Amazing looking mod, and the last update seems pretty awesome. Not read through the whole thread, but here's some random suggestions for different aspects that might get your mind jiggling and hopefully give you some ideas.
Lux - Block becomes light source, feeding it with Lux aspect increases the light level and range.
Fames - Slows the hunger bar from going down, feeding it with Bestia/Fames/Granum/etc. will slowly regenerate the hunger bar.
Tempestas - Starts/stops a storm when enough Potentia and Aqua is available to it.
Granum - Block acts like fertilised dirt.
Victus - Gives regeneration buff to nearby entities, damages undead mobs.
Tutamen - Gives armour buff.
Telum - Gives strength buff.
Herba - Uses bonemeal effect on grass blocks nearby whenever fed with herba, giving flowers, tall grass, and other things that usually spawn.
Venenum - Poisons nearby entities that don't have any TC related armour on.
Vitium - Gives taint debuff and slowly starts creating a taint biome around it.
Instrumentum - Gives haste buff.
Fabrico - Acts as a crafting table, but occasionally gives a small piece of the crafting materials back. For example, crafting a chest may give back 3-4 sticks, as a component part of the wood. Building a piston may give back a couple of iron nuggets and a stick, etc. This would need to be designed so it couldn't be automated, obviously.
Mortuus - Damages nearby entities, if warded doesn't damage the owner.
Permutatio - Nearby villagers have a chance of making their trades cheaper if fed with enough permutatio aspect.
Machina - Occasionally forces more tick updates nearby the block, not stacking with other of the same blocks, feeding it with more machina would make the ticks faster. This would help furnaces and other machines to run faster. Make sure to add more balance than DartCraft's TimeTorch though

Could require Tempus too if Magic Bees is installed.
Corpus - Acts as a zombie spawner.
Sano - Gives a weak healing buff.
Vinculum - Attracts all mobs (they try to attack it, not get dragged in like hungry nodes).
Exanimus - If fed with enough of this aspect and the "life" aspect, when dying the user who placed this block will retain their inventory.