fleutius, that's not what I said! Haha'
But really thought, I'm one hundred percent sure this is only a phase, I've been told that way too many times now to not believe it. Don't get me wrong, I legitimately couldn't be more thankful by all the support, really - but I do hear this kind of stuff a lot. You should understand, from what I understood you had some problems like mine when you were younger as well - By the way, I'm so glad to hear that you got over all this, gives me hope, I'm guessing that's the right term.
It's funny you mention Jonh's work, together with Edgar Allan Poe and Walt Whitman, he is one of my favorite's poetists of all time.
But I'm blabbing way too much, summing up, thanks man, I truly appreciate all the support.
SatanicSanta, I do considered you guys from the FTB Team, obviously, I mean, I already read the Wiki at the very least one hundred times or so, therefore, I do feel like I have to thank you guys as well - In a different way, but still... And, to be completely honest, I always fangirl a little bit when I see that little purple tag in someone's reply. >.<
By the way, awesome name.