Suggest Mods for FTB Here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The previous thread has gotten too long and unwieldy. This thread is the new place to suggest mods for inclusion into the Full FTB packs.

Please check the list below first. This list shows mods that have already been suggested and whether they have been accepted or declined or are under consideration. Do not suggest mods that have already been suggested.

Post the mod name

A Link to the mod

and why you think the mod is worth including.


We will be including many different packs including third party packs. The main pack will be used to create the FTB maps. Just because a mod is refused for the map mod pack does not mean it won't get in a different pack just that it won't fit in the map style.


1. Mods that add "collectibles" such as extra mobs, extra plants, extra ores etc that have very little use or interaction with the current mods will probably not be considered.Extra Biomes is an exception as it helps the map creators make the cool FTB maps.

2. Mods that duplicate something other mods already do. Especially if they do it at a lower resource cost will have a very difficult time getting into the pack. Why add an extra mod that negates part of one of the main mods?That doesn't mean they won't but they will need to add something more then just the duplicate items.

3. Huds Damage meters etc. These are more a personal type mod and not really something everyone will find useful so its better to allow players to choose their own mods of this sort.

4. Mods that have not yet been updated to 1.4 will not be considered at all.

5. Mods that make things "easier" these mods tend to be out of balance for the FTB map. The main pack will be the pack for the FTB maps so having unbalanced and OP mods in the pack just won't work.

6. Unfinished Mods will have a very hard road to get in.

7. Our intention is to create muliple mod packs, so in the case of exceptional mods that dont meet these guidelines, exceptions can be made.

I am sure Slowpoke may have more mod considerations but those are the main things I have seen him turning mods down over. It's not that they aren't good mods just that they do not fit the balance and play style of the FTB maps and game. I am sure if I have gotten something wrong Slowpoke will stop by to set it straight.
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List of mods compiled by Greedseed


These lists are being looked at over the next week or two as we start to put together themed packs.
We will do our best to take a proper look at as many mods as we can during this time.

Is in the pack!

Twilight Forest
Advanced machines
Steve's Carts
XyCraft -- upon completion
Thermal Expansion
Iron Chest
Buildcraft 3
Nuclear Control
Portal Gun
Ender Storage
RedPower-- Upon Completion
EE3 -- Upon Completion
Extra Biomes XL
Secret Rooms
Rei's Minimap
Extra Bees -- Once bugs are worked out
Gravitation Suite - if its fully updated
Nuclear Control

To be added
Misc Peripherals

Not up to date to 1.4
More plants
Additional buildcraft objects
Green Stone Wire Mod
Laser Mod
Crafting Table III
Better dungeons
Logistics pipes

Will Not be Included
Tree Capitator


Mo' Creatures
No permissions

Not Server Friendly

Steam craft

Zaede's SteamWorks

No permissions

No permissions

Mine Little Pony

Timber! by TehKrush

Not compatible

Charge Pads
Crossover with other mods

Compact Solars
crossover with other mods

Power Converters
Shouldn't RedPower be in the "Not updated to 1.4" section? :p It's not in the pack yet. Same with EE3 and Thaumcraft3. And Xycraft is very much an unfinished mod.
well it will be in the pack. we are not talking about beta here :p we are talking about what will be in the full FTB pack
Can I ask for the reasons why these aren't going to be included within the pack?

If you go through the old thread, almost all the mods have comments added as to why they are not included. That post would become way too big if we listed all the reasons mods have been turned down.
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Extra Bees isn't in the already covered list? It was put into the original teaser graphic. I know I'd love to see it in FTB.
Both mods are made by the same pony and are being updated to 1.4, so please consider them
More Enchantments Mod

In most of the included mods, Levels and Enchanting become ignored, but this mod would help balance that, extending enchanting to reduce the power gap between basic armor and the advanced armors in the game. It allows for players to incorporate enchanted goods into their game more, and gives a player more options as too the way they approach their advancement and strategy in FTB.
Superior Enchantment System

Same situation as above, this mod, made by the same pony, allows for a streamlining and advancement of enchanting.It changes bookshelf placement to allow for more configurations (and if your trying to install an enchanting table in the middle of a pipe filled house, that can be useful). It even allows for players to convert bottles into Bottles-O-Enchanting, which is a good way to store and save levels in the ever more dangerous world of FTB.
What is the difference between "not up to date to 1.4" and "in the pack!"? Because I don't see why EE3, RedPower and XyCraft are there when they are not updated to 1.4. (Especially RedPower). Are those the mods the pack is waiting for or sometning? If not, which mods ARE the pack waiting for?

Also, I might suggest Easy Crafting as an alternative to Crafting Table III.
Also, gravity suite, nuclear control, greg's lighting, and wireless redstone are all on the ad for the modpack but are now listed on the "NO" or "MAYBE" lists...
Greg's Lighting is now in the "Maybe, Maybe not" category. While it was originally intended to be a part of the pack, due to some technical shenanigans (don't ask me, I'm not technical!) it might have to be excluded for the good of the pack. Assuming those get cleared up, it's a great candidate to be included, and might be added in at a later point.
I heard slowpokw saying on a stream a yesterday that gravy suite is going to be in the pack. How come it's in the "not going in" list? I assume it's a mistake until told otherwise.
Railcraft and MFFS are both already in the beta and were on the modpack ad, I can't see them being removed.
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