Private Pack TahgCraft [Closed, Can't pay for it]

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Yeah things look great and if you do whitelist me feel free to notify me on here or others places if possible i just started a second job to help pay off my new loan on the house we are putting an extentio on it and its going smoothly. but anyway plz let me know so i can move from there...
BIGWayne, you've been whitelisted a few days now.
Akaidis, it's not so much any chunkloader in your age that's a problem, but your overworld base loads quite a bit. Still, don't think that area is what's causing issues.
BIGWayne, you've been whitelisted a few days now.
Akaedis, it's not so much any chunkloader in your age that's a problem, but your overworld base loads quite a bit. Still, don't think that area is what's causing issues.

alright, just incase tho, theirs spotloaders near the barn in OW, 1 in the big building, PROBABLY 1 at the fusion reactors(In our age last i saw), 1 at A/E(Aka/elguito) base, always 1 at harmy/nicks... nick and harmys chunkloader i have no idea where they would put that thing...

Also i have you i THINK on the permission list to enter my base... i know selej and cata are for sure.

not sure about quarry's if their even setup/running/chunkloaded to be honest...
An idea to throw out there if I may;

Once the server is ready to be reset, would it be possible to choose a time and/or date and announce it on this thread? (not meant to hurry/constrain to an ETA, continue reading to see why) This way folks can plan ahead and as many of us can log in at the same time, so we all start fresh at once, after that it's free-for-all. I think it might be fun for as many people as possible to be on during those first few hours so we all can decide so will coop with whom, talk about strategies, etc... Great for any streamers/youtubers as well.
It depends on how much time there is between when I know we'll be updating, and the time when I have the pack ready. I'll probably have a day or two advance notice. As far as when I'll be shutting down the current server that's completely up in the air at this point. It may not necessarily coincide with the new server launch.
It depends on how much time there is between when I know we'll be updating, and the time when I have the pack ready. I'll probably have a day or two advance notice. As far as when I'll be shutting down the current server that's completely up in the air at this point. It may not necessarily coincide with the new server launch.

That's fine, a day or two would be enough for most I'd say. I certainly look forward to it, I'm sure the new server will be a nice change for most and activity will rise.
That's fine, a day or two would be enough for most I'd say. I certainly look forward to it, I'm sure the new server will be a nice change for most and activity will rise.

We are basically, atm, repeating history with the last server XD, update comes, everyone is near their near end game goals, activity dies down to 0-10 people instead of like 20-40 players. Tho, there is alot of new mods that i myself, am finding pretty difficult to beat... tinkers construct... red creepers in nether... Bah >.< without iron armor and my longsword, id probably never get away from my obby portal
thanks Tahg i will try again to get on tomorrow after my shift though just to let you know if i do get on it probably wont be often due to a schedule change at work that went into effect last Thursday where Thursday and Friday are double shifts from layoffs...... so yeah just a heads up

I will try and donate soon there is a list of things i gotta pay off first a big chunk is my loans but other than that im starting to get around to donations to modders and streamers for expanding the modding community and the FTB community... just listen to me babble, wow, anyway thanks again

sorry for the long writting i know people hate to read this much but, it helps me get my thoughts out.... well yeah ya'll have a nice day/night and have fun.... Enjoy
It depends on how much time there is between when I know we'll be updating, and the time when I have the pack ready. I'll probably have a day or two advance notice. As far as when I'll be shutting down the current server that's completely up in the air at this point. It may not necessarily coincide with the new server launch.
Thank for the server news. Right now im is pretty much waiting for the update to 1.5.1 and i dont really care if we have rp2 or not but im not sure for other people if they like me or not. I will try to donate asap in order to help the new server.
I seem to have been removed from the whitelist, probably because of my absence but I am back. Can someone please add me back to the whitelist? Thanks!
Yeah at this point I really dont care about a map reset anymore, it is fine and it will bring new people to the server (:
What I would like to suggest though is, to keep the server a little bit better up-to-date. I am not talking about the big ones (like the 1.5) but about the small ones.

Kind of defeats the whole ability to be a pack on the launcher, not much I can do about it.
hopefully so i can actrually get somewhere on tahgcraft instead of new guy with nothing :) ........ but it would be nice to explore a new map with people always fun.
same, i got a little "modpack" set up, playing with universal electricity for a change, still havent tech'ed into it yet tho, but it does look fun to play with, tho having like 4 different kinds of steel, hard to get UE Steel.