Thaumcraft Research Helper, Webbrowser and Windows version available.

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Is there a way to integrate this in NEI or in game, I'M in fullscreen mode and can't stand to play in windowed mode just because I need an external program, seems like a nice program, but if I need to constantly get out of fullscreen, this would be very annoying.
I{t'd be quite a cheaty mod if one existed, Azanor might have a few words to say about it if it came into existence.
I{t'd be quite a cheaty mod if one existed, Azanor might have a few words to say about it if it came into existence.

I don't consider it a cheat, the research thingy are a time wasting and head banging system, I'm sorry but the things that can be done with Thaumcraft are so awesome but limited by this stupid and totally Gregtech like Research system, I've discovered all aspects in no time, but now I need to figure out the research system and its a nightmare, I prefer the Thaumcraft 3 system and Thaumcraft 2 was awesome also.
I don't consider it a cheat, the research thingy are a time wasting and head banging system, I'm sorry but the things that can be done with Thaumcraft are so awesome but limited by this stupid and totally Gregtech like Research system, I've discovered all aspects in no time, but now I need to figure out the research system and its a nightmare, I prefer the Thaumcraft 3 system and Thaumcraft 2 was awesome also.

you could always set the configuration to have the research in easy mode, so you can purchase all the research instead of solving puzzles for most of them.
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I'm thinking of leaving the Thaumcraft mod out seriously, its a game, not a full time job, I play a game to enjoy it, not to bang my head on a wall trying to figure out a puzzle, I'm going to start Blood Magic instead, this one doesn't have any research in it and has so much cool stuff in it, only thing I really wanted from Thaumcraft is the wand of equal trades and I found out it uses aspects in the wand now, means its useless as a building tool now, love the building wand from Extra Utilities. Besides that, I think my brother is more suited for this, and he can share his research with a nifty trick from Thaumic thinkerer mod so I will be able to have some cool stuff too. At each player as a specialty, mine is usually builds and stuff with technical mods, wanted to get my hands dirty on a magic mod, think I'll go the Blood Magic road this time and I may try to watch a few tutorials on research, usually in LP people don't show what is involved in research in Thaumcraft and now I understand why, who wants to see someone searching for 3hrs for a recipe, no one would watch that.
The problem Succubism is that it's no more cheaty than the tool already is. All you're doing is shortening the loop and reducing the immersion break. I play in fullscreen to up my FPS, and constantly switching is very VERY jarring. I would definitely welcome the ability to use a cheat sheet ingame, even if it was slower than the out-of game one. I could get new research, pop it in the table, and have the addon work on it for a while as I go do something else. It could even easily see how many aspect points I have in various things and weight the results that have more of the aspects I have a bunch of in them.
The problem Succubism is that it's no more cheaty than the tool already is. All you're doing is shortening the loop and reducing the immersion break. I play in fullscreen to up my FPS, and constantly switching is very VERY jarring. I would definitely welcome the ability to use a cheat sheet ingame, even if it was slower than the out-of game one. I could get new research, pop it in the table, and have the addon work on it for a while as I go do something else. It could even easily see how many aspect points I have in various things and weight the results that have more of the aspects I have a bunch of in them.
I agree, however if there's a mod that directly affects the progression of another mod I could sympathize if Azanor wouldn't be too happy about it. He holds his research very close to his heart. If it's a third-party application or web-page, then Azanor can't do anything about it except change the mod himself, but thus far I don't think there's any need for that.

To clarify, I just don't think he would appreciate it that much if you installed 'mod x' just to have 'mod y' cancel out what makes that 'mod x' what it is, but I don't speak for him, I just don't really see the point in it is all, might as well just use the cheat sheet item and cut out the middle man.

I get it, okay? It's easy to use the application and it would be easier to have a client-side mod to do the dirty work. If you're playing a server and you either don't have the time to faff with research or the server doesn't have "easy mode" unlocked with the research, then that's fair enough, however I just don't think it's fair to design a mod that basically cancels out the work of another guy's mod purely for the sake of "I can't click away from fullscreen."

Here's a thought, make a mod that lets you click away from fullscreen. Something for everybody.
The issue there is that I don't think you CAN.
A: Java's sandbox.
B: Windows' method of doing Fullscreen

You maybe, possibly, with the slightest possibility of working, be able to make a GUI ingame interface with an external application... at which point why not just put the app ingame? :-p

Azanor HAS to know people have been making cheat sheets, and a research solver was GOING to be worked on. A large portion of the Forgecraft players have complained on stream and recorded videos about having to do Thaumcraft research... AGAIN. Actually... one moment, I'm going to link him this thread in PM on the forums, and hope we can get an official opinion on this topic. Because an officially sanctioned addon (which is strongly discouraged for first-time users) would be WONDERFUL.

I like the research minigame, I just don't like the amount of items and blocks I have to scan and then STILL run out of aspects, and miss a bunch of items, and after having done it for the 10th time, I'm sick and tired of playing match-the-aspects. But "easy mode" just makes the part I like LEAST about the research system even more punishing. I have to spend even more hours in front of the deconstruction table or farming node scans than I did before. That doesn't help make research any more tolerable.

Which is why I use this "cheat" I want to efficiently use my aspects so that I can avoid as much of the deconstruction table and node scan farming as I possibly can.
I agree, however if there's a mod that directly affects the progression of another mod I could sympathize if Azanor wouldn't be too happy about it. He holds his research very close to his heart. If it's a third-party application or web-page, then Azanor can't do anything about it except change the mod himself, but thus far I don't think there's any need for that.

To clarify, I just don't think he would appreciate it that much if you installed 'mod x' just to have 'mod y' cancel out what makes that 'mod x' what it is, but I don't speak for him, I just don't really see the point in it is all, might as well just use the cheat sheet item and cut out the middle man.

I get it, okay? It's easy to use the application and it would be easier to have a client-side mod to do the dirty work. If you're playing a server and you either don't have the time to faff with research or the server doesn't have "easy mode" unlocked with the research, then that's fair enough, however I just don't think it's fair to design a mod that basically cancels out the work of another guy's mod purely for the sake of "I can't click away from fullscreen."

Here's a thought, make a mod that lets you click away from fullscreen. Something for everybody.

what if there's an early game block that could solve the research for you? the block would require some sort of fuel and isn't exactly instantly in completing the research, but easy research will be completed faster than harder research.
the block also wouldn't be the most efficient way of completing researches in regards to using research points.
what if there's an early game block that could solve the research for you? the block would require some sort of fuel and isn't exactly instantly in completing the research, but easy research will be completed faster than harder research.
the block also wouldn't be the most efficient way of completing researches in regards to using research points.
That's how you turn a client-side mod into a server-side mod. How many servers do you know would be okay with putting a mod like that in for everyone to use?

The issue there is that I don't think you CAN.
A: Java's sandbox.
B: Windows' method of doing Fullscreen

You maybe, possibly, with the slightest possibility of working, be able to make a GUI ingame interface with an external application... at which point why not just put the app ingame? :p
I'm not too good with the execution, I just come up with the ideas, usually bad, however there's always maximizing the window if you're desperate enough.

Azanor HAS to know people have been making cheat sheets, and a research solver was GOING to be worked on. A large portion of the Forgecraft players have complained on stream and recorded videos about having to do Thaumcraft research... AGAIN. Actually... one moment, I'm going to link him this thread in PM on the forums, and hope we can get an official opinion on this topic. Because an officially sanctioned addon (which is strongly discouraged for first-time users) would be WONDERFUL.

I like the research minigame, I just don't like the amount of items and blocks I have to scan and then STILL run out of aspects, and miss a bunch of items, and after having done it for the 10th time, I'm sick and tired of playing match-the-aspects. But "easy mode" just makes the part I like LEAST about the research system even more punishing. I have to spend even more hours in front of the deconstruction table or farming node scans than I did before. That doesn't help make research any more tolerable.

Which is why I use this "cheat" I want to efficiently use my aspects so that I can avoid as much of the deconstruction table and node scan farming as I possibly can.
I'm not saying one shouldn't exist, I'm just saying that if it effects progression in a major way that people wouldn't be too happy about it. I can certainly see the appeal in using it, I'd probably use it myself, but here's the thing.

I have no idea what Azanor thinks of the cheats or research helpers. No idea at all. I've never heard one thing about them from him neither for or against and I'm a proponent of free information without credit or permission, that's why my work alone will always exist so long as I'm maintaining it, but when it comes to an addon that directly plays with Azanor's toys, that's when he can do something about it. Third-party solutions can't be touched as easy.
I pm'd him, he's ok with it. I asked his permission to screenshot and post here. Basically he said "It's cheaty, but players can cheat if they want".

I did specifically mention the addon idea. I love how tolerant most modders are. Most of this community really is great people

Edit: Here ya go!
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Hello, sorry for my absence, I have full time job that takes 110% of my attention - recently i messed with configuration of my server, that is why download returned 403 - it is fixed now. About idea of implementing this into mod - first of all, I'm really bad in java programmin, so it would take some time to create such mod for me, maybe someone else will try to achieve such task. If i finish some of my projects ill play around rendering some kind of overlay to full screen mode of minecraft- if its possible to move whole winapi window, then it should be good solution. For now more importand thing is to create possibility to create custom aspect list by users.
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Application is slightly updated. It is now possible to create custom aspect lists by selecting Add version in dropdown menu, and then create directories in opened folder - there is one named example1 already so everyone should quickly learn about that new feature :)

Along with "plugin" feature i improved application to automatically find out Aspects Tiers, so it is no longer required to type it in manually.
There is also tooltip over aspect icons that show Tier value and compound aspects.

Hope You like it :)

About 6 steps limit: the idea of whole algorithm is to find all possible connections, however as we all know there are infinite results, and every depth of recursion provides geometric increase of results, so at certain point application will calculate results too long and eat too much memory. Because there are 7 tiers we usually doesn't need longer route than 6, and even if we do, we can just multiply the cheapest pair of aspects.

There is different algorithm in web version that find one results, but it has limitation of finding only one combination, so we can't choose best result.

also Feel free to create Your own plugins, pack it into zip and publish there :)

Edit2/ Next update will contain additional option to declare aspects with plugin name value, and based on this choice it will be possible to enable or disable certain plugins - this should ultimately lead it to state where Users can react to thaumcraft changes and keep it up to date
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Thanks for the update!

I just read the help file for the first time after months of using this... Middle click adds items to the avoid list, that's awesome, I wish I had crawled out from under this rock months ago :D
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Wow, I have been avoiding Thaumcraft because I didn't want to put all the time into researching. This tool makes it bearable and interesting. Thank you so much chinchill, for the time and effort you put into this!

Feature request: When I hover over an aspect, like Aer, in the "Select Aspects from list" section, it has a tooltip that is not the same of the aspect (i.e. null + null tier: = 0) Is there any chance you could change the tooltip to the name of the aspect? Also, it would be nice if there was a tooltip for the results as well.

Thanks again.
Is this a bug? I am using TC 4.2 Sixth Sense and I have 4.2 selected. I select Cognito to Fabrico with a min/depth of 4/4. There are several results that show Cognito connecting to Terra, but They don't connect for me (i.e. one of the results is: Cognito > Terra > Tutamen > Instrumentum > Humanus > Fabrico)

Thaumcraft mods installed:

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Hello Rasmon, thanks for kind words when I find some time I will update tooltips - maybe even with some graphical flavour. as for Your problem, there might be new version of thaumcraft since last update that changed the way how aspect are built - easy way to fix it is to click "add version" from dropdown list, copy whole 4.2 folder and name it hovewer You want, and then edit chains.txt to match Your game version - just check what cognito is built from, and then edit "terra" to something else. Remember to use correct names, or Your aspect list might not parse correctly