Mod Feedback [TC Add-on] Thaumic Infusion 4.75 - Minecraft 1.8.9

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I'm not sure I entirely understand the premise of your mod.

Are you saying that this mod allows you to infuse "mod blocks" with obsidian aspects, turning it into an obsidian-like block, then infuse it with things like Lux and make it a light source block, for example?
I'm not sure I entirely understand the premise of your mod.

Are you saying that this mod allows you to infuse "mod blocks" with obsidian aspects, turning it into an obsidian-like block, then infuse it with things like Lux and make it a light source block, for example?

No, no. You'll be able to infuse any aspect that has an affect added to it (So motus = speed) and you'll be able to infuse such aspects into any block that has been made compatible. The obsidian was just an example.

So my mod will come with all blocks in vanilla compatible and other mods can use an api, that I will provide when the mod is close to being finished, to add any aspects or their own blocks to the mod.

Sorry if I did not explain it probably in the video and for any typos in this post, as I typed it on my phone.
Update, here is the Idea I am working on implementing for the infusion process: It will require two types of blocks, an Infusion core and a aspect localizer. You place the infusion core down and up to 4 localizers around the core. Then by simply right clicking on the core with a wand, it will drain out the appropriate vis and the block will be infused. That's the basic idea and I am currently working on the models and the rendering code for the blocks.

It is going to be similar to Thaumcrafts own infusion process, however it cannot be avoided.
Heres a screenshot of the temp models in minecraft, I am messing around with the rendering code at the moment.

So the middle block is the infusion core, you place the block you want to infuse into the core and then the four blocks surrounding the core are the aspect localizers, the aspects go in these. Then you right click on the core with a wand and the infusion process will begin, please remember that this is all a WIP and is no were near finished. Any feedback on the idea is appreciated.
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Would you believe me if I said I've wanted this since you first mentioned the idea over on the MCF?

:D Thanks, I'm still trying to get used to having people like the things I make, it's an great thing to be told your mod is great and it means more than you could ever imagine.

However some news is that the whole back works of the mod is finished, I am just working on the creative Infuser so I can start actually adding in the affects of the aspects for vanilla.
I'm currently looking for someone to make textures for the models, Gui's and particle effects for the mod, if anyone is interested please send me a PM and I will get back to you.
So after a days work the infusion of blocks though the creative block is finished, I'm now just going to smooth out the bugs, then it's onto the survival infusion.

Alright, so I've worked out all the bugs and ironed out the infrastructure of the mod. To the point were it is ready for a stress test of a sort, I am now adding in all the affects that an aspect will give to a structure block (a block which is primarily for aesthetics).

However I need help with coming up with good and cool ideas for what each aspect should do, because if it was left up to me I would make them all simple and just make the potions buffs. So feel free to give your ideas and I will test them out, if it works I'll keep it, if not... Then it's on to the next idea, here is the full list of all the aspects that Thaumcraft 4 adds (Taken from the TC wiki):
  • Gelum (Ice) = Aqua + Ordo
  • Lux (Light) = Aer + Ignis - Causes the block to become a light source
  • Motus (Movement) = Aer + Ordo - Players get a speed buff
  • Potentia (Power) = Ordo + Ignis
  • Saxum (Stone) = Terra + Terra
  • Tempestas (Storm) = Aer + Aqua
  • Vacuos (Void) = Aer + Perditio
  • Victus (Life) = Aqua + Terra
  • Bestia (Animal, Beast) = Motus + Victus
  • Fames (Hunger) = Victus + Vacuos
  • Granum (Seed) = Victus + Terra
  • Iter (Journey) = Motus + Terra
  • Limus (Slime) = Victus + Aqua
  • Metallum (Metal) = Saxum + Ordo
  • Mortuus (Death) = Victus + Perditio
  • Permutatio (Exchange) = Motus + Aqua
  • Praecantio (Magic) = Vacuos + Potentia
  • Sano (Healing) = Victus + Victus
  • Tempus (Time) = Vacous + Ordo
  • Tenebrae (Darkness) = Vacuos + Lux
  • Vinculum (Trap) = Motus + Perditio
  • Vitreus (Crystal) = Saxum + Aqua
  • Volatus (Flight) = Aer + Motus
  • Alienis (Strange, Alien) = Vacuos + Tenebrae
  • Auram (Aura) = Praecantio + Aer
  • Corpus (Flesh) = Mortuus + Bestia
  • Exanimis (Resurrection) = Motus + Mortuus
  • Herba (Plant) = Granum + Terra
  • Spiritus (Spirit, Soul) = Victus + Mortuus
  • Venenum (Poison) = Aqua + Mortuus
  • Vitium (Taint) = Praecantio + Perditio
  • Arbor (Wood) = Terra + Herba
  • Cognito (Thought, Mind) = Terra + Spiritus
  • Sensus (Sense) = Aer + Spiritus
  • Humanus (Human) = Bestia + Cognito
  • Instrumentum (Tool) = Humanus + Metallum
  • Lucrum (Greed) = Humanus + Fames
  • Messis (Crop) = Granum + Humanus
  • Perfodio (Dig, Mine) = Humanus + Saxum
  • Fabrico (Create, Build) = Humanus + Instrumentum
  • Machina (Machine) = Motus + Instrumentum
  • Meto (Harvest, Reap) = Messis + Humanus
  • Pannus (Fabric) = Instrumentum + Bestia
  • Telum (Weapon) = Instrumentum + Perditio
  • Tutamen (Armor) = Instrumentum + Terra
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Mortuus - instantly kills any player or mob that comes in contact with the block.
Tutamen - Extremely blast resistant and takes a very long time to mine
Fames - gives Hunger status effect to entities that come in contact
Venenum - gives poison to entities coming in contact
Gelum - slippery like ice
Telum - damages entities that come in contact like a cactus

As for the others, you'll probably have to figure those out on your own or get ideas from someone else.

Good luck!
Mortuus - instantly kills any player or mob that comes in contact with the block.
Tutamen - Extremely blast resistant and takes a very long time to mine
Fames - gives Hunger status effect to entities that come in contact
Venenum - gives poison to entities coming in contact
Gelum - slippery like ice
Telum - damages entities that come in contact like a cactus

As for the others, you'll probably have to figure those out on your own or get ideas from someone else.

Good luck!

Cool ideas, but don't you think instant death is op. Also I hate to say it, Gelum want be possible due to the fact that the friction/slipperiness is defined upon registering the blocks.
Oh. Maybe Gelum freezes nearby water blocks and converts lava source blocks to obsidian?
As for Mortuus, I can't really think of anything better. Maybe give entities that come in contact with it Wither IV?
Vacous: Destroys adjacent liquids.
Aqua: Water source block, without spreading water
Gelum: Freezes adjacent water source blocks
Lucrum: Item/Exp magnet