Tesseracts, 36HP Boiler, the sawmill... and me. >.<

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I want a builder blueprint for that roof. Srsly. <3
Which one and how would I do that? :D

Anyway, some of you might be familiar with my mushroom cave.

Well, today I decided that I wanted some mushroom soup and...
What have we got here?

Oh my Looks like the local farmer has gotten himself into Moonshinin'. Well, I can't say I fault him, with the prohibition and all. :D



Oh by the way, the boiler taught me a valuable lesson: Don't underestimate buffering, so I built this:

Which clearly shows that it's time to build another bloody still, looks like it's going to be one of those monsters for each SC treefarm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which one and how would I do that? :D
You build landmarks around the roof and do ... stuff with blueprints and a library. Kinda. I merely used that thing once. *le sigh* Can't remember. It was a useful tool for my "9by9 complex" base.

Oh by the way, the boiler taught me a valuable lesson: Don't underestimate buffering, so I built this:
I lurv that tree design. *steals*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You build landmarks around the roof and do ... stuff with blueprints and a library. Kinda. I merely used that thing once. *le sigh* Can't remember. It was a useful tool for my "9by9 complex" base.

I lurv that tree design. *steals*
Tesseract + relay + router are the best thing ever. They go together like a horse and carriage. Let me tell you brother, you can't have one without the other.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh no, it keeps going around. It just doesn't chop anything down. Of course, I could simply put a "if inventory full" gate on the "cargo" cargo manager and an advanced detector rail next to it to achieve just that. But I don't see the point. They're running on solar after all.

I just want to stop excess saplings and wood from spilling on the ground.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a simple 3 to 5 minute timer to pull out a single 64-item stack on a 2 connected filters to my cargo manager (3 sec for trees, 5 sec for saplings). Saplings are deposited directly on top of my fermenters for biomass, wood goes into a set of barrels in the shop. I have not had an issue with over filling on my 15x8 rail area of oak. Cargo manager is split for color (yellow/blue), using two sides (one of offload, wood/saplings, one for load fuel, usually coal and/or coke). Cart is simple coal and advanced solar. I have it setup for fertilizer, but only use it if I have a huge wood need...which was only in the beginning of my world.

You could go even cheaper with a simple transposer set to a long timer to pull out things, but your cargo manager may run dry, as the transposer is not selective. You will have to adjust your timings to see what works best for your cart storage, length of rail, and fertilizer use. You could make it more expensive by using a Gate on inventory full/pulse mode to give you that last open space. Use it to pulse your transposer/filter (a filter will allow you to chose what is taken)...The problem with this is that the notification of lack of space is probably too late, and you now have stuff on the ground. Inventory maintenance is probably a better method if you want nothing on the ground.

The best option, but expensive, would be a manager set to leave/keep only a set amount in the cargo manager setup...ensuring that only 1 or 2 stacks of saplings and whatever you use as fuel is kept in the manager. Remember though, that managers take a pair...making it a much more expensive, but smarter build.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just want to stop excess saplings and wood from spilling on the ground.
Are you using pipes or something?

The system I use backlogs, the cargo managers inventory stays full, so the cart inventory stays full. A full cart remove the leaves, but doesn't chop wood. You end up with a forest of leafless wooden pillars and a full cart riding around on its solar.

This way the whole system (except the cart) simply stops moving, no spillage anywhere.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you using pipes or something?

The system I use backlogs, the cargo managers inventory stays full, so the cart inventory stays full. A full cart remove the leaves, but doesn't chop wood. You end up with a forest of leafless wooden pillars and a full cart riding around on its solar.

This way the whole system (except the cart) simply stops moving, no spillage anywhere.

See my longer post above. I use pnuematics with a filter-timer setup. You could go further, depending on your need and overflow issues.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What process are you guys using to move the sawdust from the sawmills and make charcoal out of it? auto crafting table to a powered furnance? How do you deal with overflow?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What process are you guys using to move the sawdust from the sawmills and make charcoal out of it? auto crafting table to a powered furnance? How do you deal with overflow?
Eh, that's what I did before greg changed that, sent it over to my steel makin' factory.

But now you have to compress it and... eh. I'm just voiding it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tesseract + relay + router are the best thing ever. They go together like a horse and carriage. Let me tell you brother, you can't have one without the other.
Married... with router. ;)

I just want to stop excess saplings and wood from spilling on the ground.
I do know that there's way more efficient methods to handle the excess both from wood and saplings.. but for now, I simply put an iron tp pipe before the goldpipe entering the cargomanager and another one going off to the side. That way, if the cm is full, the leftover stuff turn to that second iron pipe (where they are told to go back, ofc) and the same thing happens again. Once in a while, whenever I feel like it, i remove a couple stacks from the manager, letting the excess go into the manager. Twist is, I'm on SSP, so I do not know what happens lagwise when you leave this deadend-solution running for weeks. I usually have a few hundret excess saplings. Not millions. ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
God damn it, I must've been really sleepy when I was setting up the first still. I built the second one and it's blazing fast, so I checked everything in the first one and it turns out I forgot to actually connect the damn engines to the conduits!

God damn, I could probably run 3 liquid boilers(I have no idea to be honest, just guessing, how much fuel can I get from 4 fermenters running full trothle on water, saplings and mulch?) from one of those still rooms.

And I've got two of 'em for christs sake!

I've also got everything set up for 4 farms, which means I'll have to build two more.

Well, looks like I'll be building that obsidian electrolyzer battery sooner than I anticipated. Will have to too, what with the iron cost of the set-ups and all.

Will probably have to go with turbines instead of gheoterms too, maybe it's time to build that massfab as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
God damn, I could probably run 3 liquid boilers(I have no idea to be honest, just guessing, how much fuel can I get from 4 fermenters running full trothle on water, saplings and mulch?) from one of those still rooms.
Your 4 fermenters are running full throttle? That's ~18 stills which will feed 21 36HP boilers with a little bit of biofuel to spare.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your 4 fermenters are running full throttle? That's ~18 stills which will feed 21 36HP boilers with a little bit of biofuel to spare.
God damn it, I've only got 16 stills each. It seemed to be enough, then I found out that I've got a water problem. Now they're really going full trothle and the stills can't keep up anymore.

21 boilers you say?

Damn that's a lot of steam.

Oh man, I need someone to help me build a f****n' powerplant!

How many steam turbines per boiler?

WAIT! I know! MFFS can use MJ, right?

I also heard that a forcefield can actually power your IC2 machinery, is that true?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can convert FE to MJ or EU I believe, although I am not sure how good of a conversation ratio that'd be.
Not very good I reckon, but that won't matter much once I've got 84 36 hp boilers running. Would be nice if it were possible to transfer energy wirelessly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not very good I reckon, but that won't matter much once I've got 84 36 hp boilers running.

Indeed, although if it isn't anywhere near as close to steam turbines, it might be better to just run 168 steam turbines, and just constantly quarry for iron. Let's see, it is 99 iron every two days, so 16632 iron every two days for the whole system, or 8316 iron ore for the whole system, which is 130 stacks. Actually, on second through, yeah, go with the MFFS direction.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Indeed, although if it isn't anywhere near as close to steam turbines, it might be better to just run 168 steam turbines, and just constantly quarry for iron. Let's see, it is 99 iron every two days, so 16632 iron every two days for the whole system, or 8316 iron ore for the whole system, which is 130 stacks. Actually, on second through, yeah, go with the MFFS direction.
I wonder how many magma crucibles/extruders/pulverizers/electrolyzers I'd have to keep going for all that iron.

Jesus H christ, what have I gotten myself into, I just wanted to run like 6 boilers and get rid of the damn sapplings without tossing 'em out.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Feed all that energy (>12k MJ) into magma crucibles producing lava. Feed that lava into a 64x64 quarry hole (RP2 grate) and watch the lava rise. Go away for a bit to do other stuff. Come back and OH GOD LAVA EVERYWHERE.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Feed all that energy (>12k MJ) into magma crucibles producing lava. Feed that lava into a 64x64 quarry hole (RP2 grate) and watch the lava rise. Go away for a bit to do other stuff. Come back and OH GOD LAVA EVERYWHERE.
Toss a forcefield around my base, do that.

The world is now lava.

Heck, if I did that, on a server, the owner would find me, kill my family, torture me, and kill me.
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