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Maybe you can sacrifice xp, but that would not really go with the mods theme.
Maybe the more it expands the more it learns. Like when it expands and injects itself into machines like furnaces and crafting tables. When you dissolve things into it it learns about it (somehow)
Maybe some integration with TC taint? Like it could get overrun by it and everything turns purple. Should this enhance it but increase instability?
Maybe you can sacrifice xp, but that would not really go with the mods theme.
Maybe the more it expands the more it learns. Like when it expands and injects itself into machines like furnaces and crafting tables. When you dissolve things into it it learns about it (somehow)
Maybe some integration with TC taint? Like it could get overrun by it and everything turns purple. Should this enhance it but increase instability?
I like your idea of TC bridging I kinda wanted to get into that but didn't know possibly this could be a add-on? And have this be golem things like vats could be research and the mining tenticals as well but make it really easy research because I want it with you the hole time you play possibly spawning with the research known? Have 8 rotten flesh and a bone make a flesh ball then add a zombie brain add a little wand right clicking power and boom![DOUBLEPOST=1388211209][/DOUBLEPOST]Have to go will continue tomorrow keep it alive post your ideas I'll read them
I like your idea of TC bridging I kinda wanted to get into that but didn't know possibly this could be a add-on? And have this be golem things like vats could be research and the mining tenticals as well but make it really easy research because I want it with you the hole time you play possibly spawning with the research known? Have 8 rotten flesh and a bone make a flesh ball then add a zombie brain add a little wand right clicking power and boom![DOUBLEPOST=1388211209][/DOUBLEPOST]Have to go will continue tomorrow keep it alive post your ideas I'll read them
I really hope anazor reads this, he would be the perfect modder for this.[DOUBLEPOST=1388211559][/DOUBLEPOST]As for the mining maybe tendrils that slowly reach underground and extract ores (or cobble if you want to) and sends to the dissolving vats.
Maybe these need calories (if that's still the power system) to work.
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I really hope anazor reads this, he would be the perfect modder for this.[DOUBLEPOST=1388211559][/DOUBLEPOST]As for the mining maybe tendrils that slowly reach underground and extract ores (or cobble if you want to) and sends to the dissolving vats.
Maybe these need calories (if that's still the power system) to work.
The acid for the vats could be as byproduct of the stomach now of the possible primary blocks it would eat the food we need to really think about the primary workings of this mod the brain is requirements and what it would look like with no extras brain mouth stomach how you control it stuff like that
Primary needs:
Stomach(dissolves food)
Nervous system to connect everything.
Acid Vats for more dissolving so the stomach doesn't have to process it all.

Secondary needs:
Eye's (whatever they're called)to see what's going on.
Storage bay
Liquid bay

Mining system
Cyborg creation camber and other related machines.

Anything else?
I was thinking this morning, outside in the frost. Aside from re-visiting the organs and their functions, here are new, interesting things.

First, the sanity system. The sanity system would be based on how much work the organism is doing, and how much brainpower it has. Doing a single thing, monotonously, would decrease the sanity of independent organisms (IE, if the organism has > X independence, it will get bored and frustrated). Doing a lot of different tasks would overwhelm a dependent organism, unless it's smart enough. Doing complex tasks (IE, crafting something that requires crafting materials that need to be crafted from things that need to be crafted, etc.) would overwhelm a low-brainpower organism. Doing nothing at all would bore a sentient organism. Etc.

Before I go in what sanity does, I need to introduce Disposition. Which is to say, what the organism feels about you.

For every consumable item, a random number would be assigned, from -1 to 1. It would be on a bell-curve, with around 0 being the most common, and the extremes would be equally uncommon.

The more sentient and independent the organism is, the more of a personality it has; the more it likes and dislikes. Feeding it things it likes will make it like you, and feeding it things it dislikes will make it dislike you. However, what it wants at any given point is in flux; today it may want chicken, while tomorrow it may want ink sanks, and the day after it may find wheat to be disgusting.

It will also like it when you communicate to it, and actually ask it what it wants to eat or do, or if you ask it what it wants (and then doing it). It may also ask things of you, such as "Could we make X" or "We require more minerals, could you be a dear and grab some?". These demands, and how much they mean to the organism, would be random, yet based on its independence, brainpower and sentience. The smarter it is, the more utilitarian it is. The more independent it is, the more likely it is to actually communicate its desires. The more sentient it is, the more it cares about its own desires (And a super-low sentience would mean that it didn't have any desires).

Now, then, sanity would play with disposition and communication. If the creature dislikes you, or fears you, it may lash out and attack you. If it likes you, it may close you in, try to eat you, or try to hug you violently. Going insane might also change the disposition wildly; it may love you one minute, then demand you get out of its house. And then it may start to miss you, and start to eat itself. Or maybe it'll suddenly desire world domination, making lots of minions. Or it may wish to eat the world, expanding and growing until there is nothing but the organism. (Galacticraft would be nice here; the creature may desire to become the entirety of the universe)

Of course, if your organism goes mad, there's little you can do. Indeed, there's only two solutions: To flee, or to dismantle its brain and try again.


I also thought of a new mob, and a new organ (with a new system that comes with it).

The Observer: This would not be something you crafted, but something that the organism creates. With 8 oculuses (oculi? Whatever), 8 spider eyes, 8 ender pearls, 8 tentacles and 64 feathers, this would be a floating, tentacled spider-creature that simply.. watches. If attacked, it will teleport away, and it doesn't need to be physically connected to the organism to send and receive information.

Abominative Chamber: This may be a tad disgusting, possibly sick, but extremely useful. First, take a tentacle and 5 iron bars (not ingots, bars) to make an abduction tentacle. Then use said tentacle to capture something- a spider, a villager, a sheep, whatever- and stick it in the Abominative Chamber. Eventually, the creature will become an Abomination; a mindless creature whose life is nothing but misery and agony. A spider abomination will grow an excessive number of eyes, and pustules full of string grow in and outside of its body. Shears are then taken to it, the eyes and string harvested, leaving the abomination barely alive. But as long as its alive, it will continue to grow, and thus continue to be harvestable. You should probably have the abominations sheared regularly.

Human abominations will grow large tumours of flesh and bone. Harvest their flesh, and ignore the look they must assuredly must give you.

Chickens will develop large sacks of eggs that grow from their nether regions, their feathers grow quickly and fall off their constantly-expanding bodies.

Cows may possibly have it worst, though. Their blood changes to milk, their skin sheds, and they will constantly birth sacks of flesh.

Pigs simply lie in their filth, their bodies expanding and expanding, never stopping. Their bodies will not be able to support this growth for long, but that doesn't mean that they will be allowed to die.

Sheep have it easy, they just grow extra wool. A lot of wool, but it's still just extra fluff.

Creepers will constantly fill up with gunpowder, which means that they need to be cut up to let it pour out. You wouldn't want one to burst, would you?

Lastly, endermen. These are tricky to contain, and thus need a special Abominative Chamber. They will not be harvested by the player, but instead require an intelligent Organism to manage.

They will be mostly liquefied, leaving them as floating gristle in a vat of themselves; the water will hurt them, and they will try to teleport away, but the liquefied ender will instead pour out of their mangled, barely-solid bodies. The amount of liquefied ender inside the vat must never exceed half of the amount of water, for otherwise they will escape their constant torment (and you will stop getting near-free ender).


While I don't fancy adding worldgen, I think there is one thing that this must have: Hostile organisms, and infested towns.

To show the player that what they are doing is exceedingly dangerous, towns could spawn in the world that are slightly.. off. The villagers won't leave their homes, zombies won't spawn, the water burns, and the crops are disgusting. Should the player dig under the houses, she will be confronted by hordes of tentacles and infectees, while the villagers become hostile and swarm you. The earth beneath the town has been artificially hollowed out, the walls covered in pulsating flesh. Gaping mouths burst from the floor and the walls, attempting to drag the player away from the center, where the addled brain of a monster silently squats.

Should the player slay the brain.. she is not saved. The tentacles, the minions, the villagers, all now go mad and attack each other as well as the player; the chamber starts to crumble, collapsing in on itself.

..well, maybe that's too much to code, but you get the idea.
Jeez what happens when this thing has mood swings?
I love the idea of abominations. Of course there would need to be risk involved. Or else someone will create a thread about how OP it is

With the infested villages there would need to some reward to it all. I would certainly avoid villages like that. Unless it growed. With every passing day it slowly spread leaving everything devoid of life and full of gloom.
Of course it'd grow. And your reward is flesh.

Also, if you have Thaumcraft: Taint would drive the creature mad. And angry.
More with TC maybe infested golems?

Maybe you could breed the omega zombie overlord. And then put him in a tech suit for overlord zombie cyborg that kills everyone! But you unless the brain Hates you.
I think this is cool idea and it's impressive the amount of ideas contributed in just a few days, but TBH I'll now be dissapointed if this doesn't get made. Should we look for someone or is anybody here already on it?
Well, if any mod maker needs ideas to work on, s/he's free to contact me. I could provide more ideas than I've posted here, if I'm given the motivation. :>
I think this is cool idea and it's impressive the amount of ideas contributed in just a few days, but TBH I'll now be dissapointed if this doesn't get made. Should we look for someone or is anybody here already on it?

I guess that's the problem we all run into... we all have amazing ideas for mods for minecraft, but finding a coder who actually dares to take on the challenge.... that's the difficult task of it all
I guess that's the problem we all run into... we all have amazing ideas for mods for minecraft, but finding a coder who actually dares to take on the challenge.... that's the difficult task of it all

The amount of times I've thought "I wish I had the patience to buckle down and learn Java". I'd like to learn for non-Minecraft purposes. For fun even. But lack of time and effort. I'd also learn better being taught personally. I don't enjoy watching/reading tutorials.
The amount of times I've thought "I wish I had the patience to buckle down and learn Java". I'd like to learn for non-Minecraft purposes. For fun even. But lack of time and effort. I'd also learn better being taught personally. I don't enjoy watching/reading tutorials.

the problem with trying to learn it from the internet is... there's so much information out there, where do you even begin?
Got something else to tease you with.

Flesh golems that the brain overlord tells what to do and when to do it. For example it will ask then to collect something from a chest that it wants.

Pulsing tendrils that you can tell the brain to lay out. These will emit light in a totally badass way.

Would the brain have health? And you would need to kill it if it decides you are "expendable". And if you destroy something that's a part of it, eg. The tendrils connecting everything or something it is connected to. It will regenerate health over time
Right now i am learning Java and am trying to make a mod that adds alot of stuff having to do with pneumatics.
right now i am trying to make the following:
-Gas Compressor
-Hydrogen(slower than Oxygen)
-Oxygen(faster than hydrogen slower than Nitrogen
-Nitrogen(the fastest)
-Metal Piston
-Pneumatic Cylinder (like pipes)
-Double-Double acting Pneumatic Cylinders (Sends certain items of your choice one way and and others anothe
-Intersecting Pneumatic Cylinders (allows for 3-4 way intersections)
-Filtering Pneumatic Cylinders (will destroy blocks you have not set for them to let pass through them)
-Intersecting Filtering Pneumatic Cylinders (will either destroy blocks you have not set for them to let pass through them or send them the way you specified)
-Releaser (will send the items you wish outwards depending on the amount of pressurized gas you have and what type it is)
-Titanium Releaser (will send the items you wish outwards depending on the amount of pressurized gas you have and what type it is) (titanium releaser also doubles the speed)
-Plate Roller
If ya have any suggestions pleases tell.
I'm guessing that the creature will go in some way insain if you don't feed it possibly at first it stops growing then it starts eating unnecessary body parts and once it runs out it would spread out rapidly devouring anything edible the parts made in this process would rapidly die as soon As it spawns

Also about the taint interaction depending on its sanity and intellect I think it should interact differently such as if it has a high intellect and sanity level out could begin overwhelming the taint converting it to its version of a biometric possibly changing its workings changing the tainticoles into basically golems or having them latch onto a mob and making it into a abomination[DOUBLEPOST=1388270412][/DOUBLEPOST]
Right now i am learning Java and am trying to make a mod that adds alot of stuff having to do with pneumatics.
right now i am trying to make the following:
-Gas Compressor
-Hydrogen(slower than Oxygen)
-Oxygen(faster than hydrogen slower than Nitrogen
-Nitrogen(the fastest)
-Metal Piston
-Pneumatic Cylinder (like pipes)
-Double-Double acting Pneumatic Cylinders (Sends certain items of your choice one way and and others anothe
-Intersecting Pneumatic Cylinders (allows for 3-4 way intersections)
-Filtering Pneumatic Cylinders (will destroy blocks you have not set for them to let pass through them)
-Intersecting Filtering Pneumatic Cylinders (will either destroy blocks you have not set for them to let pass through them or send them the way you specified)
-Releaser (will send the items you wish outwards depending on the amount of pressurized gas you have and what type it is)
-Titanium Releaser (will send the items you wish outwards depending on the amount of pressurized gas you have and what type it is) (titanium releaser also doubles the speed)
-Plate Roller
If ya have any suggestions pleases tell.
Make the mod we have been talking about that's my suggestion
I have an idea. An addition to ICBM. I think it would be really great if there were drones. More specifically the drones from black ops 2. And more coordinated missiles strikes. So people would need to have a war room for very advanced missile strikes. Maybe a monitor displaying information on the missiles you just launched, the ETA of the strike (read on), and if they successfully hit or were shot down. And a block that allows you to input the co-cords of the target and a launch button, abort button and a list of missiles on that freq. The monitors could also display if there is an incoming missile strike and tell the ETA of the strike.

Maybe also hunter killer drones and dragonflys. Imagine a swarm of hunter killer drones destroying you base. These hunter killer drones could also be thrown by hand. Also the dragonflys will have its own tracking system and swerve in and out of the buildings while shooting any living thing. You could also assign some to different tasks. Some for protecting you, others hunting everything and others just re- coning the area for threats.

Also you could launch spy planes and track certain players. this would follow them high above them in orbit but it would lose them if they went underground. This could be helped by using a higher tier plane that uses x-ray and can see about 20-30 blocks underground. Still limited though.

Also these would need different launch pads. These would look like circular cones that you place the drones inside. To avoid lag for ultra long range missile strike strikes with the new Tier 4 launcher frames the missiles would launch into the air and go straight up. After a few minutes (depending on the range launched) the missiles would reappear high above the target above world height and cascade down wrecking havoc.

Dragonsflys would take longer to reach the target than missiles because of limited thrust. And are easily shot down. They could be shot down with a handheld weapon but would be hard to shoot because of their maneuverability.

Maybe also bombers. These would need to be taken off on a runway (the spy plane would also) These would take co-ords from a special block and then attempt to bomb that area with the designated payload you put in. These would be hard to shoot down, and only be shot down with missiles. To avoid these being shot down you could use stealth bombers, but these would be considerably more expensive to make. These would be undetectable by radar and can only be seen through the player's eyes, or through recon planes.

All of this would be considerably more expensive than the regular items form the mod but are much more powerful.

Also everything can be connected through wires, or wireless connections.
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