And I thought it was all arrows not working properly:
Another possibility: Each item could be given a specified probability of appearing in a chest. The code that populates loot chests could then iterate through the entire loot table, rolling the dice for each item in it. As mods add items to the loot tables, more items would appear in chests, but the chances of vanilla items appearing would not change.A mod to update the concept of loot tables.
Currently: Each type of chest has one loot table. Mods add stuff to the loot tables. But since the total number of draws does not change, all this does is displace what was there.
Currently: Each mod specifies item rarity, but there is no scale -- a mod can completely displace everything else, and there is no way to make things "rare" (base vanilla values are too low).
Better: Each type of chest can have many loot tables; each loot table's rarity values are independent of other tables. Each table has its own count of min/max. And, each table has a "chance" of showing up -- rare items can be on a table with a low chance of showing up.
Note that a mod could have more than one loot table for a chest (a common table and a rare table).
Best: Backport to 1.7.10
NB: This probably needs to become a new Forge hook...
...that is a really good idea!Mod suggestion: Server.ask. Basically you can put down a question into the server and anyone that logs in gets asked it once in the chat, and they can type something like /reply <username> Answer. Then next time you log in, all the answers show up in your chat. For those servers where everyone is in different time zones, so there's little chance of being able to ask them directly.
Example: /server.ask Does anyone own the oil spout at (x,y,z)?
1={question="Would this work?",
message= "Maybe, depends if people understand it"
I believe that advanced computers already come with a chat program, it however works with one computer that act as a server the other computers connect to, which means that it is more made for general chat rather then something like this.Sadly, there are far too few people who use Forestry's mail system, which is really too bad, since it's absolutely awesome.
The computer thing would be interesting. Hmm...