get rid of that problem forever :)

Also, im curious about RavynousHunter version - looks interesting already - cant wait to try it out :)
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I haven't had much time to work on it, or much of anything fun, due to school work and doing my first actual LP. However, I should have a bit of time today to at least do more research on organizing my data into some kind of graph structure...ooh, if I could do that, I could probably create a literal graph of the relationships between the essentia, should people want to find their own answers. One thing at a time, though, lol.


Realized my "new" design was stupid; having aspect objects link together with actual aspect objects would increase the size of the scripts, depending on said script's tier, exponentially, something nobody wants. The only code that needs to be shared between the script writer and the Pathfinder itself is the aspect class, the rest is specific to their own functions.

I can visualize how the graph would work in my head almost perfectly: the outer ring would be the primal aspects, the aspects from which all other essentia are derived. Each inner ring would represent their own tier, linking either to an outer ring or to the primal ring. Now, to translate that into code, cache it, and utilize some kind of pathing algorithm to traverse it...though, I dunno how I'd get it to give different results, hrm...
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Hey, this is really awesome! Any chance that you would put this into github so that i could update it for myself?
Any possibilities for a mac version. Because atm my Mac is far better at running modded minecraft than my PC, and is decently good at it, also not to mention that my brother is on the PC all the time. I would also not mind a link to a 4.2 cheat sheet on a web browser as I've only found 4.1 sheets and if I remember correctly the mod creator changes around the research between these updates?
I haven't been keeping up to date with this, I've just started using it myself for a--

... Project.

I don't suppose there's a version out or a way to include addon aspects from Forbidden Magic, GregTech Integration, Magic Bees, Thaumic Warden, Thaumcraft Extras, etc?

EDIT: Also if there's a version that has a depth bigger than 6, that'd be cool.
Not yet unfortunately, @RavynousHunter's version would do both, but it's not stable yet as far as we're aware.
@chinchill's version won't go past 6 (performance reasons), and the version with custom aspects also isn't done yet, also as far as I'm aware.

If I knew some more about programming/scripting, I'd pull out a brute-force solver that used GPU processing (This is the kind of horrifically repetitive brute-force calculation that GPU's are good at, unless I'm missing some detail about the problem). Nothing at all polished, or particularly efficient; but enough to get the job done. Unfortunately I know just enough about programming to know that I'd be in over my head :-)
I've not been able to do much work with it, unfortunately, due to school. I should, however, have some free time sometime today, so I'll look into various graph traversal algorithms and see if I can't find one that works reasonably well in this situation.
Im really glad i managed to find this thread. after using the crude but effective JPG attached to this post for TC 4.1, i needed a replacement. 10 minutes on google with the right search terms brought me here!
Loving @chinchill's version at the moment, and the exclude aspect feature is proving useful to filter out results for aspects that have changed (such as cognitio now being ignis and spiritus instead of terra and spiritus) but i'm interested to see what @RavynousHunter brings to the table. perhaps you could collaberate and both work on it together to bring the best of both versions into one program?
If @chinchill is willing, I'd be more than happy to work together with him. My code's mostly back-end stuff, right now...I'm having a hard time grasping how a breadth-first (or even depth-first) search applies in this situation with my code. If folks want to take a look at how I'm doing things, I've uploaded the whole thing to my Dropbox here. It consists of 3 projects: the shared DLL, the script writer, and Pathfinder itself.
ahh... the joys of being a student. Visual studio 2013 professional FTW!
Alas, nothing past 2010 wants to work on Windows 7, which is what my desktop is currently using. Its not bad, though, since I'm quite used to its interface and .Net 4.0 works just fine for me. Hell, I remember migrating from 2008 Express to 2010 and was amazed to see a "transparency" property on forms. Aah, the old days...
Is there a way to integrate this in NEI or in game, I'M in fullscreen mode and can't stand to play in windowed mode just because I need an external program, seems like a nice program, but if I need to constantly get out of fullscreen, this would be very annoying.