Mod Feedback [TC Add-on] Thaumic Infusion 4.75 - Minecraft 1.8.9

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The way the infused blocks work has been completely changed, they no longer use tileentities, but instead they use world data. All blocks are saved server sided in a file which can be deleted if the world crashes due to the mod. I've also finished coding the networking so the blocks are synced correctly.
So I'm not the best person for coming up with names, so if any has any ideas what the licalizers (The triangles which hold the aspects) should be called, feel free to voice them. Here's acouple someone suggested:

-essentia conduit?
-essentia chanel?
-essence extractor?
-essence conduit?
-essentia distributor?
-essentia splicer?
-mana conduit?
-essentia module?
Completed Aspects List:
  • Gelum (Ice) = Completed - Inflicts Slowness
  • Lux (Light) = Completed - Block becomes light source
  • Motus (Movement) = Completed - Adds speed buff
  • Potentia (Power) = Completed - Gives of a redstone signal
  • Saxum (Stone) = TODO
  • Tempestas (Storm) = TODO
  • Vacuos (Void) = TODO
  • Victus (Life) = TODO
  • Bestia (Animal, Beast) = Completed - Stops monsters from spawning
  • Humanus (Man) = Completed - Attracts monsters to the block
  • Fames (Hunger) = TODO
  • Granum (Seed) = TODO
  • Iter (Journey) = TODO
  • Limus (Slime) = TODO
  • Metallum (Metal) = TODO
  • Mortuus (Death) = TODO
  • Permutatio (Exchange) = TODO
  • Praecantio (Magic) = TODO
  • Sano (Healing) = TODO
  • Tempus (Time) = TODO
  • Tenebrae (Darkness) = TODO
  • Vinculum (Trap) = TODO
  • Vitreus (Crystal) = TODO
  • Volatus (Flight) = TODO
  • Alienis (Strange, Alien) = TODO
  • Auram (Aura) = TODO
  • Corpus (Flesh) = TODO
  • Exanimis (Resurrection) = TODO
  • Herba (Plant) = TODO
  • Spiritus (Spirit, Soul) = TODO
  • Venenum (Poison) =TODO
  • Vitium (Taint) = TODO
  • Arbor (Wood) = TODO
  • Cognito (Thought, Mind) = TODO
  • Sensus (Sense) = TODO
  • Humanus (Human) = TODO
  • Instrumentum (Tool) = TODO
  • Lucrum (Greed) = TODO
  • Messis (Crop) = TODO
  • Perfodio (Dig, Mine) = TODO
  • Fabrico (Create, Build) = TODO
  • Machina (Machine) = TODO
  • Meto (Harvest, Reap) = TODO
  • Pannus (Fabric) = TODO
  • Telum (Weapon) = TODO
  • Tutamen (Armor) = TODO
This list will be updated as I implement more.
New Video - Affects added by aspects

This video shows off some of the aspects which have been finished and also 1
combination of aspects that can be used to create a automated tree farm.
Another mod update, I've added more effects to the Infusion Process and made it more stable:


I have also made it so you can now see the aspects infused into blocks (while shift clicking):

Here is an idea I am playing around with. Since there are 51 aspects in Thaumcraft at the current moment and there are going to be multiple categories in vanilla alone, that means we are talking about 150 + different affects. Now there is no way when someone plays around with these affects in survival that they are going to remember what affects does what in a type of block. So I am thinking of adding in my own NoteBook, which will add entries and tell you information about said aspects when they are infused into that type of block. Now this can be done through research, however it would be tedious and it would be hell to add API support. So this is sort of a comprise I am considering adding. What do you think?
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Here is an idea I am playing around with. Since there are 51 aspects in Thaumcraft at the current moment and there are going to be multiple categories in vanilla alone, that means we are talking about 150 + different affects. Now there is no way when someone plays around with these affects in survival that they are going to remember what affects does what in a type of block. So I am thinking of adding in my own NoteBook, which will add entries and tell you information about said aspects when they are infused into that type of block. Now this can be done through research, however it would be tedious and it would be hell to add API support. So this is sort of a comprise I am considering adding. What do you think?
A kind of book would help. Maybe it's recorded as you infuse the aspect into the item? So that you're reminded of what the aspect does. Or have it recorded into the Thaumonomicon. On the other hand, you could have a circular "infusing items" research, and all the aspects branching off from it that are hexagonal and that you have to purchase, but that would be way too much.
A kind of book would help. Maybe it's recorded as you infuse the aspect into the item? So that you're reminded of what the aspect does. Or have it recorded into the Thaumonomicon. On the other hand, you could have a circular "infusing items" research, and all the aspects branching off from it that are hexagonal and that you have to purchase, but that would be way too much.

Indeed, also it would be complicated to add in Addon support for people who want to add in their own aspects or blocks.

It could even be a sort of block, a tablet which you place down near the infusion core and it will record the infusion's you've done and tell you what those do?
Last edited:
Amazing looking mod, and the last update seems pretty awesome. Not read through the whole thread, but here's some random suggestions for different aspects that might get your mind jiggling and hopefully give you some ideas.

Lux - Block becomes light source, feeding it with Lux aspect increases the light level and range.
Fames - Slows the hunger bar from going down, feeding it with Bestia/Fames/Granum/etc. will slowly regenerate the hunger bar.
Tempestas - Starts/stops a storm when enough Potentia and Aqua is available to it.
Granum - Block acts like fertilised dirt.
Victus - Gives regeneration buff to nearby entities, damages undead mobs.
Tutamen - Gives armour buff.
Telum - Gives strength buff.
Herba - Uses bonemeal effect on grass blocks nearby whenever fed with herba, giving flowers, tall grass, and other things that usually spawn.
Venenum - Poisons nearby entities that don't have any TC related armour on.
Vitium - Gives taint debuff and slowly starts creating a taint biome around it.
Instrumentum - Gives haste buff.
Fabrico - Acts as a crafting table, but occasionally gives a small piece of the crafting materials back. For example, crafting a chest may give back 3-4 sticks, as a component part of the wood. Building a piston may give back a couple of iron nuggets and a stick, etc. This would need to be designed so it couldn't be automated, obviously.
Mortuus - Damages nearby entities, if warded doesn't damage the owner.
Permutatio - Nearby villagers have a chance of making their trades cheaper if fed with enough permutatio aspect.
Machina - Occasionally forces more tick updates nearby the block, not stacking with other of the same blocks, feeding it with more machina would make the ticks faster. This would help furnaces and other machines to run faster. Make sure to add more balance than DartCraft's TimeTorch though :P Could require Tempus too if Magic Bees is installed.
Corpus - Acts as a zombie spawner.
Sano - Gives a weak healing buff.
Vinculum - Attracts all mobs (they try to attack it, not get dragged in like hungry nodes).
Exanimus - If fed with enough of this aspect and the "life" aspect, when dying the user who placed this block will retain their inventory.
I'm thinking that having to individually do each type of infusion to work out what they all do is a bit too much..

Would it be possible for you to code in when you do an infusion that it also gives you what a connected aspect does? For instance, if you did lux, that it could also give you tenebrae because lux is used to make it, Or alternatively gives you ignis or Aer.

That way you still have to do some infusions, but you may find out something interesting that you didn't think would happen.

I for sure wouldn't find it fun to do 150 infusions just to find out what everything does.
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I'm thinking that having to individually do each type of infusion to work out what they all do is a bit too much..

Would it be possible for you to code in when you do an infusion that it also gives you what a connected aspect does? For instance, if you did lux, that it could also give you tenebrae because lux is used to make it, Or alternatively gives you ignis or Aer.

That way you still have to do some infusions, but you may find out something interesting that you didn't think would happen.

I for sure wouldn't find it fun to do 150 infusions just to find out what everything does.

Interesting, I could do something like that. Also I've started work on this book and I've got all the models added into minecraft, I will update the thread with a picture when I've textured it.

Sent from my C2105 using Tapatalk
Completed Aspects List:
  • Gelum (Ice) = Completed - Inflicts Slowness
  • Lux (Light) = Completed - Block becomes light source
  • Motus (Movement) = Completed - Adds speed buff
  • Potentia (Power) = Completed - Gives of a redstone signal
  • Saxum (Stone) = TODO
  • Tempestas (Storm) = TODO
  • Vacuos (Void) = TODO
  • Victus (Life) = TODO
  • Bestia (Animal, Beast) = Completed - Stops monsters from spawning
  • Humanus (Man) = Completed - Attracts monsters to the block
  • Fames (Hunger) = TODO
  • Granum (Seed) = TODO
  • Iter (Journey) = TODO
  • Limus (Slime) = TODO
  • Metallum (Metal) = TODO
  • Mortuus (Death) = TODO
  • Permutatio (Exchange) = TODO
  • Praecantio (Magic) = TODO
  • Sano (Healing) = TODO
  • Tempus (Time) = TODO
  • Tenebrae (Darkness) = TODO
  • Vinculum (Trap) = TODO
  • Vitreus (Crystal) = TODO
  • Volatus (Flight) = TODO
  • Alienis (Strange, Alien) = TODO
  • Auram (Aura) = TODO
  • Corpus (Flesh) = TODO
  • Exanimis (Resurrection) = TODO
  • Herba (Plant) = TODO
  • Spiritus (Spirit, Soul) = TODO
  • Venenum (Poison) =TODO
  • Vitium (Taint) = TODO
  • Arbor (Wood) = TODO
  • Cognito (Thought, Mind) = TODO
  • Sensus (Sense) = TODO
  • Humanus (Human) = TODO
  • Instrumentum (Tool) = TODO
  • Lucrum (Greed) = TODO
  • Messis (Crop) = TODO
  • Perfodio (Dig, Mine) = TODO
  • Fabrico (Create, Build) = TODO
  • Machina (Machine) = TODO
  • Meto (Harvest, Reap) = TODO
  • Pannus (Fabric) = TODO
  • Telum (Weapon) = TODO
  • Tutamen (Armor) = TODO
This list will be updated as I implement more.
Do you, by any chance, have plans for Forbidden Magic aspects? Infernus(nether I believe) could, perhaps, be used to make something stay on fire forever?
Not really in the mood for reading through this entire thread, but just wanted to give my two cents on a potential balancing mechanic: Make the block infusion process consume quicksilver and/or salis mundus as binding agents. (The salis mundus one might make more sense, as it is already defined as a magic binding agent in-universe and is renewable, but still difficult to make.)
Not really in the mood for reading through this entire thread, but just wanted to give my two cents on a potential balancing mechanic: Make the block infusion process consume quicksilver and/or salis mundus as binding agents. (The salis mundus one might make more sense, as it is already defined as a magic binding agent in-universe and is renewable, but still difficult to make.)
Amber Amber!
That stuff is useless!
Amber seems a bit too common, and also it wouldn't make as much sense, at least to me. (Quicksilver does seem to be used as some kind of coating or binding/mixing agent according to some of the recipes. Salis is a magical binding agent, according to its in-game description.)
Maybe if it was applied to the triangle podiums as some kind of focusing lens?