Request Suggest mods for creation here

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A block that will detect a player within a certain range(programmable if possible) and output a redstone signal if there is. Would be nice for complex door where pressure pads are rather bad. You know something like supermarket door sensors.

A second set of armour slots for quick swaps of items. Preferable with a hotkey. Should only exchange armour for a slot if there is something of that kind in the other slot.(Shouldn't unequip armour if there isn't anything to replace it with.)
A block that will detect a player within a certain range(programmable if possible) and output a redstone signal if there is. Would be nice for complex door where pressure pads are rather bad. You know something like supermarket door sensors.

A second set of armour slots for quick swaps of items. Preferable with a hotkey. Should only exchange armour for a slot if there is something of that kind in the other slot.(Shouldn't unequip armour if there isn't anything to replace it with.)

There is a block in open cc sensors which will output a signal when a player is within 16 blocks of it and I think signal strength is dependant on proximity. Its quite expensive and it is much less powerful than a door with a sensor that you have coded yourself but it is fairly decent nonetheless especially as it comes out the box. In 1.6 I believe it got merged into open peripherals.
A block that will detect a player within a certain range(programmable if possible) and output a redstone signal if there is. Would be nice for complex door where pressure pads are rather bad. You know something like supermarket door sensors.

If you don't mind playing 1.5.2, or currently are, I point you to PowerCraft. Its got exactly what you want, plus a tonne more stuff that's just plain handy to have around.
I did a quick search and couldn't find this suggestion, so here goes:

I would like a mod which changes the current world gen to instead only generate one, fairly large, land mass. An island. Around this land mass, there would be a shelf with deep water extending out maybe 500 - 1000 blocks, and even further out, there would be nothing (void). The island itself should be large enough to have lakes, rivers and various biomes. I'm thinking somewhere around 5,000 x 5,000 blocks for a small to normal world, and maybe 10,000 x 10,000 if you are more than a handful of players.

So, what would be the point? Well, I see a few potential benefits and possibilities:

First of all, players would know that if they encounter ocean, there is no point in trying to travel beyond it. You would thus avoid players traveling 50k blocks over water only to go back again (extreme case, but it happens). It would also mean that the server could generate all terrain at start up. It would take a while (depending on the server and the island size), but it would then eliminate "Magellan griefing" and terrain generation lag.

Having a "known" world layout would also open up better/easier possibilities for location based challenge scaling and features. As an example, players could always spawn at the coasts and moving towards the center of the island would make hostiles tougher, but perhaps also provide a perk such as increased ore gen. The center could also have some special role, like always housing a vanilla stronghold, etc.

It would also mean that players could realistically survey the whole world, which I'm thinking actually may increase immersion. This since each area would have more "importance", than with the current infinite worlds.

I would like this combined with a "realistic" terrain generation, with only a few different biomes. Basically the vanilla ones, with a few tweaks perhaps. Also, *much* fewer caves and ravines should be generated than in the current Swiss-cheese world gen, probably something like 1/10th or less. Finding a large cave should simply put be more of a thing. A minimum of custom content should be used by default (e.g. plants and mobs). In short, the terrain should be both player and client/server-performance friendly.
Redstone in motion by Jakj

1. Unique - something not available in mods currently in a pack = Yes, there's no no way to move blocks without breaking them in the current packs
2. Resource friendly -- low cpu/ram use compared to whats added. Mods that eat server resources will have a hard time getting in. = I and a friend hav it running on a private server, not a problem
3. Somewhat balanced: Dirt to diamonds will not be joining FTB. ;) = the frames are more expensive then the redpower frames were.
4. Updated regularly: mods that update only once in a blue moon with uncommunicative authors are unlikely to make it in. = it get updated regulary, his updates are allways for both 1.6 and 1.5
5. SMP compatible: and yes there are still mods that don't work in SMP. = Like i mentioned earlier, my friend and I use it on our server

Why this mod should be on Unhinged:
-It isn't a copy of the redpower frames, it works completely different, and there are more types of frames then redpower had
-there is no way to move blocks in the current packs
-you can build very creative aswell as technical designs with it
I would like to see a mod that would utilize ic2 power for other things. And add a better way of getting it into houses. Example walls with wire in them and outlets to plug lights and machines into. Give the electric system a real feeling.
If not adding blocks with wire in them do the ic2 wire like rp2 or project: red wiring.
I would like to see a mod that would utilize ic2 power for other things. And add a better way of getting it into houses. Example walls with wire in them and outlets to plug lights and machines into. Give the electric system a real feeling.
If not adding blocks with wire in them do the ic2 wire like rp2 or project: red wiring.
I believe Forge-Multipart let's you add covers for IC2 cables.
It does, however it uses the next block unlikeprpres which allows for the same block providing it is not on that side. This would allow more compact structures and easier planning of facilities.
A mod to display horse stats.

Now, maybe you have to craft some sort of diagnostic tool (think a veterinarian's version of a doctor's stethoscope).
A mod to display horse stats.

Now, maybe you have to craft some sort of diagnostic tool (think a veterinarian's version of a doctor's stethoscope).

there actually already are some mods who do, but they're not that great...
This is what i would like someone make. It's an extremly powerfull item that should be expensive to build or expensive to fuel..

Endershed / Explorer's hut / Mobile tool shed / think big 7x7x7 enderchest with 5x5x5 usable space to place blocks..

A mod that give you a sumonable hut/shed wherever you are and have the needed "fuel" for it...

At home base:
Make a 7 by 7 platform of obsidian with a masterblock in the center. Then build a master hut/tool shed on it at a max of 7x7x7 cube. It must have a floor, walls, roof and a door. Inside that room that now sould be 5x5x5, the player should be free to place what ever he/she wants.

Out in the wild:
Player makes a 7 by 7 platform with a copyblock in the middle. Then activates the copyblock with a redstone signal or somting. When the copyblock is active it reads the masterblock and copy the 7x7x7 area abow it to the location of the player. Any items removed or added in the copyed shed should be transported to the master at the main base. Thus making it extremly usefull.

This could be nice to have when out exploring, summoning a safehouse with bed, chests of stuff or whatever the player places in the homebase master shed.
It could be extremly usefull for builders like Minecrack's Zisteau that bilds in strange and high locations... just tower up and build a platform big enough, place copyblock... *poff* there he has access to plenty of chests with stuff... and when the chests are empty, trvel back to the master and restock/remodel it to any need.
Down deep mining/spelunking.... instant temp base/safehouse(after clearing space for it)

It should not transfer mobs or players in any form or shape... or shuld it? Tardis anyone?

BogusByte! - King of tipo.... Damn it! TYPO!

I am wordblind and Norwegian so please dont mind any typos :)
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I would love to see a mod similar to the Zeppelin mod, however I would like to see it as a more technical mod, not just place one block and you're good to go, I was thinking more around adding engines, fuel types, specially designed blocks for the aircraft's (if submarines are possible, add those to)

That would be cool.

so here are my basic ideas

Flying compatible blocks0 = any type of block

X = Iron ingot


X|0|X = [name of block used] Aircraft block


Each recipe makes 4/8/16 blocks pr. time (depends on rarity of block and reasonable costs)

Main components (compatible with all tiers)Control block:operates as your wheel

Ship Checker:Controls any malfunction of damages to the ship

Block Counter:Counts all blocks and merges them together, to make sure that the ship is ready to go

Ship Blue Print table (multiblock):Gives you an grid with an overview of the ship, the more tables that are put together the bigger the grid becomes. This table also allows you to change layers which make it all around easier and more fun to build the ship.

With a holographic upgrade the table is able to emit a hologram of the ship that is being drawn


(this is just a basic idea of how the grid should look like, nowhere near what I would make myself)

Ship Builder:When given blueprint, this worker will start building the ship, it will take blocks out of nearest storage unit (such as a chest) the more of these guys you add, the faster your ship will be built.

Ship dis-assembler:This guy when given order will pick ship apart and output all blocks into connected storage unit, the more of these guys you add, the faster your ship will be picked apart.

Tier 1: Steam punk;only able to fly with Wooden, Cobble, Glass, Planks Aircraft Blocks

Fuel Source: all sorts of vanilla fuels such as coal etc. etc.

Steam Pipe:Transports steam from steam machine to steam engine

Steam Machine: basic function is to make steam which goes over

Steam Engine: is powered by steam from the steam machine, either by tube connection or by going directly into each other, is useless without the propeller

Propeller:When attached to the Steam Engine makes flight possible, by upgrading the propeller it will take more space, but be able to lift more blocks alone, but it will also consume more fuel and will also increase one block/1 meter per. upgrade
Starter: 16 blocks
1st : 32 blocks
2nd : 48 blocks
3rd: 64 blocks

Tier 2: Present Engines;Allows Tier 1 blocks + All types of Stone, Iron Blocks, End Stone blocks

Fuel Source: Liquid Fuels

Fuel tube:Transfers fuel from tank to engine

Fuel Tank:Stores fuel

Thrust Engine: Unlike the steampunk tier, this engine alone will give you the power to lift off,when fueled is capable of flight, each engine alone can move 32 blocks

Smart Thrust Engine:Use less fuel than standard engine, is however more expensive to make

Tier 3: Future/SciFi-Tier:Capable of flying with all sorts of blocksFuel Source: power crystals

Power Crystals:New power source is discovered, these rare stones contains powers beyond any other sources reach, capable of recharging themselves in a couple of days when fully drained, these gems are also capable of being combined with other crystals which will add more power to one crystal, also increases recharge ability.
Note!!: The crystals are however unstable sources that requires stabilizers to keep them stable, the stronger the crystal is the more and higher upgraded stabilizers are required.

Crystal Pedestal:When crystal is placed, the pedestal extracts its energy.

Stabilizer: Its purpose is to stabilize the crystals energy to avoid the crystal to break or explode (Upgradable)

Ionic Thrusters:
These powerful engines are able to move 64 blocks alone. Just like the thrust engine, this engine is just 1 block that alone can do lift off, also functions as a multiblock so you’ll only need one power line into it.

I don't know a single thing about modding, but I think people would enjoy this, would add a whole new aspect to the game, would also be nice if it was compatable with the other mods making them also possible to have working on deck


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A mod that throws you in world like skyrim.
With that i mean :
-story line
- adventure mode in the most parts of the world :D
-voice actors
- multiplayer (something skyrim reaaally needed at lategame)
.coop for your you and your friends
. pvp war
.(clan war)
- good texture pack
- new weapons
-new decorations
-mines for ore and all that stuff
-more bosses and more enemys
-maybe some unique worldgen like zomie infested lands
A mod that throws you in world like skyrim.
With that i mean :
-story line
- adventure mode in the most parts of the world :D
-voice actors
- multiplayer (something skyrim reaaally needed at lategame)
.coop for your you and your friends
. pvp war
.(clan war)
- good texture pack
- new weapons
-new decorations
-mines for ore and all that stuff
-more bosses and more enemys
-maybe some unique worldgen like zomie infested lands

well, there are some RPG mods out there for minecraft... though I think you just want to play Skyrim :P
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