I haven't seen anything like this in Botania. Would make for a nice addition though. Unless someone wanted to make a completely separate mod for it.This sounds like something for Botania, perhaps.
I haven't seen anything like this in Botania. Would make for a nice addition though. Unless someone wanted to make a completely separate mod for it.This sounds like something for Botania, perhaps.
That's gonna be a fumbling with such tiny blocks ^^FEED THE BEAST COMPATIBLE Little Blocks Mod!
Someone...somewhere...please make this a reality!
A mod to give spawners a lifespan. As in, a given spawner will only spawn (example) 500 of a mob before turning off.
Default values configurable, as a base plus some random dice rolls.
Intended use: Give some difficulty to an area, without giving an "infinite resource stream".
Bonus: Being able to tie a chest contents to the size left on the spawner when destroyed. Intention here: The chest is directly under the spawner, so it cannot be opened without destroying the spawner; tie "the fewer mobs that have spawned" to "the better the chest loot".
EDIT: Since I just realized people will say "just break the chest": The chest would come pre-packed with "consolation prizes" only. When the spawner is destroyed, then it would stuff it's rewards into the chest beneath it.
Similar idea to your second suggestion, but more versatile and perhaps simpler to implement: An item that can store several different bags (or other items, for that matter). Right-clicking clicks the currently selected bag (like OpenBlocks' /dev/null, perhaps), shift+mousewheel rotates through which bag is currently selected, and shift-right-click opens an interface to put bags in.how about an addon to enderchests which allows you to create double chests by placing 2 of the same color coded enderchests next to eachother, and an universal ender pouch where you can save several color codes onto, and by shift-right clicking while holding the pouch will switch between the several color codes. this way you no longer need to carry numerous bags or pouches and you can access several chests with a single pouch. that'd be great for me, because I always carry about a dozen bags on me with items, but if I would have a pouch like this I'd only need to carry the pouch with me and I could access ender chests which would hold the items. with that I'd sure start using enderchests more, as I rarely use them
I would love to see more in depth interaction with villagers. Examples might include:
Speech options: (conversations or speech bubbles)
Trade options with universal currency (not emeralds but possibly coins)
Currency could be earned by interacting with villagers to perform tasks
Stores in villages
Hire-able villagers could perform set tasks,
such as:
to build a moat y x y blocks in a square z squares wide.
dig a strip mine in y x y blocks decreasing in size z number of blocks each step
guard duty (will patrol a set pattern and fight off mobs)
guards can be equipped with upgrade equipment slots
farm a plot of land
build prefab house plans
dig a well
villagers under your care or employment must be fed (so they eat a set amount of food, hire a cook to use raw ingredients to make food to feed the employed at a discount)
Villages would have a social bar (can't think of a good name) but basically how much they like you. Start attacking villagers and the soldier villagers come out of no where and defend the village. From then on the villagers build walls and archer perches and you can't go near them.
Likewise if they really really like you occasionally they give you gifts. If you help them build fortifications and defend the village you get social points.
On the other side of things create random spawn raider/marauder nests of tents that some times attack settlements.
could even organize raiding parties into organized groups to attack villages. Create a defense system to build entrenched defenses.
I would love for the environment to be more dynamic. This could be built around random events/encounters and variables. (See Elder Scrolls Daggerfall quest system) Every quest was different but based on a set of random things to pick from.
At the same time if you kill off a village, then the villagers don't respawn but instead the village starts to decay.
Sounds like something along the lines of the old Millenaire mod, but perhaps more extensive? I like these ideas a lot![]()
Similar idea to your second suggestion, but more versatile and perhaps simpler to implement: An item that can store several different bags (or other items, for that matter). Right-clicking clicks the currently selected bag (like OpenBlocks' /dev/null, perhaps), shift+mousewheel rotates through which bag is currently selected, and shift-right-click opens an interface to put bags in.
This could also work for other mods' bags and items other than bags.
The BetterBits mod has just what you're after: a button/sign combo.
Also permits you to offset the redstone signal one block in any direction (awesome feature in itself). The gui is still a bit buggy but the mod is only in alpha testing and has a dozen cool little gadgets like this. Its not ready for wider release, but I'll encourage the author to share it soonest.
I messaged him about the 3 & 4-high doors, and he's going to have a crack at these tonight. He's already working on "stained glass" doors for me
for example, placing the buttonSign at eye level and setting offset to Y-1, you can activate the teleporter in the floor.
View attachment 8334 View attachment 8335
Awesome, exactly what I wantThat mod should be in most of the FTB mod packs
Oh wow. Haven't seen anything like that for a whileDoes someone recognise something?
I never said that the multibag wouldn't be able to hold enderpouches- in fact, I intended for it to do exactly that, as well as work with other mods' bags, if not wrenches, mining lasers, and any other item with a right-click functionality.I'd actually prefer doing this through enderchests, because if I were to die I'd still be able to access my items in my base by simply opening the enderchests.
I'd also be able to use mods such as AE2 to import or export items into enderchests that I could access through my bags.
but if there was an item that'd hold all other bags, if I were to die or to lose that item, I would lose all the content of those bags aswell
I never said that the multibag wouldn't be able to hold enderpouches- in fact, I intended for it to do exactly that, as well as work with other mods' bags, if not wrenches, mining lasers, and any other item with a right-click functionality.
If you stuff the multibag with enderpouches and then lose it, you'll have to recreate the pouches, but your stuff will still be in them.
You do realize that you can put ender pouches inside other ender pouches right?
Sure but the extra step of pulling out the bag from the bag is annoying
That's probably why I generally don't use bags often