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I don't know how much weight "seconds" have but I'll put a vote in for Ender IO, Crazy Pants has listened well to advice and pos criticism. The mod is well balanced and adds something definitely needed (multiple pipes/wires in a block, and great MJ storage). The ender IO part is also very helpful and unique.
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I don't know how much weight "seconds" have but I'll put a vote in for Ender IO, Crazy Pants has listened well to advice and pos criticism. The mod is well balanced and adds something definitely needed (multiple pipes/wires in a block, and great MJ storage). The ender IO part is also very helpful and unique.

Extra utilitys has pipes that can channel power, liquids, and items.
Extra Utilities adds extended hoppers that take up annoying amounts of space. If Translocators was on Unleashed I wouldn't even use it at all.

EnderIO adds redstone, liquid, and multiple types of MJ conduits that can be facaded instantly on all sides and can interact with each other (example: redstone conduit turning on an extract-mode liquid conduit in one block).
Translocators by ChickenBones for(1.5.2+)
1. Unique: Kind of. Is like Transfer Nodes.
2. Resource friendly: Definitely resource friendly.
3. Somewhat balanced: Very balanced compared to the only equivalent Transfer Nodes. Harder recipe, and trading 2+ block travels for speed and filtering.
4. Updated regularly: There is both a 1.5 and 1.6 version of the mod. And it's made by ChickenBones! Of course it's going to be updated...
5. SMP compatible: Works smoothly.
Item ids are configurable in the config file.
Included in the DireWolf20 1.5.2 pack.
Translocators by ChickenBones for(1.5.2+)
1. Unique: Kind of. Is like Transfer Nodes.
2. Resource friendly: Definitely resource friendly.
3. Somewhat balanced: Very balanced compared to the only equivalent Transfer Nodes. Harder recipe, and trading 2+ block travels for speed and filtering.
4. Updated regularly: There is both a 1.5 and 1.6 version of the mod. And it's made by ChickenBones! Of course it's going to be updated...
5. SMP compatible: Works smoothly

Already included in the Direwolf20 1.5.2 pack, for reference.
I'm starting off with a list of which mods have been named so far. After all there is no need to mention a mod a quadzillian times. ;)

The first link should usually lead to a source/download and the others to (some) of the mentions of it.

This is list is not 100% complete as i removed Mods which are already included in FTB by now. In addition postings only giving a name have been largly ignored and those two postings of Sir_Moodz which were more like "I'm playing this." and not really a suggestion (Sorry if got it wrong).

My personal suggestion:

Enhanced Portals (2) Link

I'm not really sure if it would be a good fit but it might be a nice addition to give more building variation for Netherportals and might make it attractive to use portals instead of just mystcraft books to get around.
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