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I am sure it has been suggested but Dimensional Doors

It is simple and easy and adds so much more to the game. Making a pocket dimension or a door to go to places far away, kind of like the dartcraft ender wands. Very cool.

I suggested it a few pages back, and I'd like to second your suggestion. C'mon, this seems like a no brainer, unless there's a compatibility problem I'm not aware of...
This is what i heard but I don't know if it is true. Dim doors has been known to bring perfesional servers down to its knees.
This is what i heard but I don't know if it is true. Dim doors has been known to bring perfesional servers down to its knees.
And rift blades typically get auto banned, often the same with dimension anchors.

It mostly just lends itself to being a laggy experience, though it is a cool place to build your base.
Ars Magica in FTB Unleashed. Will be great working side by side with other magical mods like Thaumcraft 3 and Xeno's Reliquary.
Hello FTB team and developers, I am here today to suggest what I believe to be a great and well known mod throughout the community: Traincraft.

Why would we be interested to add this, you might ask? Well, I've noticed that in FTB unleashed, there seems to be a lack of new game-changing mods, and I do in fact belive traincraft to be a great addition. And yes, it does also fit the guidelines based on the forum thread. (Including SMP compatibility)

I also understand the Feed The Beast time has alot on their plates, and that they are very hard at work, although I believe the developer of Traincraft wouldn't hesitate to allow permission of his outstanding mod to the FTB team.

This about sums it up, thanks for your time!

I would like to suggest adding ender io:

It Allows multiple conduits (power, liquid and redstone) in one block space which makes for some really compact builds. The facade system and other features are also unique. It is working well with the other mods in ftb and seems to be the only mod offering this kind of functionality.

Disclaimer : yes, I am the author of the mod :-)
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I would like to suggest Random Things.

Its similar to the Extra Utilities Mod in that it just adds a bunch of Blocks and Items.
The Player Interface for example can be used to access the Inventory of a Player with pipes (or AE).
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I would like if all the packs used either CompactSolars or HybridSolars. I would go towards hybridsolars, because the cost is higher, but then again, compactsolars still balances it with bad effects on high voltage solar hats. Just personal opinion, but having two different ones in different packs is getting ridiculous.
I would like if all the packs used either CompactSolars or HybridSolars. I would go towards hybridsolars, because the cost is higher, but then again, compactsolars still balances it with bad effects on high voltage solar hats. Just personal opinion, but having two different ones in different packs is getting ridiculous.

What is HybridSolars? I looked it up and didn't see anything?
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I did a quick search but I didn't find anyone else suggesting it - although I realize that I can add it myself, I'd really like to see Advanced Machines included by default in Unleashed. Kind of surprised it was left out, honestly.
While it might take some work to mesh well with FTB, I'd like to suggest Custom Ore Generation. There is now a 162 version of it (last version was 147).

Potential issues to consider:
1. The default config - medium-sized veins - is fine for a normal overworld. If you want a UHS style map, you may want to configure them to smaller and/or less frequent.
2. Mod ores -- some mods add in ores in particular patterns already. Some use vanilla's WorldGenMinable. And then there's emeralds in vanilla's extreme hills. It is possible to substitute/replace very selectively, but the default config is either all or nothing. Note that to support mystcraft age features, you cannot just substitute everything. It should be possible to substitute emeralds in extreme hills, capture/redo mod ores that use WorldGenMinable, and leave special distributions unchanged; that's not a stock config.
3. Mystcraft ages -- since FTB includes mystcraft, do you want ages to look like the overworld, or be different from the overworld? (My own private server, we default ages to clouds instead of veins.)
4. Coal -- the default configs actually make you seriously short of natural coal because of the height generation (the veins basically do not spawn much in oceans, and the swamp bonus is roughly half lost.)
LegendGear: This one was suggested a few pages back but it's a really interesting mod. If nothing else it gives Dire a way to make things pretty really easily lol.
EnderIO: A mod literally designed off of FTB experiences. Just look at what this mod adds already:
-Facade-friendly (well, sorta, the mod adds Tinkers Drawbridge-like camo for some blocks) MJ conduits that can stack in the same block with liquid conduits and redstone.
-Amazingly useful ceiling lights
-Multiblock MJ solars
-Multiblock infinite water source (allows more exported water than a TE Aqueous Accumulator while taking up only one addition block)
-Access to machines from anywhere in the same dimension (via an expensive block though)
It is still in beta, but lots of promise there.
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