Request Suggest mods for creation here

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1.10.2: A mod to give a keybinding to autojump on/off
1.7.10: A mod to give autojump, with a keybinding


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is "autojump" not just "uphill step assist" that's already added by nearly every mod that adds armor?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I guess I'm not really understanding then. It sounds like they do essentially the same thing, allowing you to go up a 1 high block gap without manually jumping.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Step assist generally means that you can walk up one block height differences as if it was level -- without having to jump.
Auto-jump means that you are jumping.

Also: I haven't seen a 1.7.10 mod that just does step assist or autojump without lots of other things that I didn't want.


A 1.10.2 mod to make that tiny, hard-to-see bit of grey much much easier to see. If you are not aware, attempting to swing BEFORE it reaches "ready" causes a full reset of the swing time without any damage. It's not "rapid attacks do less damage, wait for this bar for a full strength attack", it's "rapid attacks do no damage and reset the time". So the real "time between attacks" is LONGER than the stated cooldown, because you have to wait. So you have to add additional time per attack, so your rapid attack sword is not as rapid as you think, and actual DPS is less than calculated theory.

I do not like this, spam I am. :)

(Seriously, I think my character knows how frequently it can swing/attack. Why penalize me for something that is nothing more than a UI feedback issue?)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is a mod for 1.8? 1.9? that reverts the combat system to the 1.7.10 system.

I think that a better combat system is an improvement. I just don't think that the combat update was the better combat system.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Slightly more serious. This is a request for a "better" way of displaying the world around you.

In vanilla minecraft, the field of view effect does not mimic your eyes. What you are looking at is "off in the distance", and hard to see -- there is more display pixels per game pixel off to the side, and less detail at your vision center.

What I want would be described as ... I guess an "inverse fish-eye". The center of your vision is clear, detailed, "up close"; as you move away from the center, things become more squished, so at the edge of the screen, there are very few display pixels per game pixel, while at the center of the screen there are lots of display pixels per game pixel. The scaling effect of this would be controlled by the existing FOV slider.

(Aside: Looking at the minecraft screen, is like looking through a rectangular cutout in a giant cardboard filter, where that filter is a foot away from you. )


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Extended Fireworks. Not just more vanilla ones, but from things like ender IO, or Thaumcraft, and making new impressive fire works. We have all these new ways to launch fire works, but only same boring vanilla fireworks. Or perhaps just a firework that takes a nether start and makes a cluster firework.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
I'm looking for an item that will essentially do what bonemeal does, only on water. Essentially, the player right-clicks with the item on a water sourceblock (not flowing water), and a random selection of water plants (lily pads would be most prevalent, of course, but also other water-growing plants from other installed mods at lower percent chances) are generated in a modest area. (Thinking 5x5 or 7x7.)

I might try creating such an item myself, but would rather not reinvent the wheel if someone else has already done so.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A mod to update the concept of loot tables.

Currently: Each type of chest has one loot table. Mods add stuff to the loot tables. But since the total number of draws does not change, all this does is displace what was there.
Currently: Each mod specifies item rarity, but there is no scale -- a mod can completely displace everything else, and there is no way to make things "rare" (base vanilla values are too low).

Better: Each type of chest can have many loot tables; each loot table's rarity values are independent of other tables. Each table has its own count of min/max. And, each table has a "chance" of showing up -- rare items can be on a table with a low chance of showing up.

Note that a mod could have more than one loot table for a chest (a common table and a rare table).

Best: Backport to 1.7.10 :)

NB: This probably needs to become a new Forge hook...

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
A mod to update the concept of loot tables.

Currently: Each type of chest has one loot table. Mods add stuff to the loot tables. But since the total number of draws does not change, all this does is displace what was there.
Currently: Each mod specifies item rarity, but there is no scale -- a mod can completely displace everything else, and there is no way to make things "rare" (base vanilla values are too low).

Better: Each type of chest can have many loot tables; each loot table's rarity values are independent of other tables. Each table has its own count of min/max. And, each table has a "chance" of showing up -- rare items can be on a table with a low chance of showing up.

Note that a mod could have more than one loot table for a chest (a common table and a rare table).

Best: Backport to 1.7.10 :)

NB: This probably needs to become a new Forge hook...
Another possibility: Each item could be given a specified probability of appearing in a chest. The code that populates loot chests could then iterate through the entire loot table, rolling the dice for each item in it. As mods add items to the loot tables, more items would appear in chests, but the chances of vanilla items appearing would not change.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Mod suggestion: Server.ask. Basically you can put down a question into the server and anyone that logs in gets asked it once in the chat, and they can type something like /reply <username> Answer. Then next time you log in, all the answers show up in your chat. For those servers where everyone is in different time zones, so there's little chance of being able to ask them directly.

Example: /server.ask Does anyone own the oil spout at (x,y,z)?
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Jan 29, 2015
Mod suggestion: Server.ask. Basically you can put down a question into the server and anyone that logs in gets asked it once in the chat, and they can type something like /reply <username> Answer. Then next time you log in, all the answers show up in your chat. For those servers where everyone is in different time zones, so there's little chance of being able to ask them directly.

Example: /server.ask Does anyone own the oil spout at (x,y,z)?
...that is a really good idea! :D I like that a LOT. With my friends, though we're in the same time zone, we're rarely on at the same time, so that would be very handy!


Jul 31, 2013
Well, you can already create such systems without those mods.
For example, you can setup a few computers that are connected (either witlessly or with a cable (if you do it with a cable the lan-cable from immibis peripherals is recomended as it is desinged for long distances unlike its name suggests)) and you can easily have a chat system that stores the chat history.

One can also use peripherals++'s chatboxes which have a function that every message starting with I believe "!!" will not display in chat but will trigger a special event. You can then thus have it store questions and the answers using a json file or do something really fancy and hook it up to a special designed website (and thus also an database) using the http-api. The table the json file will store will probably look something like this
      1={question="Would this work?",
                                 message= "Maybe, depends if people understand it"
If you really want it to you can easily make it so the same users can reply multiple times :) Just need to have message store an table instead of a string
I also believe that forestry has a mail system, though this would work better if you only need to ask something to 1 person.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Sadly, there are far too few people who use Forestry's mail system, which is really too bad, since it's absolutely awesome.

The computer thing would be interesting. Hmm...


Jul 31, 2013
Sadly, there are far too few people who use Forestry's mail system, which is really too bad, since it's absolutely awesome.

The computer thing would be interesting. Hmm...
I believe that advanced computers already come with a chat program, it however works with one computer that act as a server the other computers connect to, which means that it is more made for general chat rather then something like this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am not familiar with UPnP.

But what little I think I understand is that it includes a way for a program to punch through a firewall, and solicit incoming traffic.

So how about a minecraft mod that does this for servers? It would make starting a server as each as run, see from log which port the server got, then give that port to players.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
a mod that disables all tinkers' parts, modifiers, and most the tables( leaves the tool forge/station so the items can be repaired. Then adds random tinkers' tools to chests, or a crate with random tools in them that can be found in chests. It would have weighted rarity values or procedural generation to make it more likely to get a likeable or unlikable result.

I've played with a mod that adds crates with random weapons in them to chests. It uses its own basic weapons system and ends up with interesting tools. I just think this would be a interesting variation on finding tinkers tools.